The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 422: Odin, the Cauldron of This World

In the following time, Mu Qingzhi attributed all the famous unsolved mysteries in history, such as the Tunguska explosion, the Wanggongchang explosion, and the Summer Mourning, to Odin.

Some things, she was indeed making up, but some things, she had indeed verified from Norton. Not all of the ten things were done by Odin, but at least eight of them were related to him.

——It was a rare opportunity to throw dirty water on the other party, so she naturally spared no effort.

"So what you said above was all Odin behind the scenes?"

Frowning slightly, Beowulf asked.

"Even if it was..."

"Don't forget, Odin is not a person. Over a long period of time, it is enough for him to organize a huge interest group. It is a monster formed over thousands of years. The Hunter website is one of his masterpieces."

Sighing, Mu Qingzhi interrupted the other party.

"In addition to the Hunter website, the Holy Palace Medical Association, a mysterious organization that just surfaced not long ago, is also related to the other party. His long life gave him enough time to make plans. What we are facing is not just a Dragon King who has made up for his own shortcomings, but a giant hidden in the dark side of the world."


--In response to her, there was only silence.

"Of course, I know that words are not enough, so I have also prepared a series of evidence here. The evidence on paper has been printed. You can just look at it when the time comes. As for the non-paper evidence..."

With a slight smile, Mu Qingzhi continued to speak.

"Here, I want to introduce a person to you. The other party is one of Odin's victims and once became his puppet, but I finally rescued him and he didn't wake up until recently. Some of you should have heard of his name. His name is Chu Tianjiao, the father of Chu Zihang, one of the three people who disappeared in Odin's attack a few days ago."

"Chu Tianjiao..."

Hearing the sound of this name, different expressions appeared on the faces of the participants.

The name Chu Tianjiao is not well-known among the new generation, but more than 20 years ago, this name was as well-known as Ange. As a super executive who can be ranked in the top ten in Kassel Academy for a hundred years, the other party's strength is not only because of the S-level bloodline, but also because of the other party's word spirit that is exactly the same as Ange.

——Word Spirit Time Zero!!

But since a certain secret mission, the other party has completely disappeared from the world, and no information about the other party has been received.

Except for Beowulf who vaguely knew a little about Chu Tianjiao, Han Gao and others never expected to hear this name here.

"...Is he still alive?"

With a slight movement in his heart, Beowulf looked up at the girl on the screen.

When Chu Tianjiao was studying in Kassel, he had been his mentor for a period of time. The other party was simply a natural warrior. He still admired the other party very much, but since the information about the other party's disappearance after being attacked by Odin came, he had already assumed in his heart that the other party had died.

"It can only be considered alive."

Accompanied by a sigh, a slightly tired voice came from the screen. When Beowulf looked up, he saw a wheelchair slowly appearing on the screen.

In the wheelchair, Chu Tianjiao's face was extremely tired, and his body was as thin as a stick. Where was the appearance of the former super archon?

"Let him tell you about the next thing."

Looking at Chu Tianjiao on the side, Mu Qingzhi sighed.

"Although he survived, his body was severely damaged by Odin during the time when he was controlled by Odin as his puppet in the world. Not long after waking up, he learned that his only son was also missing under Odin's attack, so please be merciful and understand the grief and helplessness of a father at this time."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi turned his head and gave Chu Tianjiao a look in the blind spot that the screen could not see, asking him to quickly make a sad and angry expression.

Chu Tianjiao: “………”


Compared to Mu Qingzhi’s disguise, Chu Tianjiao’s real appearance is undoubtedly more convincing, so only ten minutes later, the right to speak in the live broadcast was turned back to Mu Qingzhi.

However, perhaps because of the poor coordination, when the camera turned back, a certain head of the Uesugi family was shoveling a bucket of instant noodles into his mouth...

“Uh… ahem, now let’s get back to the topic.”

Putting the fork back into the bucket, Mu Qingzhi looked nonchalant.

“After the previous narration, I believe you should be able to deeply understand how terrifying and evil Odin is a BOSS, but this is not even worse. The White King’s Holy Remains has been taken by the other party. In other words, Yaqi may be resurrected at any time and anywhere, which is what we need to care about most at the moment.”

“Yaqi… Will the White King be resurrected? Or is it just a hybrid with the power of the White King who is resurrected?”

After a moment of silence, Han Gao asked.

"No, the one who revives will only be a monster."

Raising a finger in front of him, Mu Qingzhi spoke seriously.

"I have already explained the concepts of power and authority to you. The White King's Holy Relics represent the White King's "power". Even if someone uses the White King's Holy Relics to obtain the White King's power, they only obtain part of the "power". "

"What about the "power"?"

Han Gao asked cooperatively.

"The divine spear Kungunir is the embodiment of the White King's authority."

Sitting up straight, Mu Qingzhi looked solemn.

"The reason why the Black King was killed was because this spear severely injured him, which gave others an opportunity to take advantage of it. At present, this spear is also in Odin's hand."


Beowulf's face changed slightly.

-About twenty years ago, he heard about this gun.

At that time, the secret party paid a huge price and successfully captured an unknown dragon. The divine spear Kungunir was used as the core to seal that dragon, and now it has been in the shelter.

...Is it the embodiment of the White King's authority?

Also, if he remembered correctly, the one who took out the gun at that time seemed to be... the Gattuso family?

"At the same time, in the depths of the Abyss, we encountered Odin head-on. In order to prevent the White King's Holy Relics from falling into the hands of such an ambitious person, we fought a life-and-death battle with him in the Abyss."

Withdrawing his eyes from Beowulf calmly, Mu Qingzhi continued to speak.

"And in the process of the fight, because a certain ancient ban in the ancient city was triggered, the power of the White King's Holy Relics was temporarily awakened, which caused that kind of heaven and earth phenomenon."

"...This is the truth of what happened under the Abyss that day."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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