The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 133: Ichizayama

The younger generation has a low level of cultivation, and there are many powerful people around. Zifeng is also in the middle.

Lan Feng swept through Zi Feng coldly, and did not start, but gave an order: "Leave!"

The crowd skyrocketed and flew towards the front of the plain.

In the beginning, they were very fast and did not encounter any danger.

"Slow down!"

When time is about to leave the plains and come to the mountains, the oldest man turns on, and everyone's speed will slow down.

Slowly fly towards the hills.



Suddenly, there was a loud noise, like a ghost crying.

Then, those hills full of strong fog, countless groups of black shadows, flew out of those hills.

These shadows are often distorted, it seems to be a ghost, which is very scary.

These black shadows, blamed, rushed to the crowd.

However, they are clearly ready for BlueMaple.


At the forefront, an old man in gray robe whispered, suddenly, the owner in front, with glowing bodies, flew out of their bodies.

Once these arrays fly out, they will burst out infinite flames. These flames are purple and red, the temperature is very high, and they envelope these black shadows.


These black shadows seemed very afraid of flames, enveloped in flames, making a hissing noise, and a strange scream. Then, a group of shadows in the flame turned into fly ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Obviously, BlueMaple has entered and has learned this experience.

In the mountains, there seems to be a lot of shadows, they are constantly appearing, endless.


Blue Maple.

"Bigger, rush over!"

The elder gray robe drank.

Suddenly, all the masters of the Quartet sacrificed the battle, the flames surrounded everyone, and then quickly rushed forward.

Soon, they went deep into the mountains.

After they went deep into the hills, hills and hills, there were countless black shadows rushing towards them, the numbers were endless, one after another crazy.

No wonder BlueMaple suffered a lot of damage the last time it entered. If they are not ready to come in, they really can't eat.

But things are different now.

Those black shadows, when they hit the flames, melt like ice and snow, turning into black smoke.

They are very fast, rushing forward. When they were young, they finally rushed over the hills.

After passing through the hilly area, the surrounding shadows disappeared.

And they have no loss at all.


People breathed a sigh of relief and continued to fly forward.

However, after flying for some distance, there was a swamp ahead.

This swamp is boundless and full of rotten odors, even if they are separated by a certain distance, they can smell unpleasant odors.


The old gray robe reminded them that their speed slowly slowed down and slowly flew towards the swamp.

Oh la la!

When they flew to the swamp area, the swamp rolled, and then a cockroach appeared.

Cunning, rushed out of the swamp, brandished weapons, and killed everyone. "Festival!"

The old man in a gray robe continued to direct.

When the crowd waved, the fragments flew out.

However, this battle is different from the previous one. This time it was not flames but thunder.


Many arrays of light, the light meets, forming a huge lightning.

The lightning turned into a hustle and bustle.

Obviously, these cockroaches are very afraid of lightning. After being struck by lightning, they collapsed and fell into the swamp.

They rushed to the depths of the swamp, but in the swamp, they rushed out.

It's not just embarrassment, there is also a kind of rotten flesh, which is also passing by in a hurry.

These rotten scents, but the breath is very eye-catching, and the power is amazing.

"Holy Lamp!"

The old man in the gray robe is very big.


The other array flies into the air, and the array of rays emitted by the light at this time.

The milky white light is like a ray of sunlight, full of infinite brilliance.

After a period of time, the carrion corpses illuminated by the light and the smoky black smoke of the body completely disappeared in the black smoke.

The thunder was vertical and horizontal, the light was full, and countless cockroaches and carrion were killed.

They rushed up quickly.

However, the swamp land, crises, carrion and cockroaches are very large.

Moreover, in addition to the two ghosts of carrion and cockroaches, there are other ghosts.

Countless ghosts kept rushing towards them, and some ghosts broke through the attack of the market and killed everyone.


The owners around him also shot.

This time, the masters brought by Lan Feng included the masters of the Lan family and the kings of nine kings. They are all very powerful, with more than four kings of the gods. Many of them are senior gods with more than seven gods.

There are even a few characters in the kingdom.

So many powerful people shot together, and the ghosts of the missing net were killed.


Suddenly, there was a scream of scream, the swamp rolled, and a terrible breath erupted.


A swamp exploded, and a huge shape appeared.

This is a strange bird, huge, like a mountain, but it rots and emits a strong stench.

Its two eyes were blood red, and it screamed several times before rushing towards the crowd.

"With this breath, King of Kings..."

Zifeng was shocked.

This kind of breathing is very unparalleled, it is similar to the Jin family, the family with wings and the characters of the family. It is the existence of the king of gods.


After the giant bird appeared, in another direction, it also rushed out of a character, but it was a skeleton in armor.

This smoldering atmosphere is also unparalleled, and it is also the existence of the peak of the gods.

Suddenly there were two sacred peaks and mountain peaks, and they were killed by the people.

Some young arrogant, pale.

In the face of such existence, they are just fragile.

However, Lan Feng's face was very calm.


At the forefront, the old man in the gray robe shot and went out.

A gray sword light, first a giant bird. Hey!

Under the glare of the sword, the giant bird was very fragile and was directly smashed in half. The body fell into the swamp, splashing mud.

After killing the giant bird, Jian Guang made another circle, and he bowed to the man in tribute.

The man in armor, holding a sword, and throwing a knife.

However, the sword light collided with the sword light and collapsed directly. The sword light was on him, and his body collapsed. Under the destructive power of Jianguang, it turned into a pile of powder.

The existence of the two kings of gods was killed in an instant.

The power of the gods, horror!

"Is this the power of the gods? Horror!"

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