The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 132: A group

However, he did not find Zifeng in Zifeng's residence.

"Zifeng, the interstellar camp has appointed you to complete a mission, allowing you to sneak in with the people of the Blue people, and assist the Blue House in the mission!"

The strongest of the nine kings.

"What? Let me go with the blue family?"

Zifeng brows.

"Yes, this is a shipping token, starting in one month!"

After the king's nine kings were completed, a wave of tokens flew to Zifeng, and Zifeng reached out and grabbed it.

After seeing Zifeng grabbing the token, the strongman from the Nine Palaces turned and left.

Zifeng raised his head.

"This thing is definitely not that simple!"

The blue merchant is also here.

"It seems that Lan Feng is trying to seize the opportunity to deal with me!"

Purple air-cooled passage.

"This is a very good way to use Star Camp to issue missions for you. If you don't go, this is against Star Camp rules. He is expected to put pressure on you to leave Star Camp!"

"If you go, he might take this opportunity to deal with you!"

Blue business road.

"I'm not going to see what he can do!"

Purple Wind Road

"No, I have a suggestion, you might go!"

Blue business road.

"You can go, why?"

Zifeng was very puzzled.

If you go, Lan Feng is not a chance to shoot him. The blue merchant should not push him into the fire pit.

"The man just let you and Lan Feng and the others go sneaky!"

Blue business road.


Zifeng nodded.

"If you get into sneaky, this may be your chance!"

Blue business eyes flashed.

"For me, is this an opportunity?"

Zifeng was even more confused.

"Yes, do you know why I don't live in a different place, but I live in the seclusion of the Nine Kings? Some reasons, because of ghosts!"

Blue business road.

"Because of being sneaky, why?"

Zifeng is even more curious.

"Because of the sneaky, there is a force that resides in this force. This force is called a warrior fighter. The force of this force is very powerful. The most important thing is that the fighter has recovered. This is a surprising force! "

Blue business road.

"There is this!"

Zifeng was also surprised.

The sneaky has a powerful force and is actually a surprising person.

"Yes, but not many people know this. When the accident happened, the warriors and wizards took the initiative to retreat to the ghosts. The sacred sacred sacred is also a taboo, so the sneaky entrance was laid."

"The reason I live here is to find an opportunity to enter the sneaky and regain this power, but the sneaky entrance has always been guarded by the strong, and the seal has been laid, I can't enter!"

"And this time, BlueMapia hopes to open the seal, enter the sneaky, and call you. This is your chance to regain the opportunity to fight warriors!"

Blue business road.

"According to what you said, the warrior is very powerful. As I practice, I cannot conquer it when I enter!"

Purple Wind Road

"No, war fighters will obey the shocked feathers. As long as you see the warrior people, you will find the original word "war", revealing your identity as a shocked fighter. Will is in this power With the support of the company, surrendering to you unconditionally is vital to your future development! "Blue Business Road.

"If I follow Lan Feng, I will be killed by him when I enter. What should I do?"

Purple Wind Road

He is not greedy and afraid of death, but is it not so stupid to know that he will still die?

"With my understanding of Lan Feng, this person has a very good face. I left this time. Most of the other people are together. This person, Lan Feng, will definitely not kill you in front of others, so I lose face!"

"So, he will find a chance to find a place where no one will kill you. This is your chance. You can find a chance to escape and find a fighter!"

"Of course, the danger still exists. I just raised it. If you don't, the decision is in your hands!"

Blue business road.

"Okay, I'm leaving now!"

Purple Wind Road

If you don't go, you will definitely become Lanfeng's target. When you are forced to leave the starry sky camp, you will not be eligible to participate in the Taixu Royal Shrine.

Fighting is better.

If you can master the warring soldiers, your help will be great.

Going to the core of Taixu's sacred dynasty is definitely a crisis for Marvelous Feather. If this is not a risk, how could it happen?

"Well, then you are ready, starting in a month!"

Blue business road.


Soon, a month passed.

Some people brought the purple wind, and they gathered in a place in the Tianwang District.

"There are many other arrogances. There seems to be a lot of people going in!"

Zifeng's heart was moving.

The more you go in, the more likely he is to seize the opportunity to drive.


There are rainbows in the sky.

It is the owner of Blue Maple and the Blue Clan, as well as a group of nine powerful kings.

"Many masters!"

Zifeng was shocked.

Among the people Lan Feng brought, one after another was full of breath, deeply unfathomable. For Zifeng, this is really incomprehensible and completely vague.

The blue businessman speculated that Lan Feng must gather the characters of the gods together, so he warned Lu Ming, if you don't find a good opportunity, don't act rashly.

Lan Feng stood in the middle of the crowd, carrying his hands and feelings on his back.

When he glanced at Zifeng, his eyes were deep, and he let out a cold murder.

"Set off!"

Lan Feng issued an order when it first rose to the sky.

They left the area of ​​the Nine Kings, and then crossed the stars. After a while, they came to the planet at the entrance of the ghost.

The vortex was still suspended in the air, spinning slowly.


A group of strong men rushed into the whirlpool first under Lan Feng.

Then, Lan Feng, Zifeng and others also rushed into the whirlpool.

As the world changed, Zifeng found that they had come to the plain.

Zifeng looked around.

Between the sky and the earth, there is a crimson, even the sky.

Above the vast plain, there was a black mist floating on it, which was a ghost.

"Some people drive the way forward, some guard the rear, the younger generation, take me to the center!"

'S voice spread throughout the audience.

The number flashed past, and everyone listed the formation. ,, ..

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