The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 145: Unparalleled

Su Cangzong always said a word in the spirit sword. He said that no one dared to despise Su Cang's words even with the long sword backed by the long sword.

But today, he has appeared to save Lin Qiusheng, but he did not expect to be killed by Zifeng.

This made Su Cang feel his position and was challenged.

"I heard, but I'm sorry, I will learn from the game, I will lose my mind."

Zifeng said casually.

"Well, a good person will inevitably miss!"

Su Cang gritted his teeth and spit out these words. His body sighed suddenly, and a gust of wind rushed towards Zifeng.

Zifeng was shocked. From the wind, Zifeng felt a dangerous atmosphere, and hurriedly pulled out a sword curtain with an evil wind sword, blocking his front.

When the sword curtain was just formed, a claw appeared from the wind in front of him, and when it hit the sword curtain, it was crushed.

"So powerful!"

Zifeng was shocked.

"Die to me!"

Su Cang slammed and smashed the sword, with a heavy palm printed on Zifeng's chest.


Zifeng immediately flew out and landed 100 meters away.

Su Cang's palm directly smashed the white ribs, breaking seven of them, and there was a five-fingerprint on his chest. Jibei was shocked and hurried to Zifeng's face and said to Su Cang, "Su Cang, what are you doing!"

"Jibe, you send me away!"

"This man dares to kill my god, and I won't kill him today. How will you control the alliance in the future?"

Su Cangyi wanted to break up, but without giving Jibe a face, he screamed immediately.

"This is a spirit sword, the gate rules are here, you can't let you go!"

Jibe moved out of the door rules and drank Shucang.

"Jibe, this old thing, do you really want to oppose me?" Su Cang asked coldly.

"If it is a battle between the same realm, the old man will naturally not intervene, but you are a master of the heavenly environment, dealing with martial arts and martial arts eight times fighters, will you lose face if you pass this out?"

Jibei didn't say anything.

"Well, Jibei, you are fine, when I sit in the position of the spirit sword, the first one will kill you first!"

Su Cang said to Jibei angrily.

"If there is such a day, if you want to kill someone, you must know how to listen!" Jibei is also very difficult to provoke.

"Hey!" Su Cang snorted, and said to other gods and martial artists: "Listen today, who will kill Zifeng in the next match, I will reward the local first-class martial arts!"

"What! Grade martial arts!" Yan Xuan, Wen Yuanjia, and Qi Shaolong were all jealous.

County martial arts are very precious.

In the spirit sword sect, there are more martial arts, and less prefecture-level martial arts. There are only about a hundred martial arts. Only in the inner door can there be enough contributions in exchange for prefecture-level martial arts.

I heard that there is a certain level of martial arts as a reward. In Qi Xuan and Wen Yuanjia's eyes, Qi Shaolong's eyes were not just a point that killed Zifeng.

"Please rest assured, lords, we will have to cancel the purple wind in the game!"

"That's why we need to take the initiative, we can let him die!"

Qi Xuan and Wen Yuanjia, Qi Shaolong said.

"This is good!"

Su Cang should have a say, walked to a high position, sat in a chair, and looked into his eyes coldly!

Jibei will help Zifeng and give Zifeng a remedy.

Zifeng did not resign either because there was still competition. If Zifeng is seriously injured, the strength of the game will be greatly reduced.

"I told you." Jibei said without angrily.

"I'm sorry that Jibei's elder dragged you into the water." Zifeng talked about Jibei to some others.

Jibe rescued him three times, five times, this time he was miserable.

According to Su Cang, waiting for him to sit in Ling Jianzong's position, Ji Bei was the first to kill!

"It doesn't matter, anyway, he is sitting on the palm, we are not alive."

Jibei didn't care about the threat of the young master.

Because Jibei belongs to the Presbyterian Church, most people in the Presbyterian Hall do not accept Sucang.

Once Su Cang sits in the highest teaching position, when the elders don't know how many people will die, this is definitely a big change.

"Since you have joined the alliance, you should know that behind Jian Meng is our elder."

"In the old museum, except for the elders, the rest of the elders are closer to the Sword Alliance. Therefore, it is difficult to say that Sucang can sit in the highest teaching position."

"What happened a hundred years ago, we will definitely check it out."

Jibe said deeply.

What happened 100 years ago?

Why did the old generation of swordsman church suddenly die?

As the first genius of the Spirit Sword, he will steal a large amount of unparalleled swordsmanship from the Spirit Swordsman.

Why, in the near future, a little-known core disciple will become a new generation of spiritual swords.

This is the most confusing aspect of the Grand Court.

Su Cang sat in a high position, waited for a long time, and then asked sharply, "Jibei, why don't you continue to compete and what are you waiting for?"

Hearing the pressure from Master Shao, Ji Bei whispered: "Zifeng, you have recovered well, and there is still a fierce battle!"

"Understand, it has recovered seven or eighty-eight."

"Go ahead, elder, I won't let you die. I will cancel all gods and martial artists today!"

Zifeng said firmly.

Hearing this, Jibei went up to the high platform again and said: "The game continues, now the top ten has appeared, and then it's time to challenge for free!"

"let's start!"

Jibei said.

Jibei's voice just fell, and suddenly a character fell on the platform.

Qi Shaolong!

"Zifeng, come up and die!"

Qi Shaolong boarded the game and suddenly screamed.

When Qi Shaolong appeared on the stage, the severely injured iron egg was picked up and roared: "Qi Shaolong, you are a traitor. I am with the heart and lungs of Zifeng, but you are a white-eyed wolf, eating out!"

The iron egg is full of tears, and anger is extremely rampant.

In the heart of Tiedan, not only is angry, but also a little unwilling.

Once the three of them, Feng Heyun, but now Qi Shaolong betrayed, making it difficult for Zifeng and Tiedan to accept.

"Hey, Zhao Tie, you are so stupid, there is eternal friendship in this world, only eternal benefits!"

"Do you think that if Zifeng has a chance, there are so many treasures, what about him?"

Qi Shaolong said coldly.

Zifeng was full of anger and took the magic sword to participate in the competition: "This gentleman likes money and has a suitable way. Although I lack training resources, I will not betray my brother's advantage. The bottom line and principles are in my heart! ",,..

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