"No, Wu Ba of Shenmeng was beaten by Zifeng and had to be angry."

Many soldiers laughed, and they couldn't wait to see Zifeng being abused by Lin Qiu.

Beside, Li Qingxuan and Li Jianxing ended the battle and walked to the tenth battlefield, watching Zifeng worry.

At the same time, Yan Xuan, Wen Yuanjia, Qi Shaolong and others also came over.

"Since you are a swordsman, Jianmeng does not accept warriors who can't use swords. Since you can use swords, then I will give you a chance. You will have a sword."

Lin Qiusheng Jianfeng pointed at Zifeng and said confidently.

"No, you still don't deserve my sword!"

Zifeng shook his head slightly and said, "Get out of the sword, I don't want to play with you."

"Hurricane, then I will let you die!"

Lin Qiusheng heard Zifeng's contempt. Suddenly, the sword's edge shook, and the ten-foot sword suddenly came out. The powerful sword aura was wrapped in unparalleled strength, and sword marks were found on the ground. Go straight to Zifeng to come forward.

With this sword just shot, Lin Qiusheng immediately changed his steps, and the four swords flew away in the air.

"Broken swordsmanship!"

Some fighters recognized the sword and suddenly became surprised.

The method of breaking the sword is a set of seven Yuan-level martial arts. It is twice as powerful as Zifeng's single-handed swordsmanship, and its strength is also good. It was called the highest martial art in the same period.

Five swords, one in front and four after three, turned into a glyph to kill Zifeng.

Zifeng stared at these five swords, a sense of killing flashed in his eyes. The unicorn turned with one step, and the whole figure was like a ghostly avoidance in martial arts.

These five swords are so powerful that Zifeng doesn't have to resist assiduously.

Seeing Zifeng's body disappeared, his body shape resembling electricity, Lin Qiusheng was also shocked. He suddenly sneered: "Where to go!" "Changhong is broken!"

Shows a very powerful sword among the empty swords.

Jianwei is the world, roaring the world.


This sword swayed in all directions, and in the blink of an eye, Zifeng's face!


Zifeng saw himself retreating, running with gas, rushing into the air first, the powerful boxing glove hit the sword, shaking for a while, the whole game was in this move. Under the touch, it collapsed.

"I actually blocked my sword, which is really great!"

"But with this sword, I will kill you!"

"The sword is broken, and the sword is broken!"

Lin Qiusheng's footsteps flew, and the shadow of the road quickly spread over the ruins. Every afterimage was smashed out of the sword, time was spent, and all the swords were killed. There are hundreds of swords and sacred clouds. come down.

The power of terror piled up in mid-air, waking up like a behemoth, destroying the terror of heaven and earth.


The warriors around who were terrified by Lin Qiusheng's sword were pale and quit.

Jibei who presided over the meeting also caught his eyes and looked at Zifeng with concern.

"It's over, this person will die!" Yan Xuan and Wen Yuanjia laughed at their faces.

"Hey, Zifeng, you must come back to find death and offend the gods, do you think you can live?" Qi Shaolong also sneered in his heart.

"Oops!" Li Qingxuan didn't say much, just talking about these two people can express Li Qingxuan's fear of Lin Qiusheng's sword.

Li Jianxing is ugly!

"I'm done, Lin Qiusheng's sword is so powerful, Zifeng may have lost."

Sun Gan had always been very confident in Zifeng, but at the moment when he saw Lin Qiusheng's powerful sword, he was also worried.

After all, Lin Qiusheng is a rare genius outside the door!

"Brother Zifeng, be careful!"

The iron egg screamed at this moment.

Zifeng faced the sword and broke the air. The sword turned into a sword net covering it, making it impossible for him to retreat!

"Interesting! You are qualified to get me out of the sword."

Seeing this move, Zifeng grinned suddenly.

"This is just a sword? I want your life! Under this sword, can you hide there?"

Lin Qiusheng smiled and said, "Accept your fate and die under my sword."

"Why should I hide? This sword, the sword is broken!"


The third stage spirit's magic sword was pulled out, and suddenly the cold light was uncovered.

"Meteor falls on the moon!"

Zifeng suddenly walked forward step by step, a fiery color burst into flames between his eyes and his eyes, and the sword rushed in, roaring.

Tear it off!

A trembling sword screamed and hit a huge sword net.

I only heard a loud "bang", Lin Qiusheng's sword net broke and spread around like tofu, pulling out the sword marks from all sides.

The sword that smashed the sword net did not weaken its strength, and went straight to Lin Qiusheng's face.


This sword was severely smashed on Lin Qiusheng's face, his left half of his head was squashed, and he went crazy. "Ah, ah, Zifeng, I want to kill you!"

Lin Qiusheng is so angry that he can still live without half of his head? Zifeng was also a little shocked.

"Not dead, then there is a sword!"

A residual image flew out, and Zi Feng hurriedly approached Lin Qiusheng, and a sword pierced through the sky and pierced Lin Qiusheng's throat!

"Stop, dare to kill my gods and find death?"

When the audience was shocked, there was a sudden volley and a scream, and the sound was thunderous and shocked!

I saw a man jump in, with Zifeng's sword in his palm flying out of Zifengzhen.

"Hey, I want to kill, you can't stop it!"

At the moment this person was filming, Zifeng felt his presence.

Suddenly, with the wrists together, the evil spirit on the sword shot a sword.

"Tianzhu Lone Star!"

call out!

This sword-shaped manhole pierced Lin Qiusheng's throat, the panic on Lin Qiusheng's face, frantically rubbed the wound on his throat.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not stop the flow of blood.

After three breaths, Lin Qiusheng opened his eyes and fell to the ground. He died.

at this time.

A white man who fell in front of Lin Qiusheng looked at Lin Qiusheng's death, and suddenly his face was gloomy.

The man turned around, his face was very handsome, with a high smell on his face.

"Little Lord!"

"Entering is a little lord!"

"I have seen several masters!"

Whether it is the **** of martial arts or other fighters, they all bow their heads at this moment, and they are praying for the Lord.

Zifeng also looked at this man even more, is he the young master?

Master Shao Zong's name is Su Cang. It is the son of a contemporary swordsman who teaches Soviet warfare and is the elder of the elders.

Respect for identity, naturally needless to say.

"Can you not hear me?" Shao Zongzhu Su Cang said to Zifeng. ,, ..

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