The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 429: The Strange Soldier Teacher Daye

Although the injuries on Old Tang's body looked scary, they were nothing compared to the Dragon King-level healing power.

After being treated with relevant props, his injuries recovered quite quickly, but he himself did not care about it.

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, why are you running here so late at night?"

After slightly moving his numb arms, Old Tang looked up at the girl in front of him.

"The night is long and I can't sleep, so I thought of going out for a walk at night."

Putting his hands in his pockets, Mu Qingzhi sighed.

"Also, I'm waiting for a few people here."

"Waiting for someone?"

Looking around the empty rooftop, Old Tang frowned.

"You're here late at night to wait for someone?"

"Yes, I wanted to see if I could catch a big fish, but he didn't bite the hook, so my disguise wasted these days... That guy is extremely cautious, and after suffering a big loss, he will probably be more difficult to deal with in the future."

Leaning back against the wall, Mu Qingzhi curled his lips.

"So, I hate dealing with old bitches."

"I agree, I hate it too."

As soon as Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, before Old Tang could respond, a voice of approval suddenly rang out on the empty rooftop, and as the voice rang out, a petite figure walked out of the darkness.

"Jörmungandr... When did you come here!?"

Looking at Xia Mi who appeared in front of him, Old Tang was a little terrified for a moment.

...Originally, he chose this place because there was no one here, so it would be convenient for him to deal with his injuries, but now, there are almost enough people here to form a mahjong table.

"Call me Xia Mi, Xia of Xia Mi, Mi of Xia Mi."

Rolling her eyes at Old Tang, Xia Mi walked straight to Mu Qingzhi's side, and then handed over the small package in her hand.

"The person was rescued, but the puppet ran away... But I feel that the puppet should not run away."

"He fell asleep?"

Looking at the package handed over by Xiami, Mu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows slightly without any intention of reaching out to take it.

"No, I fed him some medicine."

Seeing that the other party did not take it, Xia Mi had to pick up the package again in her hand with a look of disgust... with two fingers.

"He kept crying, which was very annoying. The key point is that he was crying, and he was pooping and peeing while crying, which made the whole place stink. I seriously suspect that he was trying to stink Odin to death."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...She was talking about where the stench on Teacher Daye came from.

"I think you should change his diaper, what do you think?"

Moving a few steps away from the other party calmly, Mu Qingzhi made a serious suggestion.

"If you continue to carry it like this, it will probably clump."

"You wishful thinking, I am the king of the earth and the mountain, changing the diaper of a baby with a psychological age of more than ten years? If this gets out, people will probably laugh to death."

After a light hum in her mouth, Xia Mi looked around and decisively stuffed the "humanoid biochemical weapon" in her hand into the hands of Norton, who was bewildered next to her.

"It's just right, this guy is handed over to you. You have taken care of your brother for so many years, you should have experience in taking care of children, and you are professionally matched."

Old Tang: "..."

"Okay, I'll take it, but can I ask you to stop playing dumb? I'm confused listening to it next to me."

Resigned to his fate, Old Tang held the baby in his arms with a helpless look on his face.

"Shouldn't you be setting up your Nibelungen with Constantine at this time? When did you come to Japan?"

"It's almost mid-July. Nearly two months is not enough for us to set up the Nibelungen? You underestimate your brother's alchemy level."

Glancing at Norton, a certain shrimp looked disgusted.

"Also, it's not just me who came here, your brother also came here."

"Constantine... where is he?"

After a moment of daze, he subconsciously tightened the baby in his arms, and Old Tang quickly asked.

"Him? He has been angry for some reason recently, and Odin's puppet just hit his gun. Now he has probably beaten the unlucky child to the high seas."

Spreading out his hands, Xia Mi looked innocent.

"Don't worry, he will come to join us in three minutes at most. He has been missing you a lot recently... No, what are you doing?"

Looking at Norton in front of him, who jumped up immediately after hearing the three minutes and hurriedly pulled out a door from his pocket to try to escape, Xia Mi looked strange.

"I'll come back in five minutes!!"

Obviously, he didn't want to explain. After hurriedly saying this, Old Tang decisively closed the No. 2 Anywhere Door with the baby in his arms.

After returning from the Abyss for the first time that day, considering the lack of mobility of his own personnel, Mu Qingzhi specially made a batch of new Anywhere Doors.

However, this prop is extremely difficult to form. After she eliminated dozens of Anywhere Doors with too serious effects, she barely selected two spare Anywhere Doors with acceptable side effects.

Like the No. 2 Anywhere Door in Old Tang's hand, it is one of them. Its effect is no different from the No. 1 Anywhere Door, but the side effects are completely different.

The side effect of the No. 1 arbitrary door is that each time the door is opened and closed, it will absorb half of the energy and physical strength of the opener, while the No. 2 arbitrary door will bring a stackable bad luck to the opener each time it is opened and closed. This bad luck will be triggered randomly in the next 24 hours.

After getting this door, Lao Tang did a special experiment. One bad luck is still within the tolerable range. The difference is that you hit your little toe when you go out, or your head is caught by the door. But if the bad luck is stacked up, it will be stacked to three or four times or even higher, and it will turn into an unconditional "Death is Coming" plot.

...When he was testing the side effects of this prop, he was almost killed by this door.

If you calculate carefully, he has already stacked the bad luck of this door for almost three times today, and this one will be four times, but in order to maintain a high and cold image in front of his younger brother for a long time, Lao Tang can't care so much at this time.

If Constantine really comes to see that he is in tatters and holding a humanoid biochemical weapon in his arms... It would be better to die.

When he was chatting with Constantine online before, he had fully learned and carried forward the style of Zhihu about his working conditions and environment, and he did it as high-end as possible.

It was also because of this that, although all his belongings added up to less than 20 yuan when his younger brother asked him for help, he threw out 100 million US dollars without blinking his face for his boasts.

... By selling himself.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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