The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 434: Massive Natural Disaster

…It is difficult to describe the scene at this time with words.

It was as if the world was overturned. In the night sky that suddenly lit up due to the eruption of Mount Fuji, dark clouds spread out in a straight line in the sky. In just a few tens of seconds, the originally clear night sky was covered by rolling cumulonimbus clouds, and torrential rain fell from the sky.

There was a faint sound coming from the east, rumbling like thunder, and no other sound could be heard between heaven and earth... That was the signal that the tide was about to land.

In less than a minute, they were already in the fierce sea rain and wind.


Looking at the roaring 100-meter-high waves sweeping in from the depths of the sea not far away, Uesugi Yue, who came to the seaside through the arbitrary door, looked quite ugly.

If a giant dragon appeared in front of him at this time, he would have the confidence to fight against it or even kill it, but in front of this natural disaster like the doomsday catastrophe, the power of the individual seemed so weak.

He almost dared not imagine how heavy the casualties would be if a tsunami of this level entered the city.

"This is just a natural disaster. Don't forget that natural disasters are often accompanied by man-made disasters."

Looking at the surging sea tide that was about to land in a few minutes, Mu Qingzhi shook his head slightly.

"Although the road leading to the Red Ghost River from the Red Well had been dug three minutes ago, and the things in the well of corpses had been introduced into the red well filled with mercury, some things hidden in the depths of the abyss also came with the tide."

"The group of corpse guards..."

As if they remembered something, Uesugi Yue and Yuan Zhisheng's faces changed at the same time.

Originally, this tsunami was a natural disaster. If the group of corpse guards and the ghost-toothed vipers hidden in them were allowed to enter the city, the casualties that were originally expected to be terrible would reach an almost despairing level.

"Almost... Look, this is the picture projected by the real-time monitoring."

Raising her hand, Mu Qingzhi probed into the void in front of her. As her fingertips traced in the air, a real-time monitoring picture was clearly displayed in front of them.

Although they had prepared themselves mentally in advance, when they saw the scene on the screen, Uesugi Yue and Yuan Zhisheng still took a breath unconsciously.

On the screen, there were dense snake-like creatures entangled with each other in the sea water, rolling in the waves several meters high. There were tens of thousands of corpse guards, forming an unprecedented tide of corpse guards.

"These things should have been killed at the beginning."

Looking at the corpse guards in the picture, Yuan Zhisheng's face was ashen.

"The Jiyuan is dozens of kilometers long and wide, and some have been sleeping under the geology. It is normal for some fish to slip through the net."

Retracting his hand, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"These corpse guards were awakened from their slumber after being summoned, and the person who summoned them was undoubtedly Yaqi hatched by the Holy Remains. It would be strange for a guy like Herzog not to make preparations for both situations."

"... When will these corpse guards arrive?"

After a short silence, Uesugi Yue asked in a low voice.

"We can't stop the tsunami, but we may be able to find a way to lead these corpse guards to other places. We must not let them enter the city."

"They are about 50 kilometers away from the city. It's still in time to snipe these things. The last cemetery I chose for them is on the sea firefly artificial island. If they want to reach Tokyo, they must pass through there."

As he spoke, he reached out and held the ring on his neck. Mu Qingzhi took out a large sword box from it and handed it to Uesugi Yue beside him.

"Norton's famous work, the alchemical weapon Seven Deadly Sins, the task of sniping those corpse guards will be handed over to the old man and Zhisheng. I have arranged support for you over there, and you will see it when you go over."

"Seven Deadly Sins... What about the city?"

Seeing that his daughter had already made arrangements, while taking over the Seven Deadly Sins, even though the 100-meter-high tide in the distance was close at hand, he now felt unexpectedly at ease.

"Not only the tsunami, but also Mount Fuji. Once Mount Fuji really erupts completely, not only Tokyo, but the whole of Japan may be destroyed."

"Don't worry, there are people specializing in Mount Fuji to deal with it, and there won't be any big waves there. As for this side..."

Waving his hand, Mu Qingzhi turned and looked at the nearby tide.

The nearly 100-meter-high water wall is approaching, and it will land on the land in tens of seconds, and then sweep across Tokyo.

At such a close distance, what echoed in their ears were all thunderous roars, and the strong wind almost tore everything apart. Their sleeves were bulging high, and in this sea and rain wind that was about to sweep everything, the girl's voice was unusually clear.

"Leave it to me."


Because the volcanic eruption could be seen with the naked eye, coupled with the sharp air defense alarm that almost tore people's eardrums, the city of Tokyo was already in panic.

What's more fatal is that according to the emergency warning notice issued by the Tokyo Meteorological Observatory, an earthquake will strike in a few minutes.

Tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes... In the past, each of these could easily kill hundreds of thousands of people. Now that all these catastrophes are concentrated together, it is almost the end of the world.

For a moment, a desperate atmosphere began to shroud everyone's heart... especially those half-bloods who came to Tokyo from all over the world.

Although they knew that the matter about the White King's Holy Remains would inevitably be dangerous, no one could resist the temptation. They thought that as long as they were careful, they could avoid getting involved in the battlefield and have some soup, but they didn't expect that someone would blow up the entire chessboard.

——In front of such a huge natural disaster, human power seemed so small.

Just when these half-bloods wanted to escape to the airport and fly to escape, a scarlet sky rose from the distant seaside and quietly covered the entire city.

When the sky completely covered the city, these half-bloods were somewhat surprised to find that the half-bloods around them all disappeared in an instant, as if their existence was completely wiped out in this sky.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire city was left with only those buildings that were crumbling under the tsunami and earthquake... and those confused half-bloods.

Although ordinary people seem to have escaped from this disaster, they are now in the center of it.

But before they can stay in shock for too long, the next moment, in their blank eyes, a surging sea wave roars in.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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