"...Doomsday faction?"

When the vice-president heard Ange say those three words, his face changed slightly.

——In the secret party, the three words "Doomsday faction" are a taboo.

Many years ago, an incident occurred within the secret party, which directly led to the biggest split in the history of the secret party. After that, the secret party was split into two parts.

One part is the academic faction represented by Kassel College today, and the other part is the doomsday faction that believes that the world is destined to be destroyed, humans are just despicable usurpers, and dragon slaying is just a meaningless sacrifice.

This faction has disappeared for many years, and the vice-president did not expect to hear this name from Ange.

"Don't be so surprised, the relationship between the two factions is not as bad as you think. In fact, we have cooperated a lot over the years, but they are extremely xenophobic."

Looking at the expression on the vice-president's face, Ange shrugged slightly.

"Like Lu Mingfei's father, Lu Lincheng, who is the leader of the current generation of the Doomsday Faction. You should know his name."

"Nonsense, why would I remember a male name?"

The vice-president rolled his eyes.

"So according to you, [Kungunir] is actually in the hands of the Doomsday Faction?"

"Almost. That thing is now in the Shelter Alley, but no one knows where the Shelter Alley is. After her scene was broadcast live to the whole world, our connection with the Shelter Alley has been completely cut off."

Anger nodded.

"I have been looking for that place for more than ten years, but I have never found any clues. That place does not exist in the world."

"... Nibelungen again?"

"Almost. I have never been there, and those who have been there have never come back."

Anger poured himself another glass of wine.

"Although everything seems calm now, this world has become different from before. The calm is only temporary, and bigger storms are brewing in the shadows... This is the consensus of everyone who has watched the video."


Rarely, the vice-president fell silent.

The video that Ange was talking about was the video recording of the destructive battle that took place over Tokyo. Although the seal completely blocked the outside world from prying eyes, there were many mixed-bloods in Tokyo at that time, so it was not difficult to record a video.

Half a month had passed, and all the mixed-blood families with names and surnames had obtained a copy of the video, and he had naturally seen it.

——That kind of battle had already exceeded the limits of human imagination.

"There is one more thing. I am in a small trouble now, and I need your help."

Raising the wine glass, Ange raised it towards the vice-president.

"Don't worry, it's just a small matter."

"Every time you say this, but every time you ask me for help, it's a matter of life and death."

The vice-president rolled his eyes.

"Tell me, what is it again?"

"Next week, the investigation team of the board of directors will arrive at the college. They seem to have really made up their minds this time and are ready to fire me as the principal."

After drinking the wine in the glass, Ange spoke lightly.

"No... Are you serious!?"

Almost choked by the wine in the glass, the vice-president looked up at Angers in front of him in astonishment.

"Fire you? Who came up with the idea? After you are fired, who can replace you? Today is not April Fools' Day!!"

"It seems sudden, but we had a debate at the annual meeting of the board of directors a few weeks ago. At that time, I was as confident as you because they couldn't find anyone to replace me. But now it seems that they can't wait."

Angers shook his head.

"According to the board of directors, the person who will take over my position will be Beowulf. The performance of our unruly students has seriously irritated their nerves."

"So they are preparing to..."

"That's right, while trying me, they will also try others."

"It's ridiculous! Are they going to try the White Emperor!?"

Finally, the vice-president's face turned completely black.

"In the face of such a devastating force, they still have such thoughts in their hearts? Aren't they afraid that the Eight Snakes will fight them to death!?"

"They have taken this into consideration, so the targets of their trial this time are Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei and others... Of course, Caesar is not included."

Drinking wine, Angers' tone is still as calm as ever.

"They are politicians. Politicians always think about building a new world before the war is over, just like the United States and the Soviet Union have considered how to divide spheres of influence in Europe before they conquered Berlin. In their eyes, power and wealth are the most important. When a powerful force that is not under their control appears in their vision, they will inevitably have some small thoughts in their hearts."

"Because they have seen through the opponent's weaknesses, they think they can control the emperor? It's ridiculous."

The vice-president sneered.

After listening to Angers's story, he understood what the people on the board of directors were thinking.

Although the Tokyo Incident may be the largest and most spectacular war in human history, the number of casualties in this war is pitifully small.

...Just from these, we can already see some clues.

Those people on the school board may have suspected the possibility that the eldest daughter of the Uesugi family was actually the White King, but they thought they had grasped the weakness of the eldest daughter.

——With weaknesses, there is the possibility of being controlled.

"Do you understand? Your mission this time is very important."

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Angers exhaled slightly.

"Although the emperor is on our side, no one can tell what will happen in the future. With the thinking of those politicians, it is very likely to anger this..."

Angers had not finished his words, as if he had noticed something in advance, he turned his head and saw somewhere in the attic.

Soon, under the gaze of him and the vice-principal, a red wooden door appeared from the void and gradually became clear.

"Huh, it's finally over. After I go back, I must have a good sleep first... uh..."

Looking at the principal and vice-principal who were silently paying attention to him, Lu Mingfei, who was the first to open the door from behind, was silent for a moment.

"Don't block the door, move aside."

Mu Qingzhi pushed Lu Mingfei away with some annoyance, and stepped on the ground again. As the red wooden door opened, the rest of the people behind her rushed out together, instantly filling up this not-so-big attic.

Anger/Vice Principal: "..."

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