…Yuji Sakai never thought that he would encounter two life-and-death crises in one day.

At this moment, looking at the black-haired girl standing in front of him and looking at the note with an uncontrollable murderous aura, he suddenly wanted to escape.

“That guy…”

Looking at the note in her hand, the girl felt that her anger was rising sharply.

In the past, she rarely had such a sharp emotional fluctuation, but since she met that guy, she felt that her anger had always been above 70 points.

The information recorded on the note was very simple, that is, she was limited to returning the other party’s Zhidianzana within three days. If she didn’t return it, her underwear would be put on the online auction platform by the other party—in the name of the fire mist of the Tianhuai Jiehuo.

〖Cough…Don’t worry, with the other party’s identity, he won’t do such a mean thing. This is obviously used to deliberately provoke you. 〗

Accurately aware of the emotional changes of his own contractor, Alastor coughed slightly in his mouth.

〖Compared to this note, I think you should pay more attention to the Misters in front of you. Do you remember what he said to you at the beginning?〗

If before, He was still not able to completely determine the specific identity of the demon god contracted by the other party, then now, through the incident of Ye Li, He has more than 90% confidence in the specific speculation about the identity of the demon god.

The other party who can take back part of Ye Li's control from His hands must be no lower than Him, plus the 100% replica of Ye Li and Zhidian Zana, who else in the world can do all this except the ritual snake?

Although it is unknown how the consciousness of that person returned, the fact is the fact and cannot be refuted.

"...He asked me if I was Shana, saying that my sister had a note to pass on to me."

After a short silence, the girl reluctantly repeated what Misters had said before.

"What sister? She's obviously a sister who doesn't recognize anyone and is easy to take care of!! And she gave it to me specially..."

At the end, the girl fell silent.

As a girl who was brought back to Tiandao Palace by Wilhelmina to be trained as a fire mist warrior since she was a baby, she didn't have a name at all. It was unknown what Wilhelmina had in mind, but she never gave her a name, even when they separated after the Tiandao Palace crashed.

To the outside world, she was always called the Flame-haired Burning Eyes Demander, or the Fire Mist of the Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire.

A pure code name, a pure tool.

It was precisely because of this that in her heart, she only treated herself as a tool. She could feel that Wilhelmina was looking through her when she was there, but she pretended not to know.

From Alastair, she heard a lot of stories about the previous generation of contractors, and knew a lot about Wilhelmina, so she was willing to be the Flame-haired Burning Eyes in the other's heart, and never cared whether she had a name or not.

...But now, those emotions that she had deliberately ignored still surged into her heart at this moment.

She was neither a substitute for someone, nor a pure tool to be cultivated. She had her own family and her own name, and that name was Shana.

Someone told her that she could be herself again.

"...Where did she go?"

After a long silence, Shana looked up at the Misters in front of her.

"Also, what happened here before? Since she was here, how could you be eaten? Tell me all these things."


"There is one more thing."

Before the other party finished speaking, he seemed to remember something, turned his head and looked aside, and Shana interrupted the other party's words with some displeasure.

"I am the elder sister, not the younger sister. She is the worrying younger sister. Don't make a mistake."

Sakai Yuuji: "..."

...Well, it is confirmed that it is the younger sister.

Geminis always fight over who is the older sister and who is the younger sister...

--Compared to the one in front of them, the other one is obviously more mature.


As time goes by, the endless night covers the earth.

And in this city that is trapped in the night, an inhumane "massacre" is taking place.

"Run... Run quickly..."

"Quick, everyone call the police!!"

"... Evil, devil..."

In a dark alley, accompanied by a series of ghost-like howling sounds, a bad guy with earrings and dyed yellow hair fled the alley in panic, and ran and looked back, as if there was a terrifying monster chasing him.

But before he could run a few meters, a trash can fell from the sky and directly knocked him inside. The next moment, he was dragged back to the alley by a flying elk wearing a cape...

"It's okay, just barely."

After flipping through the wallet in his hand, taking the wallet out and throwing the empty wallet to the bad guy, Mu Qingzhi nodded with a look of dissatisfaction.

"I admit that the method you mentioned is very useful."

[It's just a little bit of experience, not worth mentioning. 】

Although the system's tone was modest, its words were full of pride.

[Bad things refresh very quickly. When I was developing in the early stage, I grew up by brushing Bad. I am very familiar with where Bad will refresh, okay? Please call me Bad Killer affectionately like Goblin Slayer. ]

Bad: "………"

Mu Qingzhi: "………"

Although she got a lot of money from Lamy before, as she and Shana stole from each other, all her belongings also ran to Shana's hands.

Even if she also got Shana's wallet, the money in the other's wallet was nothing compared to Lamy's wallet. Under the premise of being about to fall into a fiscal deficit, the system was very considerate to provide her with a simple and convenient way to make money... that is, brushing Bad.

It's not to mention that with her very deceptive appearance, her money-saving efficiency is actually quite high...

Of course, brushing bad cards will only be a side effect. She doesn't have the leisure to come out to brush money in the middle of the night. The main reason why she is here now is to do a certain experiment.

Moving her eyes away from the flying elk posing on the side, Mu Qingzhi saw a corner on the side.

——Under the dim light of the street lamp above, the shadows on the ground are looming, as if they may come out at any time and anywhere.

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