It has to be said that Odin is capable of great things.

After a field investigation, Mu Qingzhi found helplessly that in addition to the Chen family members who were affected, the baby of the [Key] was also destroyed quite thoroughly.

She originally thought that Odin had taken the other party away, but from the actual on-site investigation, this possibility was not great.

Originally, there was the [Key], and Odin himself announced the location coordinates of the Nibelungen. After opening the door to the Nibelungen, there was a pleasant group fight, but now, there are very few people who can enter the Nibelungen.

According to this situation, if she wants to enter the Nibelungen, she must let Eriyi as a guide... because Eriyi is the only person known to have entered the Nibelungen.

The situation that was gradually becoming clear suddenly became confusing again under Odin's operation.

"Strange, if you want to save that Nibelungen, you shouldn't take the initiative to expose the location coordinates... What exactly does that guy want to do?"

Standing on the railing of the rooftop of a high-rise building, with her hands in her hooded pockets, overlooking the city shrouded in the night below, Mu Qingzhi looked tangled.

...To be honest, she didn't understand Odin's operation.

From Kaguya, she learned the cause and effect of the incident at the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo. Just like when she pretended to be Odin and attacked the hospital at night and took Lu Mingfei away, Odin also attacked this hotel in the same way. Not only did he go straight to the room where the [key] was located, but he also killed everyone in the room without mercy.

Originally, the other party didn't have such a smooth journey, but because of the post he posted on the Hunter website five minutes before the incident, Beowulf and Henkel were successfully transferred out of the hotel.

Otherwise, this side can at least hold on until the support arrives.

"...Could it be that the coordinates announced by the other party are actually fake?"

Suddenly, Mu Qingzhi thought of a possibility.

Although it is somewhat shameless for the other party to release such false information, it is not impossible for them to do such a thing since they are shameless enough to attack a baby...

"No, the coordinates are correct."

Just as Mu Qingzhi hesitated, a slightly tired voice came from behind her.

"Uh... Old Tang?"

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the unknown humanoid creature who had been sitting in the shadow of the corner behind her, with a horrified look on her face.

"No, when did you come here? You are actually a ghost, right?!"

"...I came here earlier than you."

Looking up at her helplessly, Old Tang took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes from his shirt pocket.

"I was enjoying the night view here, and a door appeared, and then I saw you standing there with a baseball cap, your hands in your pockets, and a deep look on your face, overlooking the entire city, just like a big boss behind the scenes in anime... Although I understand that standing like this is very handsome, and I can also understand that you are now in the middle school period, but standing on the edge of the roof is very dangerous, okay?"

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

... She suddenly wanted to kill someone to silence him.

"Ahem... By the way, you just said that the coordinates are correct, what does that mean?"

Mu Qingzhi coughed a few times in a somewhat embarrassed manner, jumped off the rooftop, and decisively changed the subject.

"According to you, have you been to the coordinates to see it?"

"It's not me who went there to see it, but the person you asked me to protect went there to see it... I was almost killed by him."

Took a cigarette out of the cigarette box and held it in his mouth, and Lao Tang looked unhappy.

"Odin's target was not the [key] at all. He just passed by and took it by chance. From the beginning to the end, his target has always been Eri."

"Eri...wait, how did you get so seriously injured?"

Unconsciously, Mu Qingzhi's face changed.

It was also at this time that she realized how miserable Old Tang was now after being reminded by the other party.

Before, the other party had been sitting in the shadows, so she didn't notice it at the first time. Now, after a careful look, she found that the other party's injuries were simply terrible.

There were wounds all over his body, big and small, and his clothes were torn. A long and narrow wound passed through his waist and abdomen, almost cutting him in half.

Although the other party had a bandage wrapped around the wound, the blood had already dyed the bandage red, and the other party was now sitting in a pool of blood.

"Don't worry, I won't die. Although I'm very weak now, I'm still a dragon king. She's just a little short of killing me."

Take out a box of matches from your pocket and light the cigarette in your mouth, and then Old Tang sighs.

"Because of the influence of Odin's mental imprint, the personality in Eri's body was awakened again. In order to stop her, I fought with her... and then I became like this."

"Mental imprint? But I remember it was suppressed before, right?"

While taking out various medicines and bandages from the [Na Ring] to help the other party stop bleeding, Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but frown.

"At that time, it was Xia Mi, Fenrir, and Constantine. The three of them collectively suppressed one person, which should have solved the problem."

"Of course, temporary suppression under normal circumstances is no problem, but what if it is under abnormal circumstances?"

Taking the bandage from her hand, Old Tang shook his head.

"If it was their peak period, the three of them would have been able to do it together, but not to mention that they are very weak now, and most of their power and authority have been taken away, Odin has always been in peak condition. His power has far exceeded the level of the four kings, and should have reached..."

Looking up at her, Old Tang changed his words after a moment of hesitation.

"No, it should be a little worse than the White King, the highest level under the Black King and the White King, probably the half-step supreme level."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

... The peak of foundation building, half a step to great perfection, right?

As Old Tang told her story, Mu Qingzhi realized belatedly that what happened tonight was extremely dangerous.

Everything Odin did was a trick. From beginning to end, his target was always Eriyi. Even if she realized the hidden dangers of Eriyi at that time and dealt with them, it was still a temporary solution.

If she hadn't sent Old Tang to guard Eri in advance, she would have a high chance of seeing the birth of the "New White King" after tonight.

——No one can stop Eri in her rampage state except Old Tang.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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