The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 136: Purple Wind's Sword

"Betrayal, never forgive!"

"Qi Shaolong, today's blood nourishes blood!"

Zifeng boarded the game and showed his murder.

On the stage, the two violent people were strangled together, and a sword mark was drawn on the ground.

It has not yet confronted it, but the momentum of the two sides has begun a fierce collision! "There is not much to say, this world champion is the king!"

"Zifeng, you are not my opponent now, you kneel down and ask the Lord for forgiveness, maybe you can save your life."

Qi Shaolong believes that his nine-fold cultivation of the Xuanwu Sutra will not lose to Zifeng!

"Qi Shaolong, don't be obsessed with it. Today, we can only live in one."

"Tell you a message, you are at home, you were killed by me."

Zifeng was murderous, staring at Qi Shaolong, and said coldly.


Hearing this, Qi Shaolong was like a terrible lightning strike. His face was white, staring at Zifeng: "Impossible, my father is the master of the land, how can you kill him? The main families of Dragon City Are my father’s friends, how can they not help my father?"

"Is this place very strong? Oh, it's a while."

Zifeng grinned.

Seeing Lin's face with a smile, Qi Shaolong now believes that the Qi family should die in Zifeng's hands.

"All of this is your own family. If you are not in a hurry to see more than 100 million spirit stones, how can you recruit murderers for your family?"

"I have separated your 50 million spirit stones. You are not satisfied, are you still not satisfied?"

"That's fifty million spiritual stones!"

Zifeng roared angrily.

All the elixir has been sold, it can get nearly 160 million spiritual stones.

Qi Shaolong said that he was divided into 60 million forests, and the remaining 100 million spirit stones were split like his iron eggs.

Is this not enough?

50 million spiritual stones, for a soldier in Xuanwujing, it can be said that this is a rich night, this is a beautiful day!

These 50 million spiritual stones are enough for Qi Shaolong to cultivate to heaven and even break through the gods.

These 50 million spiritual stones are enough for Qi Shaolong to purchase prefecture-level nine-level martial arts products!

These 50 million spirit stones are enough to keep him alive!

Is this not enough?

"Hahaha!" Qi Shaolong's eyes reddened, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, madly crazy: "Hahaha, Zifeng, how can it be 500,000, I want everything! You are waste, all rubbish!"

"Why are you standing side by side with me, I want to step all of you under your feet."

"I want to be the new king of the world!"

Qi Shaolong's crazy roar.

"mad Men!"

Zifeng looked at him angrily.

"You killed my father and ruined me, I will use your flesh and blood to pay tribute to my family!" Qi Shaolong screamed, Xuanwu Jing's nine strong aura suddenly broke out and rushed towards Zifeng.


The pressure to smash the gaps drops from the sky, like Huanghua Tianwei.

Zifeng was shocked, and the sound of his footsteps quickly retreated.

I saw Qi Shaolong's hands burst out with immense power, boundless, like an ocean.

"Let you take a look at the ninth level of martial arts!"

"Batian Longquan!"

Qi Shaolong blew a punch in his hand, crushing the cavity and exploding the air.

This imperious dragon fist is Qi Shaolong in the treasury. He spent nine million spirit stones to buy the high-level Xuan-level nine-rank martial arts. The power of horror is extremely strong, and it can compete with the local martial arts at its peak. "Meteor falls on the moon!"

During the retreat, Zifeng quickly drew the magic sword and sword energy, tearing apart the vast land and bombing it.

A loud noise!

The two collided in mid-air and burst.

After the confrontation, Yu Wei slapped Zi Feng in the chest and took Zi Fengzhen back three or four steps. His face was pale and bloodless.

"The martial arts of level 9 and nine products are very powerful."

Zifeng said in his heart.

Under the confrontation of this move, Zifeng unexpectedly fell to the bottom.

Zifeng is repairing, there is no gap between Qi and Shao.

Why is this forest purple wind falling? This is all because of martial arts.

The performance of Zifeng's scorpion swordsmanship is only the five-level martial arts of martial arts, while Qi Shaolong's tyrannical dragon fist is the product of the nine-level Xuan-level martial arts.

It is four levels higher.

The so-called martial arts, a higher level, power and power are completely different, let alone four levels.

"The dragon is fighting in the wild!"

One punch can kill Zifeng, Qi Shaolong is very angry, and his figure is like running into Zifeng with electricity. The fierce momentum swept through the eight wildernesses, and the boxing of the world consumed everything and bombed them like a real dragon.

"Go straight to the stars!"

Shao Long faced the so-called burst, Zi Feng opened his eyes, took a breath, urged the most powerful Comet Sword, and slammed it shut.

A ten-foot-long sword, the sky was full, roaring.

A loud noise!

Qi Shaolong hit Zifeng's sword again and punched Zifeng on the chest. He flew out of the purple wind and landed 100 meters away. He vomited blood and screamed.

"Oh, don't be self-reliant!"

Su Cang saw this scene, saw Zifeng eat it, and immediately smiled.

On the other hand, Jibei, his face full, silent, silent.

"Qi Shaolong's boxing method is so powerful that even two moves are dead, suppressing Zifeng's playing!"

"Yes, Qi Shaolong is more than just Zifeng, whether it's physical or martial arts!"

"This battle is not Zifeng's martial arts, Zifeng lost!"

Many soldiers know these clues.

The restorations of Zifeng and Qi Shaolong are both in the middle and the middle, but the martial arts are too bad.

"Sister." Li Jianxing shouted to Li Qingxuan.

Li Qingxuan shook his head indifferently: "This Qi Shaolong doesn't know where he came from such a superb martial arts and identity. In my opinion, this martial arts and identity are at least level 9!"

"Is Zifeng in danger!"

Li Jianxing said with concern.

"There are more intense ones."

Li Qingxuan said coldly.

"Hahaha, Zifeng, you finally fell in front of me like a dead dog."

After knocking on Zifeng, Qi Shaolong smiled.

"You know how embarrassed I was when I saw you in the review trial, you can beat the heart!"

"These honors should belong to me."


"At that time, I secretly swore that one day, I will step on your feet and let you get married!"

Qi Shaolong roared: "Today, I finally did it!" "Really? Then I fell?" Zifeng stood up and sneered.

"Hey, you can't catch it twice in a row. Do you still think you can win me?"

"Next punch, I want your life!"

"Kowloon is heaven!",,..

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