...Soon, Sakai Yuji understood the meaning of what the girl said before.

Originally, he had no idea who he was going to give the note to, but he was afraid of missing it when he returned home, so he had no choice but to hold his schoolbag and stand there holding the note like a fool.

It was as if some kind of switch had been turned on. After he came out of the crimson realm, although the world was the same as before, it seemed to be slightly different.

Looking at a pedestrian walking across the street in the distance, Yuji Sakai frowned unconsciously.

Although on the surface, the pedestrian was no different from other people on the street, but in his field of vision, there was clearly a small flame between blue and pale burning inside the other person.

Among the bustling pedestrians around, there were many people similar to the other party, even himself...

Lowering his head, Sakai Yuji looked in front of him.

——There was also a flame burning slowly in his heart.

Originally, Yuji Sakai didn't know what these flames represented, but while he was waiting for someone here, he witnessed with his own eyes a ball of burning flames and that person disappearing from the world, while the people around him... After a sudden realization, he vaguely understood.

"Fire, nibbling, dinner plate...is this what it means to be eaten?"

Sitting on the steps on the street, putting his hands in his hair, Yuji Sakai tried hard to control his emotions.

Ever since he realized that he was likely to disappear into this world quietly like those who disappeared, uncontrollable panic arose in his heart, almost engulfing him.

After all, he is just an ordinary high school student who has just entered high school. He can work hard to maintain his emotional stability, which is already very good.

"The reality of this world..."

After a while, Yuji Sakai took a deep breath and put down his hand again.

Since you can encounter monsters, other people around you may also encounter monsters. Today it is your classmates, maybe tomorrow it will be your relatives and friends' turn, and once they are eaten...

Shaking his head violently, Sakai Yuji forcibly interrupted his terrible thoughts.

Thinking on the bright side, although there are man-eating monsters in this world, there are also people who protect humans, so things will never be as bad and desperate as I thought.


Lowering his head, Sakai Yuji looked at the note in his hand.

Although the girl asked him to hand over this note before, he didn't know the appearance of the person named Shana at all. How could he successfully hand over the note if he didn't know anything? go out?

...Perhaps the other party has any distinguishing characteristics? For example, having big shoulders and a round waist, or being two meters taller...

While thinking about this in his mind, Sakai Yuji raised his head and looked at the bustling street in front of him again.

Then, coincidentally, just when he raised his head, a girl with long black hair and straight hair wearing a black windbreaker appeared in his field of vision. She seemed to have rushed over here in a hurry, looking around as if she was looking for someone. , so it looks quite eye-catching.

Looking at the girl with long black hair and straight hair over there, Yuji Sakai couldn't help but froze there.

In appearance, the other person was surprisingly similar to the girl from before, and even the clothes were very different, but the temperament between the two was completely different.

Compared with the girl just now, the one in front of me is obviously more indifferent and avoids strangers... Gentle sister and cold sister?

Unconsciously, Sakai Yuji had such an idea in his mind.


At the same time, somewhere in Misaki City.

"The flames are scorching the eyes...the fire mist of the calamity fire of heaven and earth?"

With a loving look on his face, he hugged the puppet in front of him, and Faliagni comforted him softly.

"It doesn't matter, Marian, it's not your fault. The fire mist that exists is really tricky, but as long as you're fine, it'll be fine."


Rubbing her face into the other person's arms, Marianne looked touched.

Unlike the Rinzi he drives, Hunter Faliagni's appearance is extremely outstanding. He has blue hair and a white suit, plus the streamers surrounding the opponent's body, giving him an extra layer of appearance out of thin air. He has a very dusty temperament.

Unlike ordinary followers of the Red World, he is the King of the Red World with a higher level of status. As a king, the characteristic is that he can see through the "prey's nature". With this power, he can immediately see through the ability and usage of the Noble Phantasm. .

Even among the kings of the red world, his strength is firmly at the forefront. To this end, he has destroyed no less than several fire mists.

...At the same time, he is also a perverted puppet controller.

Although Marian was just a Rinko created by him, he could not help but fall in love with her. In order to make her a real existence, he traveled to Misaki City, intending to sacrifice the entire city and devour it. Launching "Eating the City" at the cost of all lives in it, turning Marion into a truly independent individual.

For this reason, since he came to Misaki City, he has been secretly planning these things. The unusually large number of torches in this city is his work. When all the arrangements are completed, these torches will become the nodes of the formation to launch the natural law of "devouring the city".

Sacrificing the entire city, once this crazy idea is known to others, it will inevitably attract the siege of several fire mists, so when executing this plan, Fariagni can be said to be quite careful.

The reason why torches are used as nodes is also for concealment considerations.

But he didn't expect that the fire mist had come to his door just halfway through his plan. Although he had already expected this, how did the other party know his overall plan?

... Intelligence network?

But haven't the fire mists always been alone? Even when the fire mists meet each other, they will fight each other. So how could a fledgling kid have such an effective intelligence network?

Looking down at the city below, holding Marian who was sleeping in his arms, Fariagni's face was as gloomy as water.

Flaming hair and burning eyes... Is it the fire fog of the Heaven and Earth Fire?

The plan has been advanced to this point, and he can't cancel it, so all he can do is try to destroy the opponent.

As long as it is fire fog, there is a huge weakness, and he happens to have the killer to deal with fire fog.

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