Beowulf was not unfamiliar with the name Odin.

Even if the other party had not committed that kind of crime a few days ago, the major forces present had more or less some information about the other party.

Some said that the other party was a certain dragon king, and some said that the other party was actually a powerful hybrid who embarked on the road to becoming a god, but with so many different opinions, there was still no conclusion.

And now, from the head of the Uesugi family, they heard a more explosive inference.

"Odin is one of the four kings of the dragon clan. So far, he has lived for an extremely long time."

Picking up the black potion next to her and taking a sip again, the girl's tone became serious for a rare time.

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, but I hope you can have the patience to listen to me first. For this information, the Eight Snake Qi families have been investigating for thousands of years. With the honor of the Eight Snake Qi families as a guarantee, what I will say next is completely true!!"

"Thousands of years... Did the Eight Snake Qi families notice Odin so early?"

In a suite of Takamagahara Nightclub, Caesar, who was holding a glass of red wine, looked shocked at the live broadcast screen transcribed in real time on the screen.

"No, I think this is nonsense from Zhi."

Turning his head, Lu Mingfei coughed slightly in his mouth.

"Zhi has never cared about the family, just like you, the boss, don't care about the Gattuso family."


During the time when the two were chatting, on the live screen, Mu Qingzhi had already talked about the composition of the dragon clan from the beginning, from the four kings, to the twins, and then to the division of power and power...without reservation.

——The secrets unique to the dragon clan were shown to the world at the greatest extent at this time.

"...In the ancient city deep in the abyss that has sunk for a full 10,000 years, buried is not only the [White King's Holy Remains], but also the truth of the past history."

After taking a sip of the Coke on the table, Mu Qingzhi continued to speak.

"Everyone knows the past history. The Black King was killed by the four kings and humans, but no one knows the details of the history. For example, how was the Black King killed, why can the weak human race occupy a name in such historical records, and why the dragon civilization was lost afterwards... And these unsolved mysteries in history have detailed answers inside the ancient city."

As Mu Qingzhi said this, all people sitting in front of computers or tablet screens all sat up straight all over the world, whether it was day or night, morning or evening.

In fact, the questions raised by the head of the Uesugi family were indeed the biggest problems that troubled the hybrids for thousands of years.

All the records tell of the Black Emperor's power and invincibility, and there is even a prophecy that his return will be the end of the world. But the Black Emperor could be killed for the first time, so he could be killed for the second time. Why do the records left by the dragon race feel so scared of that existence?

Secondly, in the era when the dragon civilization flourished, humans had no power. The appearance of hybrids was after the Black King was killed. Because of greed, humans forced women and dragons to give birth to hybrid offspring in the name of tribute to God, which created the so-called revival of the "hybrids".

...And before that?

How did humans play an important role in the war that killed the Black King and even be recorded separately when they had no bloodline and no technology?

Finally, how did the dragon race's brilliant civilization fall?

There is only one sentence in the historical record, saying that after the Black King died, no one could become the new Black King, dragons were killed or cocooned one after another, the gates of Nibelungen were all closed, and the dragon civilization was lost from then on.

This description seems normal, but there are huge problems in it.

You know, the dragon race is not composed of a few powerful individuals, but an entire civilization. It is almost impossible to make such an entire civilization completely lost in a short period of time.

At present, the most widely accepted speculation among the hybrids about this is that the dragon race caused a civil strife in order to fight for power, which led to the rapid demise of such a powerful civilization due to internal fighting.

Although this explanation can barely make sense, there are still many details that cannot be distinguished. A typical example is that there are no decent dragon relics in the world.

After that, the dragons that woke up from their slumber were more like powerful beasts than members of the civilization. They lived in caves all day long. They not only called themselves abandoned tribes, but also tried their best to hide themselves.

All kinds of phenomena show that the decline of the dragon civilization must have hidden secrets that people could not imagine, but humans can't find any evidence at all.

Originally, it was thought that the ancient dragon city located on the seabed could reveal these past secrets, but it was unexpected that less than half an hour after it appeared in the world, the ancient city was collectively destroyed by the eruption of the submarine volcano.

In the past half month, they have ventured to dive again, but unfortunately the place was completely destroyed, so even if they were unwilling, they had to give up.

...But now, someone actually brought out precious information from that ancient city?

Soon, with the narration of the head of the Uesugi family on the screen, a brand new world slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The Black King was killed by the backhand left by the White King, and the White King stood on the side of mankind. Odin devoured his brothers and killed other kings. Then, with the intention of ascending to the supreme position, he personally destroyed the dragon civilization. …

——The true history of the past is revealed to the world at this moment.

"...In this way, from that distant era, Odin has lived until now."

After taking a sip of Coke to moisten her throat, Mu Qingzhi looked serious.

"Those dragons who did not submit to him were all turned into outcasts by him. They could only run away and hide themselves in embarrassment all day long. Even the four kings who were equal to him were beaten into outcasts, not to mention those ordinary dragons. Woolen cloth?"


...No one answered.

The amount of information she revealed before was too shocking. Everyone was trying their best to sort out the information in their minds. Different from the world they knew in the past, a brand new world appeared in front of them.

"Next, let's continue talking about history and detail the things Odin has done."

Without giving these people a chance to think, Mu Qingzhi cleared her throat and continued to speak.

"The first thing I want to talk about is Norton. On a certain day BC, there is no record of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. This is recorded in the Ice Sea Fragments. Norton self-destructed in Northern Europe. It was not until the beginning of the first century AD that the Norton brothers, who disappeared from Northern Europe, came to China during the Han Dynasty. Norton changed his name to Li Xiong and became the name of Gongsun Shu, the separatist power at that time. Subordinates...the reason why Norton fled in embarrassment at that time was precisely because of Odin."

After a slight pause, Mu Qingzhi continued to speak.

"There are only two ways for dragons to transfer power, reproduce offspring, or devour their own kind. What Odin wants is to devour the other four kings. For this reason, he spares no effort to hunt down the other kings, and has even killed them more than once. As the King of Bronze and Fire, Norton should have built his palace in a place like a volcano, but he chose to build the Bronze City in the Ice Sea. This was not a bad taste on his part, but because he was avoiding Odin's pursuit. But it is a pity that he was found by Odin, so there is a record of Norton destroying the Bronze Palace. "

Spreading his hands, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"In order to avoid Odin's pursuit, he traveled all the way to China to hide among the people, but you all know the final result. The Bronze City was sunk into the ground, and Norton and Constantine were killed again. Not cocooned into a deep sleep.”

"...until now."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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