Mu Qingzhi has considered the future of this world carefully.

On the surface, this is a battle between dragon slayers and dragons, but in reality, it is a problem of coexistence of two civilizations.

The dragon civilization did not perish, but was hidden by Odin. When everything is settled, how to deal with the problem between dragons and humans is a key.

Although it seems absurd that the future is the sea of ​​stars, Mu Qingzhi thinks that this idea is still feasible... maybe?

[The premise of feasibility is that you stay in this world all the time. ]

Just as Mu Qingzhi lowered her head and thought about the details of the future to the sea of ​​stars, the system's very disgusted voice sounded in her heart.

[Only if you stay here all the time can you rely on the power of fantasy to open up the sea of ​​stars and establish colonies on other planets, but you have been here for less than a year, what are you painting? The evil leaders like to paint big cakes for the workers! ! 】

"What do you mean by a big promise? I just proposed a feasibility."

His face darkened slightly, and he leaned forward on the armrest, and Mu Qingzhi argued in his heart.

"As long as human technology and dragon alchemy are combined, it is feasible to go to the star sea. What do you mean by a big promise?"

[Yes, it is feasible, but how many years will it take? Even if we count the least, to reach the level of opening up the star sea, it will take at least several decades, right? After you leave, are you sure that humans and dragons can always live in peace and cooperate with each other in these decades? 】

The system sneered.

[Your idea is too naive. If you really do it according to your method, do you believe that when you come back to this world in the future, you will find that this world has fallen into doomsday? 】

"How is it possible? Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei will restrain the dragons, plus Constantine and..."

[Never underestimate the greed of humans and the violence of dragons. Your idea is too idealistic, and the probability of realization is less than 0.1%. 】

The system interrupted her without any hesitation.

[Also, do you think some people will go crazy after you leave this world for no reason? ]

"Uh... not that exaggerated, right?"

Mu Qingzhi shrank her neck unconsciously.

"Besides, I have a good sense of distance control, how could that happen..."

[I have a form here, do you want to take a look? ]

"Form? What form?"

[Favorability form, out of curiosity, I quantified other people's favorability towards you in a digital way. ]

The tone of the system was full of calmness.

[Do you want to guess who has the highest favorability towards you on this form? ]

"Um... Eri?"

[There are three people with full favorability, and Eri ranks third. ]

"Full value... wait, how is this favorability calculated?"

[The full value is 100 points. Those who reach 100 points are people who regard your life as more important than their own life. In other words, people who reach this favorability can sacrifice their lives for you without hesitation at any time. For a couple who have a good relationship, the mutual favorability is usually around 85 to 95 points. 】

The system patiently explained it to her.

"Then the first two..."

[Oh, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang. 】


[Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang. 】

"No...Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your data?"

Mu Qingzhi looked strange.

"It's normal for Eri to have a high favorability, but Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang can't be that high, right? I didn't do anything, why is my favorability so high?"

[...Aren't you aware of it? 】

"Aware? I am very aware. I think there must be something wrong with your data statistics."

Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"You must have mixed up some data. The favorability of the two of them can't be that high...Wait, are we off topic?"

Mu Qingzhi suddenly realized it belatedly.

"Shouldn't we be discussing the future of this world now?"

[Really? I think what we are discussing now is the future of this world. 】

"Nonsense, what is the connection between my affairs and the future of this world?"

Rolling his eyes, Mu Qingzhi started to speak.

"If you have a good idea, just say it directly. If you don't have any, go and have a rest. I have to fight Herzog later, so I don't have time to chat with you here."


Mu Qingzhi vaguely heard the system make a light click.

[Compared to opening up the star sea, I think the more suitable solution for the future of this world is to create a new world. 】

"New world... Wuheyoujing?"

Mu Qingzhi was slightly stunned.

[Almost, that's what it means. Using a new world as a buffer between two civilizations is more appropriate. 】

"... Is it feasible?"

After a little hesitation, Mu Qingzhi asked.

[At least it's more feasible than your idea of ​​opening up the star sea. 】


-Boom-! ! !

Just as Mu Qingzhi was about to ask again, a loud roar interrupted her thoughts, and the Tokyo Tower under her feet began to shake.

When she looked up with some confusion, she saw in the distance that Mount Fuji, which had calmed down after Xia Mi came back, was roaring again. The flames erupted from the crater soared into the sky, and then turned into countless meteorites in the sky. Falling towards Tokyo.

For a moment, it seemed like a bolide shower was falling from the sky.

...Thanks to the small number of mixed-races left in the sealed area at this time, otherwise, if Mount Fuji comes here, there may be dozens of percent more casualties.

"Didn't you say it's done? Why... eh..."

Turning around to look at Xia Mi, who was picking up a bowl of lunch next to him, Mu Qingzhi was about to ask, then he saw the shrimp holding a spoon in his hand and looking up blankly. Towards Mount Fuji.

——It seems that the other party is also extremely confused now.

"Damn!! That guy Odin just told me so much just to delay time!!!"

After a brief daze, Xia Mi came back to his senses and stuffed the spoonful of fried rice into his mouth, then looked furious.

"I knew, how could he be so kind!? I asked him why he was sitting on the ground when he was talking to me before, but he secretly completed the detonation of Mount Fuji while I was distracted. Fortunately, I sympathized with him. , This guy is so shameless! "

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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