With the shaking of the ground, Mount Fuji erupted again.

The flames flew up to the sky like a meteorite, and then fell like rain in all directions. The rain of fire ignited the night sky, and the whole city was in heavy rain.

"Strange, hasn't Xia Mi been dealt with yet?"

Standing on the top of the Tokyo Sky Tower, looking at the direction of Mount Fuji from afar, Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

At this time, she changed out of the sweater and put on the night hat that turned into a black long windbreaker again. The wind was raging, and the cuffs and hem of the windbreaker danced wildly in the air.

... She was waiting for Herzog.

Before this, her strength was probably barely enough to fight against a second-generation species, and after connecting to the "Heavenly Tribulation Fire" Alastor through Shana's original body, her strength had a significant improvement, and now the seal covering the entire Tokyo is a clear proof.

However, Mu Qingzhi was not sure what level her strength had improved to. Although she had killed three puppets of Odin in seconds, that was the power of Alastor, which had nothing to do with her and could not be used as a reference.

The best way to make an accurate assessment of one's own strength is undoubtedly to go through an actual battle, and the "White King" incarnated by Herzog is undoubtedly a good opponent.

"... No, I still have to go and take a look."

After a little hesitation, Mu Qingzhi took out the No. 1 Anywhere Door from the Na Ring.

Although in theory, Xia Mi has no problem dealing with Odin's puppets alone, that is under the premise that the opponent does not have a replica of Kungunir. Even if it is just a replica, the lethality is amazing enough, and a certain Daye teacher may not be able to block it...

But before she opened the door, another door appeared on the side. As the door opened, Xia Mi's thoughtful figure walked out of it.

"...Are you lost over there?"

After looking up and down at the shrimp in front of him, Mu Qingzhi looked strange.

From the other side's appearance, it didn't seem like he had gone through a hard battle...but why did it take so long?

"Well...it's almost like getting lost."

After thinking for a while, Xia Mi looked up at him and nodded seriously.

"Strictly speaking, I was attacked by Odin's mouth cannon."

"Mouth cannon...Odin also knows this trick?"

Listening to Xia Mi's story, Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but be stunned.

Unconsciously, she had a weird fight scene in her mind where Odin opened his mouth wide at Xia Mi, and then a laser shot out of his mouth and flew towards him...Isn't this the skill of the boss she played the game with Lu Mingfei before?

"Mouth cannon, mouth cannon, he talked to me about a lot of family matters, and then said that he was the one who saved the world...The key is that I think what he said makes sense."

Leaning back against the wall, Xia Mi looked depressed.

"What did he say?"

Mu Qingzhi asked with great interest.

"Just some... By the way, can I ask you a question first?"

As if she suddenly remembered something, she looked up and looked at her seriously.

"After you defeat Nidhogg, will you become the next Black King to rule the world?"

"Rule the world... No, you are such an old otaku, haven't you passed the middle school period yet?"

Mu Qingzhi looked weird.

"You keep shouting about ruling the world, and then, what can you do after you successfully rule the world?"

"... Rule, after ruling the world, you can do whatever you want in your heart!!"

After holding it in for a long time, Xia Mi uttered this sentence.

"Oh, sorry, I can do it now."

Mu Qingzhi rolled his eyes.

"So I don't understand why those villains in movies, TV shows or anime are all clamoring to rule the world. In my opinion, this is almost the most boring idea."

"Why is it boring?"

Looking at him, Xia Mi looked unconvinced.

"That symbolizes supreme power. I don't believe no one will..."

"Friendly reminder, at least half of the emperors in history died of exhaustion while working."

Without hesitation, Mu Qingzhi interrupted the other party with a physical knife, and his face was unhappy.

"Of course, you can be a tyrant, but since you have the ability to be a tyrant, why do you still have to spend so much effort to rule the world? Is your brain stuck in the door? Why not just be a domineering and overbearing countryman?"

Xia Mi: "..."

...She found very sadly that she couldn't win over either of the two people.

"Well, let me change the question. After defeating Nidhogg in the future, how do you plan to deal with the problem between humans and dragons?"

Holding her forehead, Xia Mi decisively changed the way she asked. As soon as she said this, she was met with a look that looked like someone looking at a fool.

"Why, dragons must eat humans as food to survive?"

"How is that possible? Eating humans is the most barbaric behavior!! Dragons are a civilization far more advanced than humans, not beasts that eat raw meat and drink blood!!"

"Isn't that the end? After all, there is no deadlock between humans and dragons that cannot be resolved."

Pouting, Mu Qingzhi turned her head and looked into the distance.

"Even as a king, your vision is too narrow. Why can't humans and dragons cooperate closely?"

"How is it possible? These are two civilizations. How can it be so easy to make two races with unequal strength cooperate closely?"

Xia Mi curled her lips.

"Don't forget, "Nibelungen" is a place where death exists. No dragon would be willing to stay in Nibelungen forever. We also like the world under the sun and the sea. I know our tribe. They will never hand over this world to humans."

"If the strength is not equal, let them be equal. If there is not enough space for common survival, then expand outward. I said that your vision is too short-sighted and you underestimate the potential of humans."

Shaking his head, Mu Qingzhi looked up at the sky above his head.

"The most obvious example, in the heyday of the dragon civilization, did they go to the moon?"

"... That's because it's unnecessary."

Unconsciously, Xia Mi's tone weakened.

"Also, not to mention outside the Earth, the concept of vacuum has already appeared at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. The air there will not only become extremely thin, but the element density will also be extremely low. That is the flight limit of dragons, so..."

"Don't forget, humans can't fly, can't manipulate elements, and don't have any spiritual words."

Turning to look at the other party, leaning back on the railing, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"But such a weaker race than the dragon clan has achieved achievements that the dragon clan had not achieved in its heyday. Not only did it break through the limitations of the earth and go to outer space, it even set foot on the moon."

Xia Mi: "..."

"So, we must learn to look further ahead. Since one Earth cannot accommodate the living space of two civilizations, then expand new territories."

Looking up at the sky, Mu Qingzhi smiled slightly.

"The future of this world lies in the sea of ​​stars."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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