The sun was shining outside, and the light and shadows were reflected in the house from the window, leaving some spots in the attic.

He walked straight into the house, avoiding the bottles piled on the ground with disdain. In front of the sofa and wine cabinet, the vice-president wearing headphones was concentrating on watching an old-fashioned action movie between men and women, and drinking a few sips of wine from time to time, and his comfort was beyond words.

With a dark face, Angers directly pulled out the plug of the computer screen.

"Hey, hey, hey, I understand that you are unhappy about being locked up for so long, but can you please not disturb my daily relaxation time?"

Take off the headphones on your head, look up at the person in front of him, and the vice-president looks dissatisfied.

"Also, can you knock on the door before coming in next time? Can you respect my personal privacy?"

The other party had obviously just returned from a resort like Portofino and had just got off the plane. It was a hot day, and he was still wearing a straight black suit.

"Privacy? You look like someone who cares about this?"

Glancing at the other person, Angers untied his tie, unbuttoned the collar of his white shirt, and sat on the sofa, unceremoniously occupying the most comfortable place in the attic.

"Get me a drink, anything will do, but remember to add ice cubes."

Although it is already close to autumn, the autumn heat is scorching. There is no wind today, and the temperature outside is like a furnace. If he is not in a hurry, he should go back to his principal's office to take a shower.

"Ice cubes? Do you think I always have ice cubes here?"

Shrugging slightly, the vice principal first grabbed the bottle of single malt whiskey next to him, and then grabbed a suspicious-looking glass, poured most of the glass of wine and handed it to the other person.

"Take your time, don't be impatient. In my impression, you have always been the most stable person. Why are you so impetuous today?"

"Didn't you watch the news?"

After taking the glass and drinking it all, Angers looked at the other person with a bad face.

"I was away for less than two months, and the world was almost turned upside down. How did you manage to be the vice-president?"

"Let me correct you. It was the world of the mixed-bloods. Except for the spectacle that the whole world could see due to the sunspot riot, the world of ordinary people was not disturbed much."

Still lying on the sofa with most of his body, the vice-president stretched out a finger and shook it.

"Although Tokyo lost contact with the world for a day and a half, there were no ordinary casualties, and the buildings inside were all intact. Everything was the best ending."

"Don't come on, you know what I'm talking about."

Anger frowned.

"It's been almost half a month since Tokyo was unsealed, and you still don't have any news from them?"

...Anger never thought that such a big thing would happen in the world just because he was going to take a two-month vacation.

Although someone had made a lot of big news in the past, compared with the news this time, it was just a small fight.

The celestial phenomena that covered the whole world, the live broadcast of the ancient secrets of the dragon clan targeting the mixed-bloods all over the world, the holy remains of the White King buried under the abyss, the Dragon King Odin who hid among humans for thousands of years and manipulated the human process, the Nibelungen [Night Food Field] that once belonged to the White King... Each of these, if taken out separately, would shock the world in the past, but in just less than two months of this summer vacation, they were all detonated in one breath.

...Shocking the world?

Let alone others, anyway, Angers was a little numb.

Later, Tokyo was sealed off and banned, and almost all of them had their hearts in their throats, fearing that when the ban was lifted, they would see a doomsday scene of broken walls and ruins.

——That one and a half days was definitely the most difficult time for them.

Although the final result was peace, everything was peaceful and calm, but that was only on the surface, and there were undercurrents behind the scenes. Until now, half a month later, the chaos behind the scenes has been slightly calmed down.

However, due to the fact that the person at the core of the incident and several other important characters have been missing, this calming down is just a superficial effort.

"No, don't think about it. As long as the emperor wants, we will never be able to find his trace."

After drinking a sip of rum in the bottle, the vice principal responded very straightforwardly.

"The White King's Holy Remains represent "power". The perfect resolution of the Tokyo incident means that she has taken back some of her power. Now she is probably in a Nibelung to digest and integrate her former power."

"Her disappearance can be explained in this way, but what about Caesar, Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and others? What is the reason for their disappearance?"

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Angers shook his head.

"In the past half month, the people of the Gattuso family have almost gone crazy. If no one had stopped them, the Gattuso family would have already fought with the eight Sheqi families. If Caesar and his people don't show up again, or if they delay their departure for another half a month, the existing conflict will derive into a super war between the mixed-blood families."

"Uh... half a month ago, Noma sent an email to the other party."

As if he also realized the seriousness of the problem, the vice principal reached out and scratched his head.

"What email?"

"Ahem... an email urging her to come back for a make-up exam, because she failed all her courses last semester, and failed nine courses in a row."

The vice principal coughed in his mouth.

"Not only that, Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi are also people who need to make up the exam. They also received the email, but no one responded."

Angers: "..."

"...When do you think they will come back?"

"I don't know. It depends on when the white emperor can fully integrate his power. We still know too little about the Dragon Clan."

Shaking his head, the vice principal sat up from the sofa.

"In terms of power and power, she has completed the "power", so her next goal must be "power"... which is the magic gun [Kungunir]."

Raising his head, the vice-principal looked directly into Angers eyes.

"You have a clue about this artifact, right?"


After a moment of silence, Ang nodded.

"Actually, there are not a few people who know about this magical weapon. I saw this magical gun at close range twenty years ago, but I couldn't locate the gun's location. It was actually not open to anyone in the world. "


Unconsciously, the vice principal frowned.

"You are the spokesperson of the Secret Party. All files are open to you. There shouldn't be anything you don't know."

"No, there are still some."

Raising his head, Ange looked at the night watchman in front of him, and then softly uttered a few words in his mouth.

"For example...the doomsday sect."

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