Looking at the missing persons parachuted in front of them, Angers and the vice-principal couldn't help but remain silent for a while.

Before, they had guessed where this group of people had gone in the past half month, but now, looking at the moon-like moon in the door behind them, they felt that their previous guesses were too conservative. .

Unconsciously, the vice-principal remembered that he had seen a post on the Night Watch website more than ten days ago about the fireworks blooming on the moon that was observed by a student in the school who was seriously interested in astronomy.

At that time, he felt that the other party was trying to impress others, and he was already upset because of a series of things, so he gave the other party a gift package of being banned for a month... Thinking about it now, the other party was probably even more unjust than Dou E.

"You were before..."

"Oh, we went to the moon for training."

Waving her hand, Mu Qingzhi looked unconcerned.

"Isn't it time for school to start soon? And there are still some things that need to be dealt with, so I came back from the moon."

Principal/Vice Principal: “………”

Different from Mu Qingzhi's casualness, Lu Mingfei and the others all acted a little panicked after seeing the principal and vice principal in front of them.

——After all, technically speaking, they missed nearly half a month of class.

Precisely because of this, they did not stay in the attic for too long. After just a few minutes, Mu Qingzhi was the only one left in the attic.

"...Any door can lead directly to the moon?"

Glancing at the unclosed red wooden door in the corner of the attic, the vice-principal had a subtle look on his face.

"Also, isn't there a vacuum over there? Logically speaking, everything in the attic should be sucked in the moment the door is opened."

"This? I built a Guanghan Palace over there, which is equivalent to an unfinished Nibelungen."

Sitting down next to the coffee table, Mu Qingzhi looked calm.

"As for reaching the moon directly? Haven't you seen Doraemon? If the Any Door can't even reach the moon, then what is it called the Any Door?"

"...I'm beginning to suspect that the Dragon Clan is an interstellar civilization."

Unconsciously, the corners of the vice principal's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he had known about the existence of [Any Gate] from Angers very early, he, like the other party, had always thought that the transmission range of Any Gate was limited, at least to the earth.

As a result, the other party now told him that the arbitrary door the other party took out was the version in the Doraemon anime. If he remembered correctly, based on the original version of the anime... the transmission range of the arbitrary door seems to be ten light years?

Of course, the door the other party took out should not be so exaggerated, but it is already quite outrageous to be able to go directly to the moon.

If humans want to go to the moon, it will cost at least several billion dollars. It is precisely because of this high cost and the large amount of time and energy consumed. Although the idea of ​​developing interstellar immigrants to the moon has been proposed for a long time, But it has always been in its infancy.

...What about the other party?

Just open a door and lift your foot, and you can instantly go to the moon hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. Coupled with the [Adaptive Lamp], an artifact that can adapt to any harsh environment, these two items alone are enough. The foundation of interstellar civilization has been laid. If those scientists were to know about these two props, I don’t know how crazy they would become.

...Speaking of which, the battle between the Black King and the White King was not a war that took place in the interstellar space, right?

If you think about it this way, then the asteroid belt that straddles the orbits of Mars and Jupiter seems quite suspicious...

——For a moment, a certain vice-principal's thoughts went crazy.

"This is a special case... Well, you can understand that it is something that can only be created after the transformation of strength. In the past era, there should be no arbitrary door. It was broken and then built."

After coughing slightly, Mu Qingzhi took out a stack of documents prepared in advance from Najie and changed the subject.

"This is some information that I have compiled during this period. Please take a look at it, principal. There are some cancers and it's time to remove them."

The layout of thousands of years before and after, with Odin's cautious temperament, it is impossible to say how many back-ups have been left in various parts of the world. Taking advantage of the time when the other party is shrinking and afraid to come out, she naturally has to find a way to take advantage of these opponents. The forces were dealt with one by one.

...For example, the Chen family.

After Chen Motong and Caesar reached a reconciliation, the other party finally solved some kind of knot in their hearts. Taking this opportunity, with the other party's permission, she did a comprehensive test on the other party.

Unlike Eri Yi, Chen Motong's situation is even more special. The other people's blood lines all correspond to one person, but she is the only one who has part of the Black King and White King bloodlines. A delicate balance is reached...or rather, opposition.

It is precisely because of this opposition and conflict that she has no voice.

Mu Qingzhi originally thought that the other person's profile was a manifestation of some kind of hidden speech spirit, but according to the test results, it seemed more like some kind of talent that the other person had.

In other words, Chen Motong was actually an experiment formed by artificial interference like her brother "Key". Although in her memory, she did not accept the experiment, in fact, the other party Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, there is a forgotten memory.

In this case, the truth of the other party's mother's death is worth discussing. In addition, the Chen family itself has some unclear relations with the "Saint Palace Medical Association", so she naturally chose the Chen family to be the first to be attacked.

The original intention of Mu Qingzhi to take out these materials was to let Angers and others put pressure on the Chen family, but what she didn't expect was that after flipping through a few pages, Angers' eyes were fixed on a certain name recorded in the file.

For a moment, the expression on the other party's face became a little scary.

"How did this name get recorded on it?"

Pointing to the line of small words on the file, Angers looked up at her.

"Name? What name... Friedrich von Long?"

Looking at the line on the file where Angers pointed, Mu Qingzhi blinked.

"Why, is this name special?"

"... He is the traitor who caused the destruction of the original Lionheart Society."

After a short silence, Angers answered.

"Besides, he should have died a long time ago."

"Hmm... I have a few props here. Do you want them?"

After thinking for a while, Mu Qingzhi looked up at the other party.

"Those props can help you find him. When I first made those props, I wanted to use them to search for Herzog, but the other party has been hiding in Nibelungen. Now with the death of the other party, those props have been idle in the warehouse. Anyway, there is no use for them. If you want them, I will give them to you. But you have to agree to one condition of mine."

"What condition?"

Raising his head, Angers looked at her.

"Let me pass all the make-up exams!!"

-Someone looked unhesitating.

Angers: "..."

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