…This is a scene like the end of the world.

Everywhere you look is the sea, heavy black waves rushing in, splashing white water on the ruins, the sea surface is undulating, it looks like an endless wasteland, branch-shaped lightning falls on the water, like a strange giant tree growing from the black wasteland into the clouds.

The sea has rushed into the urban area, half of the city is submerged, only some high places are still intact, and the areas facing the sea in the distance are more seriously affected. High-rise buildings are tilted, and steel bars are extended to the sky at the broken ends. The city has become an archipelago, and the buildings have become small islands. The black tides between the islands are undulating.

If you look down from a high place at this time, you can only see the vast sea, layers of black waves hitting various buildings, and then tearing in mid-air.

And to the west of Tokyo, the towering black Mount Fuji has turned red, and the rolling magma is slowly flowing down the gentle south slope.

"Damn it!! I knew that my right eyelid twitching in the middle of the night was not a good thing!!"

Su Enxi cursed as she ran up the flooded stairs with her high heels in an unladylike manner.

The tide surged into the city, and the streets outside were completely submerged by the sea. The Takamagahara nightclub was no exception. The walls cracked with the earthquake, and the first floor was full of water.

After the disaster warning was issued, she was very responsible and went down to the first floor to organize people to evacuate, but she didn't expect that she had just arrived downstairs, and the people around her disappeared in an instant, leaving her standing there alone, looking around blankly.

The scene at that time looked like a horror movie...

Returning to her office, Su Enxi stretched out her hand and slapped the wall, but the lights in the room did not light up. Under the erosion of the sea water, the power system was completely damaged.

...But now there is no need for lights in the room.

It was raining heavily outside the window, and branch-like lightning flashed in the dark clouds from time to time, illuminating the sky and the earth. The crimson sky above did not isolate the wind and rain from the outside world, and the strong wind mixed with heavy rain poured down on the ground.

After looking at the floor-to-ceiling windows that were crumbling under the erosion of wind and rain, Su Enxi thought about it for a while, and then decisively packed up her valuables such as computers and potato chips, and then retreated to other rooms at the fastest speed in her life.

The situation was completely beyond her expectations. She didn't know why someone just said he would go out for a walk at night and then never came back, and then such a big event broke out in Tokyo.

She went to find Chu Zihang and his group, and found that the three had disappeared from their suites long ago. When they changed out of their gigolo uniforms, they also took away their respective weapons.

Now that I think about it, it is estimated that these three people are fighting bloody battles in some Nibelungen, and there may be a Chu Tianjiao wielding a mace next to them...

Su Enxi has always claimed that she is a bystander who stands in the third-person perspective to watch everything. After a certain young lady woke up from her deep sleep, she has been staying in Takama-ga-hara, but she can't figure out how the other party quietly arranged everything during those days of eating, drinking and having fun.

... Before tonight, she even played games all night with Chu Zihang and the other three! !

"But this level of sealing... Is this not going to hide your identity after this incident?"

Stuffing a handful of potato chips into her mouth, Su Enxi stood on tiptoe and looked at the crimson sky outside through the small window in the room.

This sky not only covered the entire Tokyo, but also included the erupting Mount Fuji on the side. In just a few seconds, it completed the complete clearance of ordinary people within the scope of the field, which was simply a miracle.

"...If that's the case, then the strange phenomenon that swept the whole world that day was actually a rampage of power, right?"

Su Enxi muttered quietly in her heart while eating the potato chips in her hand.

In her opinion, the strange phenomenon that day was completely an extra-large seal, but everyone could see it. But then again, compared to the name of the White King, the Red King should be more appropriate, right?

After all, there is no such thing as the White King, but the moves are all scarlet...uh, the Scarlet King?

Suddenly, Su Enxi's thoughts turned to a weird direction.

Just when she was thinking seriously about the connection between a certain young lady and a certain scumbag boss, the ground suddenly shook violently again, and the sudden vibration made her lose her balance.

The next moment before she fell, she tried her best to grab...the potato chips that fell from her hand.


The ground shook, and the fiery red magma slowly flowed along the hillside. Mount Fuji erupted again at this moment.

The first eruption of magma had melted all the snow on the top of the mountain. At this moment, the super volcano was dark black. The magma solidified as it flowed. The trees on the mountainside spontaneously combusted and turned into charcoal before the magma arrived.

The entire Mount Fuji has turned into a purgatory on earth.

And at this moment in this purgatory on earth, there are two figures standing far away from each other.

"... How did you guess that I would be here?"

Looking at the petite figure standing not far away, after a brief silence, Odin asked hoarsely.

"Also, aren't you at BJ's place? When did you come here?"

"At least earlier than you thought."

Looking up and down at the puppet in front of her, Xia Mi looked disgusted.

"As for why I am here, she told me. She told me that you might be desperate and angry, so she asked me to come and get rid of you. So, can you please die quickly?"

"...I made a fatal mistake."

Looking up, Odin looked at the crimson sky above his head.

"Not only did I underestimate her power, but I shouldn't have set a trap in her sleeping place. If it was somewhere else, I might win."

"Ah, yes, yes, I will win."

Yawned, Xia Mi looked perfunctory.

"So, can you please die now?"

"Dear sister, let's talk."

Sighing, Odin simply sat down on the ground.

"Killing a puppet is not a serious loss for me. Why don't we take this rare opportunity to have a good chat?"

"Chat? There's nothing to talk about between us."

Looking at the figure in front of her, Xia Mi's voice became cold silently

"Why, you don't disguise your identity anymore?"

"...My dear brother!!"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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