The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 137: My team

"Do you want to go out so quickly? Don't you rest and rest?" Tie Haiyan said with some worry.

"Oh, I want to rest, but I'm already behind. If I rest, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up." After Zifeng said a word, he quickly walked out of the devil. "Zifeng, Zifeng, Zifeng," Tie Hai yelled a few words while looking at Zifeng's back, but Zifeng walked over without hesitation and didn't look back.

Tie Hai could only go back alone.

After waiting for the two to leave, Tie Feng walked out of the darkness, shook his head and said, "Oh, I am worried that the sea otter must be paid the wrong way. Zifeng, this person, he is not good, she wants to go, is strong path of."

"This Qingling Mountain Range will not be his destination."

Tie Feng had already seen that Zifeng was only a passing passenger from the Qingling Mountain Range, and he would not stay.

Five days later!

Zifeng held the lion's hair like a flame, and then returned to the scorpion.

"Zifeng, can you go with me?" Tie Hai asked, praying.

"No, Haishu, I want to kill a martial arts monster nine times. I'm not sure now. You shouldn't go, it's too dangerous." Zifeng smiled and walked out of the team.

"Oh." Tie Haijun said silently.

Four days later!

Zifeng squatted with a martial art and nine monsters, and returned to the Scorpion team, causing losses again.

"Zifeng, let me go with you this time. I have become very strong. Even if it is the nine martial arts monsters, I still have a way to fight!" Tie Hai, wearing exquisite leather armor, stood in front of Zifeng with a spear. , A slap in the face.

"Let us go together, whether it is martial arts or real fighters, I will go with you."

Tie Haiyan said with a smile.

Zifeng stood silently for a while: "Haicang, I know your heart, but I'm sorry, we... are not suitable."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Hearing these words, Tie Haiyu looked like a terrible lightning strike, his face pale.

"My way is not in Qingling Mountain, but farther away." Zifeng said.

"No matter how far away, no matter the end of the earth, I am willing to accompany you." Tie Haiyan said a little trembling.

"No need." Zifeng said firmly.

A drop of crystal clear tears came from the corner of Tiehai's eyes: "I hate you, Zifeng, I hate you!"

Tie Hai burst into tears, screamed, and walked out of life and death.


Zifeng sighed and glanced at the map. He chose the next target, mapped out the route, and left the hole of life and death.

From the scorpion team, one day the river was clear, and the little fish swam around happily.

A black robe man with black hair fluttering in the wind, standing in the air, standing with his hands.

Zifeng seemed to stand beside him as usual.

"If you do this, isn't it too ruthless?" The black robe man is a singer, Tie Feng.

"Whenever you rest, you will be disturbed. Since I know that we are impossible, then why should we continue to entangle." Zifeng said silently.

"But you did this and hurt her heart." Tie Feng's words were a bit unpleasant.

"Time will erode all the pain. Seven days later, I will leave the team. When she won't see me, it won't be hurt." Zifeng said.

"Leave? You don't want to break through martial arts and leave again? Now you are martial arts. Within seven days, will you definitely break through martial arts?" Tie Feng asked suspiciously.

"Whether I break through martial arts or not, I will go back." Zifeng said.

In the past half month, the wild beast that Zifeng hunts wildly finally adapted martial arts into martial arts.

Zifeng has been out for two months, the date for reaching an agreement with Lin Zier is coming soon, and contestants are also open.

Zifeng must go back and defeat Lin Zier in front of everyone who makes fun of him!

Wash away all your own shame.

"I'll leave first, the next stop, a little more."

Zifeng said a word, turned and walked down.

"Hey." Tie Feng sighed silently, then walked back to the alliance. He saw Tiehai return to the East Mansion and closed the door. On the door, Tie Feng could hear Hai's cry.


Night fell.

In the mountains on the east side of the demon, there were six to seven hundred people sneaking in and infiltrating.

Soon, from the Scorpion team, a character quickly rushed out, and these people gathered together.

"Qi Sheng, is Zifeng back?" Qin Xiangtian asked.

This group of people are fighters of the Optimus Prime Alliance.

At this time, Optimus Prime’s martial arts, they came out of the nest and wanted to kill Scorpion and Zifeng.

Qi Sheng is the deepest game of chess on the team.

Qi Shengdao: "I originally came back this afternoon, but I didn't expect this kid to go out in the blink of an eye. I don't know if I went out to fight monsters, or if I knew what, I ran away."

Qin Xiangtian clenched his fist and gnawed his fist: "Damn it, let him run. If he does run, we only know that he is from Tiehai and Tiefengkou."

"The arrow is on the rope, I must send it, come, join my team!"

Qin Xiangtian roared.


In the dark forest, there are more torches than stars.

With the torch, martial arts and martial arts poured into the team.

The Scorpion Squadron, still sleeping, was suddenly defeated by martial arts.


"Kill a bunch of puppies!"

"If you don't stay alone, you will all be killed!"

"Haha, this woman is very nice, I'm going to the alley to be happy!"

There was a fierce battle in the canyon of the Demon League.

Soon, the blood will make the valley red.

Half an hour later, after the war ended, Scorpion was demonized to ruins on the spot, hundreds of soldiers, corpses.

Li Shusheng captured Tie Feng and Tie Hai.

"Tie Feng, don't come innocent!" Qin Xiangtian sneered smugly.

Tie Feng's mouth broke, and he smiled. "If it weren't for Qisheng's bastard, I would easily break into the team."

"Qi Sheng, I have seen you in a bad mood a long time ago, but I still remember the cultivation of all sentient beings instead of killing you! Oh, it seems that I was still wrong." Tie Feng said regretfully. Qi Sheng sneered: "Old stuff, if Qin Mengzhu let me lurking, I will have killed you."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, Tie Hai, I ask you, where is Zi Feng, the evil thief who killed my child?" Qin Xiangtian stared at Tie Hai's fierce and miserable question.

"Zifeng? Hehe, he is gone." Tie Haijun said with a smile.

"Let's go? Where are you going?" Qin Xiangtian hurriedly asked. ,, ..

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