"I don't know." Tie Haiyan shook her head.

"I don't know, I saw you were toasting, not eating and drinking! Come and fight for me!" Qin Xiangtian roared.

In the speech, three or five fighters will be gathered.

"Stop, Qin Xiangtian, you idiot, kill them, how can we find the murderer who killed our son!"

At this time, a woman's voice came from the crowd.

This is Qin Xiangtian's wife, Zhao Rong.

Zhao Rong said coldly: "This monk doesn't say anything, and then I will throw her at Lei Ze and suffer thunder from the sky. Let's see if you say no!"

"Qin Xiangtian, you arrange to clean up the team and ambush, if Zifeng comes back, catch him immediately!"

"This is not a good thing, how did I marry you this waste!"

Zhao Rong said angrily.

"Yes, yes, Rong Er is right, immediately do what the master said." Qin Xiangtian followed Zhao Rong.


The martial arts of OptimusLeague will be arranged immediately, and Scorpion will recover as always.

"Don't dream, Zifeng has already left, he can't come back, he won't come back. You didn't do any help." Tie Hai screamed.

"Your son Qin Xiang, I killed, you have any hatred, even if I am above the sea of ​​iron!"

"This matter has nothing to do with Zifeng!"

Tie Hai said angrily.

Zhao Rong sneered and said, "As for you? You still can't underestimate such a heavy responsibility. Let me go to Leize."

Zhao Rong grabbed Tiehai, went straight to Lei Ze and flew away.

The purple wind stayed for a long time, and finally came to the swamp.

Looking up, there is a black iron rhino drinking water in the swamp.

"Black armor-horned rhino!" Zifeng grinned.

This rhino is the target of Zifeng this time, a monster with martial arts.

Since then, joined the Zhanmeng League,

"I don't know if this rhino will make me break through martial arts by nine points!"

"With the power of martial arts, returning to Lingxi City, there will be more funds to fight Lin Zier!"

Zifeng watched the black armored rhino drinking water. Suddenly, Zifeng's face turned into a fierce god.


The Spirit Slashing Sword came out of its body, revealing its murderous intentions!

The black-armored rhino, concentrated on the drinking water, noticed the intention of killing, raised his head, and saw the Sen Zifeng who had been watching it by the shore.

From this human body, the black armor-horned rhino felt the killing!


The black armor screamed, and the iron hoof trampled on the ground and hit Zifeng. Whenever he put down the iron hoof, he would shake the swamp several times. The tonnage of this black armored rhino may be no less than 3 tons.

Especially his unicorn, gleaming with warm cold, seems to pierce the sky!

With a loud noise, Black Horned Horn rushed over, Zi Feng's delicate flickering dodged, and jumped to the sky, Scorpion Sword took out several sword lights fiercely, and hit Black Horned Rhino's back.

However, in addition to his unicorn, this black armored rhino is also a terrible terror.

Even if the white martial art of Zifeng Martial Arts is repaired, Jianguang will not hurt his fur!

"With such a strong defense, well, sword and blood!"

Zifeng used martial arts, and the sword suddenly became vicious.

The **** sword light struck, causing the black armor to scream and scream. His hooves suddenly slammed into the ground, and the blood swept across the swamp, trapping Zifeng.

"The power of water control?"

Zifeng was surprised.

Wrapped in a huge water ball, the black armor suddenly angered.

If Zifeng stays in the water polo, he will be hit by a black armored rhino!

"Thunder God Sword!"

A thunderous thunder burst, an electric light swept across and smashed the water polo, and it happened that Zifeng saw the black-horned rhino coming from the attack.

"Cold blood and sword!"

The **** sword light flashed from the black-horned rhino's unicorn.


The black-horned rhinoceros's unicorn was shot down by Zifeng's sword, and the sword light pierced its head.

The huge black armored rhino fell to the ground and pulled out a huge pit.

"Can you break through martial arts and work hard? Watch it now!"

Zifeng's eyes focused on the past, sitting next to the horned rhinoceros, swallowing the spirit of the sword, refining the demon blood into Zifeng's body, making Zifeng a big step forward.

However, martial arts has never made a breakthrough.

"It's a bit bad? But I don't have time." Zifeng shook his head.

"Forget it, martial arts is very important to martial arts."

"It's time to go back to the city."

Zifeng stood up and looked at Lingxi City: "Lin Zi'er, I said, when I come back, I will overthrow this paradise!"

"I will not return to the Demon League. Otherwise, I will see Tiehai, and I will be more entangled."

Zifeng shook his head and walked towards the heart of the city.

Although Zifeng is only sixteen years old, he has understood the love between men and women.

Tie Haitang was so good to him, Zi Fengzhen couldn't understand Tie Hai's thoughts.

But now, Zifeng has no time to manage his children's emotions. He wants to start a higher level of martial arts, defeat those who humiliate him, find his parents, and what their parents say. dispute!

Go out for an hour.

Zifeng suddenly saw a soldier who fell to the ground and died in the forest.

The costume he wears is usually the same as that of Scorpion.

"This is a soldier of the Demon Squad." Zi Fengqi walked out of the darkness. Since it was a soldier of the Scorpion Squad, Zifeng naturally wanted to help.

"Hahaha, dog of the Devil League, I know where you are going now!"

When Zifeng just wanted to go out, Lin Zhongfei hurried to a group of people, a total of five people, each holding a big knife, the blood on the knife did not dry, as if just had a big fight.

"Brother, you are fine." Zifeng asked the wounded soldier and asked.

"I can't do this, I can't, you are...you..." the wounded soldier said with a sigh of relief.

"I'm Zifeng, what's the matter with you, how can you get so badly hurt?" Zifeng asked curiously.

The wounded soldier heard Zifeng's voice, and suddenly a ray of light appeared in his dim eyes. He grabbed Zifeng by the collar and shouted: "You are Zifeng, you hurt us, you hurt the lord. Kill the lady!"

"I'm hurting Tie Feng and Tie Hai, what happened?" Zifeng asked eagerly.

"If you didn't kill Qin Xiangtian's son, how could he fight Xie Ziyu!" This is what the martial artist said.

"Qing Tianmeng and the Demon Squad fight again? How about Tie Hai and Tie Feng?" Zi Feng asked. ,, ..

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