Turning passivity into initiative is the first step in Mu Qingzhi's plan.

Odin has been operating for so many years. Let’s not talk about the powers that have been deliberately hidden by the opponent. The powers that have been shown on the surface are scary enough. If you continue to fight steadily, you will only fall into the trap and rhythm of the opponent. , if you want to take advantage, you can only win by surprise.

What Mu Qingzhi has to do now is not only to lift all the other party's underwear, but also to completely characterize the other party's essence.

"Do you understand? Everyone, this is a life and death situation now."

Sitting up straight, Mu Qingzhi looked solemn.

"I am not prepared to make these things public, because once they are made public, it will be equivalent to breaking up with the other party. The Snake Qiba family cannot yet afford the crazy revenge from the other party, but Odin has become more and more I'm so heartbroken. If my father hadn't protected me so well, I would have disappeared during the attack. It was precisely what happened to Lu Mingfei and the others that strengthened my determination to stand up."

After a slight pause, Mu Qingzhi continued to speak.

"Right now, Odin has obtained the Holy Bones of the White King, which represents "power", and Kungunir, which represents "power", is already in the opponent's hands. In other words, the opponent already has the power to seize the White King. All the conditions, and once the other party obtains all the power of the White King..."

Mu Qingzhi did not continue the next words, but left a blank space for people to imagine.

However, through previous popular science and the numerous crimes that Odin has committed, even if you just think about it with your toes, you can imagine what kind of disaster it will be if the other party succeeds.

“Let’s be honest, what help do you want from us?”

Looking at the young and excessive head of the Uesugi family on the screen, Beowulf spoke in a deep voice.

"Odin's whereabouts have always been secretive. Although we all have some information about this existence, no one has ever been able to pinpoint his location. But from what the Uesugi family leader said, do you have an idea?"

"No, me neither."

Sighing, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"But I know one thing. If you want to channel the power contained in the White King's Holy Skeleton, you must let the White King's Holy Skeleton complete the parasitism and hatch out the Eight-Digits, then kill the resurrected Eight-Dimensions to obtain its Dragon Bone Cross, and finally swallow the Dragon Bone Cross Only in this way can the power of the White King be obtained, so even if the opponent obtains the White King's holy bones now, it will be of little use for the time being. "


"Yes, the essence of the White King's holy skeleton is actually a parasite."

Ignoring the drastically changed expressions of the parents of the eight Sheqi families, Mu Qingzhi spoke without hesitation.

"Although the name Holy Skeleton sounds like a piece of bone, it is actually a parasitic life that can control huge creatures. It is precisely because of this unique life form that it can never be killed and can always be transformed from a It can transform into another form. It can transform into a bloated super-giant creature, or it can hide in Susano'o's body and wait for an opportunity to be resurrected. No matter how many times humans kill it, all it kills is its residence. If you guess its true identity, you will never be able to kill its true form."

"Then hatch..."

"Let's put it this way, the White King's Holy Skeleton has two forms."

As if he had guessed the question they were going to ask in advance, the head of the Uesugi family stretched out two fingers in front of him.

"The first is parasitism. Because of its unique life form, it can parasitize almost any living body, and then promote the parasitized living body to undergo huge evolution, thus becoming a bloated monster. The bloodline of the parasitized person becomes more and more... The stronger, the stronger the monsters formed. However, the existences born in this form are only monsters like Baqi. They cannot be called White Kings at all. They are just monsters operating under the control of the holy skeleton. and the outer covering that conceals its true nature, which can be changed at any time.”

After a slight pause, he took a sip of the black potion on the side, and then the head of the Uesugi family continued to speak.

"The second is incubation. In this world, only a very small number of qualified people can be selected by the Holy Skeleton to complete the final evolution from the Holy Skeleton to the White King, such as the former Izanagi and Susanoo Male. But at that time, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi killed them before they could fully evolve into the new White King, so the evolution was not completed. This is the second way that the holy skeleton can be truly revived. "

"In that case, we don't have to worry about it for the time being?"

The frown on his brows relaxed slightly, and Beowulf asked.

"It doesn't happen overnight for the Holy Relic to find the right person. Does this mean that we still have..."

"No, the most perfect host has already appeared."

Interrupting his words, the head of the Uesugi family in the video looked tired and rubbed his brow with his hand.

"Don't forget, Odin planned the resurrection of the holy skeleton. Since the opponent's target is the White King, how could he not prepare the perfect host before that?"


With a faint hint of murderous intent in his eyes, Beowulf asked.

"This generation's horoscope is me."

Looking at Beowulf on the other side of the screen, Mu Qingzhi narrowed her eyes slightly.

"What? Do you want to kill me, the container, in advance to prevent the White King from resurrecting?"

"Yes, I do have this idea."

Ignoring the murderous aura coming from Uesugi Yue who was sitting opposite him, Beowulf nodded calmly.

"If there is this opportunity, I will try."

Through the other party's popular science before, he has deeply understood the harm of Odin. In fact, this is not because he believes everything the other party says, but mainly because there are many details in the things the other party said that can be matched with the information he has in his hands.

Now there is a very simple way to hinder the realization of the other party's conspiracy, he will naturally not choose to ignore it, after all, this is his character.

...But now, he also understands why the head of the Uesugi family chose to pretend to be sick and not come.

Telling everything so frankly, even confessing such a matter that concerns his own life and property, the head of the Uesugi family is a bit too honest.

"If the Beowulf family really has this idea, then our Sheqi Eight Clan will go to war with you at all costs."

Looking up at Beowulf in front of him, Uesugi Yue's tone was terribly cold.

"Also, if you don't give up the dangerous idea in your heart, I can guarantee that you will never leave Japan."

"This is not a warning, but a notice."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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