…The efficiency of those mixed-blood families is much higher than Mu Qingzhi imagined.

Although it is only a matter of time before the Night Food Source is exposed, Mu Qingzhi estimated that it would take at least five to six days to find some clues about the Nibelungen.

But only at midnight on the third day, a new message caught her off guard.

Because they could not appear in public for various reasons, and it was really boring to stay here, Mu Qingzhi simply brought a batch of game equipment from the Black Stone Mansion, and then generously spent a lot of money to pay for Lu Mingfei and the other three for a whole day under the strange gaze of a certain humpback whale.

Compared to being gigolos to entertain those old ladies, Caesar and the others naturally prefer to stay in the luxurious office to play games, and then the game will be played until midnight.

It was not until almost two o'clock in the morning that Mu Qingzhi yawned and put down the game controller. When she saw the three gigolos she favored finally walked out of the boss's office, a humpback whale was relieved and put aside her worries about her gigolo's chastity.

——This is a high-end gigolo shop, selling art but not sex.

Of course, Mu Qingzhi didn't know about the worries of a former boss. After a simple wash, she fell asleep on the sofa.

But she was awakened by Su Enxi not long after she fell asleep.

"No... What the hell, found it so quickly?"

Sitting up from the sofa, Mu Qingzhi was shocked.

"It seems that not even four days have passed since I released the news? What we have been looking for for more than ten years, but others found it in three days?"

"No, the situation is more complicated than you think."

Looking at the computer screen in front of her, Su Enxi's tone was a little serious.

"The location of the Night Food Field was revealed by Odin himself."


"Look for yourself, this is a post that was suddenly pinned to the top of the Hunter website ten minutes ago."

Shaking her head, Su Enxi turned the screen towards her.

"The poster is nido. In this post, the other party took the initiative to reveal the location coordinates of the Nibelungen."

As Su Enxi said, on the Hunter website, a post was hanging alone at the top. The content of the post was very concise, even a little too simple. If someone else posted this post, it would probably become a joke...but the poster's ID confirmed the value of this post.

"No... did this guy suddenly have water in his brain?"

After reading the content of the post at a glance, Mu Qingzhi looked up at Su Enxi in front of him with a strange look on her face.

"Water in? You were taking a shower before, so I forgot to tell you."

Looking up at her, Su Enxi shook her head.

"Five minutes ago, a serious gas explosion occurred at the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo. Dozens of people were killed in this incident."

"The Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo... Wait, isn't that where all the mixed-bloods live now?"

Listening to Su Enxi's story, Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Due to her global live broadcast a few days ago, all the mixed-bloods from all over the world crowded into the city of Tokyo. During this period, all the hotels in Tokyo were basically full, not to mention the most luxurious Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo.

Those who are qualified to live in this kind of hotel are basically those from big forces, like Beowulf and Henkel, who live in this hotel.

In order to welcome these big shots, the Sheqi Eight Clan replaced all the people at the Peninsula Hotel with elites within the family. It can be said that almost all the people there are mixed-bloods.

... It would be fine if there were accidents in such a place, but there were casualties?

"Yes, although the external explanation was a gas explosion, in fact, there was a shadow of Odin in this incident."

Su Enxi pressed her eyebrows with a headache and answered.

"Although the specific casualties statistics have not yet come out, according to her report, the accident was caused by people from the Chen family. Those people were basically wiped out. After all, the entire room was almost razed to the ground."

"Chen family... Damn!!!"

Mu Qingzhi reacted quickly, and her face suddenly darkened.

She thought that Odin would not give up, so she sent Old Tang to protect Eri with the idea that Ning might be exposed, but she did not expect that Odin was too shameless and chose to attack a baby... Shame on him?

Although there is no direct evidence at present, she is sure that Chen Motong, [Key], and even Eri are all products of experiments conducted by the Holy Palace Medical College.

In her heart, she has already assumed that the Chen family is Odin's people, but Odin just wiped out all the people from the Chen family...

"Yes, [Key] is in trouble."

Su Enxi sighed after looking at her.

"It's very chaotic over there now. Fortunately, it's midnight now, so it didn't cause any big noise, but some journalists have already smelled the smell and rushed over there."

"What exactly happened?"

Picking up the hooded fir on the sofa and putting on the coat neatly, Mu Qingzhi asked.

"If I remember correctly, Beowulf and Henkel both live there, right? With these two legendary hybrids who are comparable to Ange, can something happen there?"

"The specific situation is unknown. I was informed by the long-legged man. It is said that the young master of the Yuan family has already rushed over... No, are you really going to go out?"

Looking at the person who stood up in front of him, Su Enxi couldn't help but frown.

"It's very chaotic over there now, and everything is over. Even if you go there now, it's too late. You might as well wait patiently for news."

"I have to go and take a look. I really don't believe that Odin can destroy the experimental products that the Holy Palace Medical Association has worked so hard to create... He can even kill babies. This guy is too shameless."

Grabbing the baseball cap on the coffee table next to him and putting it on his head, Mu Qingzhi waved to Su Enxi.

"Don't worry, I'll go over and take a look and come back."

Although she said so, in her heart, Mu Qingzhi no longer had any hope for the survival of the key.

When the Chen family brought the key to Tokyo, Lingyou placed a small prop on the key as she asked. The effect of the prop was actually very simple, it was a so-called positioning mark.

And now, according to the mark she secretly checked just now... the location of the key is now scattered into hundreds of pieces.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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