To a certain extent, the four kings on the throne are actually brothers and sisters to each other.

They all have a common father, the Black King Nidhogg.

So in other words, in terms of seniority, Constantine should actually call Xia Mi his sister and Fenrir his brother.

Although Xia Mi knows that Odin's identity is definitely one of the kings of ocean and water or the king of sky and wind, she has never been able to determine his true identity because she has had too little contact with him.

But now, as the other person said "dear sister", she had already locked onto the other person's true face.

——Among the two kings [King of Ocean and Water] and [King of Sky and Wind], the only one who would call her this is the King of Sky and Wind.

In her impression, the other person always had a gentle smile on his face, like the eldest son in a big family, who would tolerate everyone unconditionally. Even if he was violent like Norton, he would keep his temper in front of the other person.

...But she never expected that the man behind the scenes would be the other party.

She killed her twins and then persecuted her former brothers and sisters for thousands of years. During such a long dark time, she once fell into despair. After waking up from despair, she fell into an even bigger world. Great despair, tossing and turning.

Time flies, years pass, everything in the past has now returned to the familiar starting point.

"You killed your sister and devoured her, even though she had trusted you so much."

Looking at Odin in front of him, Xia Mi's tone was terrifyingly cold.

"Just the temptation of a little power and power, is it worth letting you kill the people closest to you?"

"No, I didn't kill her."

Odin shook his head, with a rare hint of sadness in his tone.

"The twins on the throne are our father's restrictions on us. Under the premise that power and power are divided, we can never complete ourselves. We can only live in the shadow of fate until Ragnarok comes. Nowadays, none of us can escape our final fate. My dear sister, I always thought you were the one who could understand this best."

"So you didn't kill her?"

Frowning slightly, Xia Mi looked at Odin, who was sitting on the ground in front of him.

"Of course not. I just ate her, all the bones and skin."

Looking up at her, Odin smiled in response.

"She is not dead, she just merged with me willingly. I will work with her to resist the destined fate, and then smash the shackles of fate."

Xia Mi: "......"

...She suddenly felt that the other person was probably a lunatic.

"A new era? Don't be kidding. The shadow of fate hangs over each of our heads. We all know that when our father returns, we will all face the most horrific punishment. The opportunity is fleeting. Since you won’t seize the opportunity, it’s up to me and her.”

Odin stood up from the ground again with a faint tone.

"None of you have the right to accuse me, because I saved the world, and for this I even sacrificed the people closest to me. If I hadn't kept delaying my father's return, the world would have been annihilated long ago. Amidst his wrath, how can you, who are lucky enough to survive, criticize me as the savior from the standpoint of the saved?”

"Then according to what you think, brother, you are the one who has shouldered everything?"

Looking at Odin who stood up again in front of him, Xia Mi's eyes became colder.

"If you really had this idea, then we could have discussed it together instead of launching an attack on us without explanation and then beating us into lowly abandoned clans. Why do you..."

"Because she's dead."

After interrupting her words, Odin spoke calmly.

"Admit it, I am the least ambitious of the four kings. After my father died, all of you wanted to become the new Black King, including Norton, the guy who is most like my father. You may have forgotten, I have made this suggestion before, but none of you listened to me. What is family love? Only strength is respected among dragons."


"Can't you remember? It doesn't matter if you can't remember. After all, I have collected enough interest from you. I don't hate you anymore."

When he said these words, Odin's tone was quite calm, but in this calmness, there was clearly a cold and chilling tone.

"Can you imagine? When I dragged my tired body back that day, she came up to me and hugged my hand and acted coquettishly as usual. She also said that she had specially prepared dinner for me today, but I She never imagined that the dinner she was talking about would be hers."

Looking up to her side, there was bright gold burning fiercely under Odin's mask.

"Because of your ambition, she gave her life for it. Perhaps from that time on, I have actually gone crazy. Adhering to her will, I must set foot on the peak where she wants me to go. Anyone who dares to stand in my way Everything in front of you is an enemy.”


Listening to Odin's narration, Xia Mi unconsciously fell silent.

Although she wanted to refute again, for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

What the other party said was not embellished, it was just a simple fact. Although Norton and Constantine are now relatively easy to get along with, in the past, Norton was evaluated as the most like Ned. Hogg's presence.

Among the four monarchs, Norton is the most tyrannical one. He has a very similar character to his father, the Black King Nidhogg, and is highly aggressive. Not only does he have a tyrannical and cruel personality, but he is also the one who is most worthy of the title of the Black King's son.

Just like Odin said, if he didn't take action in advance, the first person to take action would definitely be Norton. The alchemical weapon Bronze Purgatory and the Seven Deadly Sins, which was forged by the other party himself in order to kill the Dragon King, is proof of this.

If Odin had not attacked in advance, the person standing in front of her now might be Norton, who was carrying the Seven Deadly Sins.

...How can she refute this absolute fact?

"Do you understand? My dear sister, it is normal for you to regard me as your enemy, but please don't accuse me from the moral high ground, because you are not qualified."

Looking up at the crimson sky in the night sky, Odin's tone was extremely calm, sounding like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time chatting about home affairs.

"You should have been completely defeated, but I didn't expect that the white emperor would suddenly appear. Her spirit and will were supposed to be placed on the white king's holy bones, and she became a parasite that devoured other people's bodies and blood. I Her ending had been planned in advance, but the reality was completely opposite to what I imagined.”

Shaking his head slightly, Odin looked at Xia Mi in front of him.

"You think you have found a backer, but in my opinion, that is just another history repeating itself. It is the stupidest thing to place your hope and destiny on others. Only the power and destiny you control are the most real. "

Looking directly into Xia Mi's eyes, Odin spoke quietly.

"Tell me, my dear sister, how can you be sure that she will not be more violent than Nidhogg... "Nidhogg"?"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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