Although on the surface, Mu Qingzhi is a fire mist, but in fact, if there is no system to help her cover up her breath, she is a genuine king of the Red World.

As a member of the Red World Apostles, Mu Qingzhi naturally has the ability to make phosphorus.

In the world of Shakugan Shana, phosphorus is actually a rather unscientific thing. As long as you are a Red World Apostle, even the lowest Red World people, you can make your own phosphorus.

The most important point is that phosphorus can have its own emotions and will. Except that they cannot exist independently from their masters and need to regularly absorb the power of existence to maintain their existence, they are no different from ordinary life forms.

In a way, this is no different from creating life.

With Mu Qingzhi's strength, she can naturally create phosphorus with her own emotions at will, but after some consideration, she still chose other options.

A few minutes later, under Mu Qingzhi's gaze, the shadow under the streetlight slowly solidified. As the shadow flowed, a shadow soldier covered in black cloth with only a pair of eyes exposed appeared in front of her.

One, two, three... until finally, dozens of identical shadow soldiers lined up in front of her.

"Hmm... does it look okay?"

Looking at the freshly baked "Black Shadow Corps Plus Edition" in front of her, Mu Qingzhi touched her chin with a thoughtful look on her face.

She didn't need any linzi with her own emotions and will, she just needed some helpers who could help her run errands, and the hardworking Black Shadow Corps was undoubtedly the most suitable option.

Because most of the combat power was almost abandoned, the cost of the Black Shadow Corps was extremely low, and the existence power required was also very small. Although these Black Shadow Soldiers needed to continuously consume the existence power just to exist, it was quite convenient as long as they were disbanded in time before that.

By delaying the payment of wages, she could easily summon a legion of more than 300 people whenever she wanted.

"Okay, go ahead, lurk in various places in this city, and then bring me what I want in time."

After carefully examining the black shadow army in front of her, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand and gave them instructions with great satisfaction.

Although she was familiar with the plot in the world of Shakugan no Shana, with her intrusion and the butterfly effect, many plots had been disrupted. If she continued to rely on those plots that were foresighted, she might make mistakes again.

In this case, she needed a lot of intelligence, and the black shadow soldiers who could hide in the shadows at will were undoubtedly the best intelligence personnel.

Of course, due to some concerns, Mu Qingzhi did not deploy too many black shadow soldiers at the beginning, and initially only released 30 of them.

As the King of the Red World, all her actions in this world require the consumption of existence power, not to mention the use of power to fight, even daily walking and eating require consumption.

Previously, in order to test her new freedom method, she consumed the existence power afterwards, which made the system feel distressed. She wanted to release hundreds of black shadow soldiers in one breath, but the huge consumption caused by the accumulation of multiple numbers might cause the system to have a heart attack...

This is why there is a simpler way to use the existence power to make coins, but she chose to brush the bad way, because the latter consumes the existence power... only 1% of the former.

Also because of this rule, the props she made with the system's fantasy power, if she wants to use them, she also needs to consume the same amount of existence power. Except for the night hat and Zhidian Zana related to Shana, other things do not seem to be recognized as the category of treasures.

...So she is actually quite poor now.

"How is it, how much does it consume?"

Reaching out to take the flying elk that fell from the sky, and then taking out the rat charm from it, Mu Qingzhi asked the system.

[...I suggest you don't use it in the future. ]

After a short silence, the system's resentful voice sounded.

[If you want to use those props without consumption in the present world, you must transform them all into treasures corresponding to the rules of the world. Forcibly using them consumes too much existence power, which is not worth the loss. ]

"Well...then transform them into treasures?"

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Qingzhi asked tentatively.

"Maybe these treasures can still be..."

[...You kill me. ]


[Instead of spending time transforming the previous props into corresponding treasures, you might as well make treasures directly, but the question is, do you need those treasures now? It's really true that you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. Do you think it's easy for me to save a little fantasy power? 】

"Tsk... If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work."

She curled her lips, put the cash she had collected from the bad guys into her night hat, and turned to walk out of the alley.

Now that the fiscal deficit has eased a little, she can stay in a slightly more upscale hotel, or maybe even have a midnight snack... eh?

As if she sensed something, she just took a step forward and stopped there with a strange look on her face.

——According to the feedback she got from Rinko, only 28 of the 30 black shadow soldiers released three seconds ago were left, and two died heroically at the age of 3 minutes and 12 seconds.


At the same time, somewhere in Misaki City, on the roof of Yuji Sakai's house.

Looking at the strange black shadow that dissipated under the tip of the knife, Shana frowned slightly.

"... New type of Rinko?"

She had seen many things like Rinko and killed many of them, but it was the first time she saw such a strange thing in front of her. It's not that these things are too strong, but that these things are too weak.

〖It seems to be a mass-produced type. That hunter should be planning some big moves in this city. 〗

After a moment of silence, Alastor's voice rang out.

〖The number of torches in this city seems to be abnormally large. You have to be careful. Fariagni is a very famous king of the red world. 〗

"Hmph, who cares if he's the King of the Red World or not, we'll just defeat him when the time comes."

With a hum, Shana sat cross-legged on the roof.

As Fire Mist, she was born with the duty of eradicating the Apostles of the Red World to maintain the balance of the world, not to mention that her unpleasant sister was also here in this city.

...She must definitely catch him.

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