The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 433 Overturning the table, destroying everything

The battle on Hongjing's side ended much faster than Ryoma Genichirō had imagined.

In less than ten minutes, the Kanto branch was completely wiped out, and the strongest among them, such as the Kanto branch chief Akechi Asuya, did not even move from beginning to end, and died in his sleep with a crazy smile on his face.

Ryoma Genichirō had never seen such a strange battle. Minamoto no Chitose was like a god of death wandering on the battlefield, and the famous sword Doujikiri Yasutsuna was the sickle in his hand. The god of death raised his sickle and harvested lives wantonly on the battlefield.

When everything returned to silence, Ryoma Genichirō made a horrifying discovery that after a big battle, Minamoto no Chitose did not even wrinkle the corner of her clothes.

"... Did the head of the Uesugi family anticipate the betrayal of the Kanto branch in advance?"

Looking up, Ryoma Genichirō looked at Minamoto no Chitose in front of him with a complicated expression.

Among the five heads of the five families under the Snake Eight Families, he was the most rigid one. Therefore, he was extremely indignant about someone's easy disclosure of the secrets that the Snake Eight Families had been guarding for nearly a thousand years to the world. He was deeply distressed by the other party's rebellious behavior.

He applied to be transferred to the Hongjing Project, and there was also a sense of out of sight, out of mind, but if it were not for the other party's secret arrangement, he would have been killed by Deadpool.

So for a moment, he himself could not tell what kind of mood he was in.

"There are many people in the Snake Eight Families who have been bribed by the Ghost Clan or are themselves members of the Ghost Clan. From the beginning, they have been on the key monitoring list."

Putting away the wiped Tongziqi again, Yuan Zhinv answered from the side.

"Really? No wonder... I may really be old."

Sighing, pounding his shoulders with his hands, Ryoma Genichirō sat down on a large rock on the side of the road.

"It seems that the Ryoma family needs a new head of the family."

"It's not over yet."

Shaking her head, listening to the vibration coming from below the Red Alert, Yuan Zhinv looked up at the night sky that had quietly darkened at some point.

"...Or rather, from now on, everything has just begun."

A centipede is dead but not stiff.

Although on the surface, the fierce ghosts have been hit hard by the eight families of Sheqi, Mu Qingzhi has never taken it lightly.

As Yuan Zhinv said, she actually gave the Kanto branch a chance...but the other party didn't seize it.


"It looks like it's going to rain tonight."

Looking up, Mu Qingzhi looked at the night sky thoughtfully.

At some point, a strong wind blew between the sky and the earth, and the dark clouds hung low, as if foreshadowing the arrival of a big storm.

" little ancestor, can you stop playing dumb?"

Looking at his own daughter in front of him, Uesugi Yue looked helpless.

"If we don't go in, the holy remains will be taken away by others."

Under the effect of the word spirit of the [key], the gate to the Nibelungen in the Night Food Plain has been opened. It is a city hidden in the shadows, reflecting the darkness of the entire city, just as its name, the Night Food Plain.

Legendary dragon slayers like Beowulf and Han Gao have entered the Night Food Plain at this time, but Mu Qingzhi herself has no intention of entering it. Not only that, she also stopped Uesugi Yue and Yuan Zhisheng who were about to enter.

"Rob? They can't deal with the monster Yaqi."

Turning around and looking at the passage in front of her, which was formed by the flowing shadows, Mu Qingzhi shook her head slightly.

"Yaki... Didn't they say that if there is no qualified person, that thing will not hatch?"

Unable to help, Yuan Zhisheng asked.

From her elder sister, she learned the truth about Eri's attack, but since Odin's conspiracy has been thwarted, it stands to reason that monsters like Yaqi should not be born.

"Yaki is Yaki, and the White King is the White King. With Herzog's ability, I don't believe he has no backup plan."

Turns his head to look at Yuan Zhisheng beside him, Mu Qingzhi's face is concise.

"Don't forget, you, Zhinv, and Eri were all "experimental subjects" created by him."

... Will Herzog sit and wait for death?

To be honest, Mu Qingzhi really doesn't think so.

The opponent now is not like the one in the original plot who is busy with conspiracy and calculation all day long, playing the role of Tachibana Masamune while playing the role of the king and general, but has actually spent all the past 20 years in the laboratory.

The opponent is originally a genius, and driven by hatred, it is hard to say what preparations the opponent has made in the past 20 years.

Knowing that the other party had set up a trap for her in the Nibelungen, she would be a fool to go in...

"On the surface, we are catching turtles in a jar and beating dogs behind closed doors, but in reality, the ghosts have burned their boats. Herzog has been operating in the Nibelungen for 20 years. I believe he has buried all the powerful mines in it."

Taking off the baseball cap on his head and throwing it aside, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"Let them deal with the things inside. What we need to focus on now is the trouble from the outside world."

"Outside mean Odin?"

Uesugi Yue was slightly stunned.

"But as for Odin, haven't his two plots been foiled by you? Is he still in Japan?"

"That guy has no moral limits. I don't think he will give up if he suffers a big loss for no reason."

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and looked at the increasingly gloomy night sky.

"When a chess player who thinks he is sure of victory is slapped hard several times, and becomes angry and angry, the most likely thing the opponent will do is to overturn the chess it comes."


Before Yuan Zhisheng and Uesugi Yue could figure out the meaning of Mu Qingzhi's words, the piercing siren tore through the night, and the high-decibel sound was so loud that it could almost tear people's eardrums.

——Someone sounded the air raid siren, and for more than ten seconds, the huge city of Tokyo echoed with piercing sirens.

"Previously in the Ji Abyss, the other party induced an undersea volcano to erupt and caused a small tsunami. But in Japan, there is a volcano that is even easier to cause than an undersea volcano."

Ignoring the shock on Uesugoshi and Minamoto's faces, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and looked at the fire gushing from Mount Fuji in the distance, her tone remaining as calm as ever.

"Look, Mount Fuji erupts, and then a giant tsunami is caused by the movement of the crust on the ocean floor. Odin is going to destroy Japan."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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