…Su Enxi was one of the few witnesses of what happened under the Abyss that day.

When Mu Qingzhi and Lu Mingfei went down together, she, Jiude Mai and Ling also went to the Abyss in a submarine, but unlike others, their mission was to bring out the embryo of a black pet from the Abyss.

Until now, the embryo is still in the Black Stone Residence… But this is not the point. The point is that when someone started to attack, the three of them witnessed the moment with their own eyes.

…That existence only descended for a moment, and it completely broke the deadly situation that a certain ambitious person had painstakingly arranged. How could the other party not be afraid?

Three puppets, thousands of heroes (Deadpool), completely evaporated from the world the moment that existence descended. If this is not called a dimensionality reduction attack, what is a dimensionality reduction attack?

Su Enxi felt that if she were Odin, she would be worried all night long, and she would not have the mood to make a statement online or engage in a war of words...

"Really? But I don't think the other party will give up so easily."

Mu Qingzhi returned to the living room while wiping her face with a towel.

"To be honest, I would rather the other party make some noise now. It's the most dangerous to be silent like this. Who knows what the other party is secretly planning now."

"So what? In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are rotten fish and shrimp."

Su Enxi threw a piece of potato chips into her mouth, looking indifferent.

"What's the saying? In this game, use force to defeat cleverness."

"...You think too much."

Looking at Su Enxi in front of her, who was more confident than herself, Mu Qingzhi was speechless.

"You can't just let the sky break and the earth shatter. Have you ever seen someone play Landlord and hit two king bombs in a row?"

The last time she pulled the Red God over, she was unconscious for more than half a month. If it happened again in a short period of time, regardless of whether the other party was willing or not, her body would not be able to support it.

... The system had warned her about this matter.

The Red God's descent to this world is essentially an invasion of this world. Due to the huge impact of the last descent on this world, when the Red God descends again next time, she will be kicked out of this world together with the Red God after the descent ends.

If possible, she would like to keep opening Wushuang all the way to A...

"So the main factor is the ancient city..."

Su Enxi lowered her head and looked thoughtful.

"I heard from Ling that you moved the sculpture in the ancient city and reshaped it... Now it seems that you took away some kind of back-up hidden in the sculpture while it was being shaped, so that you could summon your past peak self for a moment?"

Looking up at her, Su Enxi's eyes were burning.

"How is it, is my reasoning correct?"

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...Well, as long as you are happy.


Because it is a nightclub, the business here is mainly concentrated at night, and there are basically not many customers during the day.

Taking advantage of the free time, based on the principle of guests, Mu Qingzhi held a banquet in the aquarium-like office at noon.

Originally, she wanted to invite Nuo Nuo and Su Xi together, but now they are following the people sent by the college. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Mu Qingzhi had to give up.

...At least now, it is not time for Lu Mingfei and the other three to be exposed.

"Night Food Source..."

"Yes, that's the Nibelungen hidden in Tokyo."

While concentrating on peeling the Australian lobster for himself, Mu Qingzhi answered without raising his head.

"When you came to Japan before, didn't you deal with a batch of smuggling ships of hybrids? Those hybrids were the experimental subjects that were scheduled to be transported to the Nibelungen to create Deadpool. I have been looking for that place for more than ten years."

"I haven't found it for more than ten years. Can I find it now?"

Caesar frowned unconsciously.

"The area of ​​Tokyo is quite large, right?"

"We will find it. The value of the existence of the Nibelungen is for the White King's Holy Relics. After getting the Holy Relics, they have no reason to continue hibernating."

Raising his head, Mu Qingzhi looked at everyone.

"An hour ago, a private plane from China secretly arrived at the airport. On that private plane, there was a special baby."

"... [Key]?"

Unconsciously, Chu Zihang's heart moved slightly.

As the ace specialist in the executive department, he had naturally heard of the existence of the [Key]. The other party was Chen Motong's younger brother, but he was only the size of a baby all his life, and seemed to be the product of some kind of experiment.

As a product of the experiment, the [Key] had only one ability, which was to open all the doors in the world... That was the Word Spirit that belonged to the other party.

"Yes, at the shortest, in a few days, at the latest in a week, the [Key] will definitely open the door to that Nibelungen for us."

Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"I have marked the [Key]. When he opens the door to the [Night Food Field], I will teleport you in as soon as possible. Your identity is that you were kidnapped by Odin to that Nibelungen, and then you escaped by yourself and got lost inside."

"Hostage... what's inside?"

After a brief pause, Caesar asked.

"I don't know, everything inside is unknown, but as far as I know, there should be a big laboratory inside... and a very disgusting guy inside."

Mu Qingzhi looked disgusted as if she had remembered something.

"You will be the first to enter the Nibelung. There are many secrets hidden there. While collecting information, if possible, I hope you will help me kill someone."


"Herzog is a mad scientist. People in the laboratory usually call him Doctor. There is a bit of a feud between me and him... If you can't kill him, it's okay. Just let me do it."

Mu Qingzhi waved her hand.

"That guy is very cunning, and he is also a rare genius. Many of the achievements in the Holy Palace Medical College are related to him. It can be said that he is the core figure in the Nibelungs. Catching him means that the matter is successful. Half of it.”

"What's the festival?"

With a slight movement in his heart, Lu Mingfei asked.

"Ahem...it's been more than 20 years since this little thing happened, and I've almost forgotten it."

After coughing a few times, Mu Qingzhi felt a little embarrassed.

"I wanted to kill him 20 years ago, but I didn't succeed. I just chopped off half of his head. I have to say, he is very lucky."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Everyone: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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