…Yuji Sakai has been very distressed recently.

Ever since he learned the truth about the world that day, the fact that he was already dead but the torch could disappear at any time and anywhere due to burning out was secondary. The most important thing was that he found that he seemed to be able to see some strange things.

Looking at the shadow monster that half of its body was sticking out from the corner of the wall and writing something seriously in a notebook, Yuji Sakai couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly.

Through the popular science of the seemingly difficult "sister" that day, he knew that the unified name of these monsters was phosphorus, a tool created by the Red World Apostles to eat humans.

Logically speaking, these things are very dangerous, but looking at the monsters over there who are more serious than the students in class, he always feels that the world seems to have become a little magical... Especially when the other party was killed by a girl with a clean knife when leaving.

Looking at the girl standing on the rooftop and watching him all the time, Yuji Sakai suddenly felt a headache.

I am a torch, and even more so a Misters, a blind box treasure house walking in the world, and the Red World King entrenched in this city is an existence that likes to collect treasures. Since the other party has been eyeing me, in order to better destroy the other party, I am most likely to find the other party's existence by constantly monitoring me.

... Although what Shana said seems to make sense, he always feels that something is wrong.

〖Recently, this thing seems to be getting more and more. 〗

On the rooftop, Alastor's voice sounded.

"Well, but the number of torches has not continued to increase."

Nodding, Shana took the Zhidian Zana back to the night hat.

"These mass-produced phosphorus do not seem to be the first purpose of eating humans, but seem to be consciously collecting something. Recently, these ghost things are everywhere in this city."

Calculating the time, she has been in this city for almost five days. Compared with the previous three-day trip in a city, she has stayed in this city for more than half of the time.

There are three reasons why she has not left the city. The first is because the hunter Fariagni who has never appeared is more harmful to the world than the Red World Apostles. She has the responsibility to defeat him.

The second is because of Yuji Sakai, the Mister.

As a torch, the final fate must be to burn out, even Mister is no exception. She originally thought that the other party would burn out quickly, so she planned to take the treasure in the other party's body after the other party disappeared.

... Simply put, it is to wait for the other party to die.

There is no humane or inhumane saying about this kind of thing. In the eyes of these fire mists, and even Alastor, torches are just objects like stones or trees, and there is no need to pay too much attention to their own feelings.

- Compared with the Red World Apostles' direct and rough practice of opening Mister to seize the treasure, they are already very humane.

But based on the observations of the past few days, Shana obviously discovered some abnormalities of Yuji Sakai, the Mister.

In fact, she had encountered many things like torches in her previous journeys, and she had also popularized the concept of torches to more than one torch. In the past, after learning the truth, the torches were either terrified or knelt down to beg her to save them, or they were disheartened and committed suicide in advance or indulged themselves. But on the other hand, after knowing that she was about to die, everything was normal, and she enjoyed her remaining life more attentively.

Knowing that everyone would forget her, she became more optimistic than before, and even persuaded her to reconcile with her sisters in advance... To be honest, she didn't understand her.

The third one was her sister who didn't even know her name.

Because of the blood connection, she could sense her breath, so she would never lose her. These days, she had stayed in this city and didn't leave, so she naturally wouldn't leave.

In fact, she tried to locate the other party with the help of Alastair, but it was always in vain. Every time she arrived, the other party had already left. The two of them were like playing hide-and-seek in a huge city, which really made her very angry...

Just when Shana was thinking about where her troublesome sister was hiding in the city, the door to the rooftop was pushed open, and Yuji Sakai came up with a lunch box in his hand.

"Uh... this is today..."

"Humph, mind your business, I didn't ask you to prepare a lunch box for me."

Looking at Yuji Sakai who was running to give her lunch as usual, Shana turned her head with her hands folded, feeling a little unhappy.

"Ahaha... then take it as a thank you for protecting me?"

Scratching his cheek with his fingers, Yuji Sakai was a little embarrassed.

"After all, you have been fighting those monsters. At noon..."

"No way, no way, no way!! I told you that we are not protecting you. We are just waiting for you to burn out so that we can take away the treasure in your body. Do you have any awareness of being a torch?!"

"Then consider it as a thank you gift for protecting my classmates."

Without any intention of getting angry, Yuji Sakai stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

"If you weren't here, my family, friends, and classmates might all become food for those monsters. From this point of view, a little thank you is appropriate, right?"

Shana: "..."

...So she couldn't understand the other party at all.

Just when she was about to say something, she suddenly turned her head and looked in a certain direction of the city, as if she sensed something.

As rivals who have been fighting each other for thousands of years, Huo Mist and the Apostle can sense each other's aura. After all, if you go deeper, the power between them comes from the same source.

In the same way, fire mist and fire mist can actually sense each other immediately. When one fire mist enters the realm of another fire mist, they can feel each other quite clearly.

——And now, in her induction, a strange fire mist entered the city.

In fact, Huo Wu came to this city before, but after sensing her aura, that Huo Wu left here wisely and gave the city to her.

But this new stranger, Huo Wu, not only had no intention of leaving the city after noticing her aura, but instead used some kind of large-scale detection method in the center of the city... This can already be regarded as naked. Provoked.

"That guy..."

With a cold face and no intention of explaining anything to Yuji Sakai behind her, Shana turned over and jumped off the rooftop.

She had been in a bad mood these past few days, but the naked provocation of the stranger Huo Wu was equivalent to hitting her gun directly.

——She can't wait to have a fight.

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