The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 145: The same call

The news from the gods spread throughout the spirit sword immediately.

All the fighters in the spirit sword are talking about tomorrow's battle! "Hey, hey, have you heard of it? Don't go to the cliff tomorrow, Zifeng wants to accept the challenge of all the sword owners."

"Khan, I heard that Zifeng had released this sentence as early as three months ago. What's rare? Do you think Zifeng can change his life? Can he live on a cliff?"

"Haha, I also think it's impossible. Most people in the local martial arts are in the top 100. Zifeng lives well."

"In other words, even if Zifeng is against the sky, it is impossible to beat the top 40 masters in the top 100!"

"In addition, Murong Ye God and the calendar mark are back."

"Do you know that the names of these two people represent the things in the Spirit Sword Sect?"

"Represents the invincibility of the same level, represents the myth, represents the unachievable peak!"

"These two people can easily be killed by one person, Lin Biao."

In the Lingjian sect, almost all the fighters are talking about the battle between Zifeng and Shenmeng.

The results of the talks were not exactly the same, that is to say, they all thought that Zifeng would die tomorrow.

Quite simply, Shenmeng has too many masters in Neimen, especially local martial arts masters, occupying 90 of the top 100.

Among them, Murong Yeshen and Calendar Knife are so powerful, Zifeng's move is undoubtedly sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth, without life.


Shenmeng headquarters!

Su Cang sat in a high position, standing under a group of various fighters.

"You, tomorrow is the three-month period that Zifeng agreed. In any case, you must leave Zifeng on the cliff tomorrow." Su Cang said firmly with a pair of sharp eyes.

With Su Cang's help, a gloomy man said: "Little Lord, Little Forest, as for us to pay attention to it?"

"Qi Yang, you have just returned to the Spirit Sword Sect. You don't know the depth of this forest. This person has been admiring swordsmen for a hundred years. He has risen from the outer gate to the inner gate, and has now grown eight times the ground."

"When I was at the outer door, he tried to pay attention to Wen Yuanjia, Yan Xuan and others. The first invincible gesture outside the door joined the inner door."

"Joining the inner door, in just three months, he has broken through the ground."

"If he lets him grow up like this, he will definitely become a strong obstacle for me to take over the spirit sword."

Su Cang's face was extremely dignified.

And this person is Qi Yang, he is not an insider.

He is a core disciple.

As one of the nine core fighters of the Spirit Sword Sect, Qi Yang has been able to realize the six levels of terror of Tian Wujing. It is considered one of the nine core fighters.

And he is also Su Cang's proudest person.

A year ago, Qi Yang left Ling Jianzong to travel abroad. He has just returned to Ling Jianzong in recent days, so he is not very familiar with Zifeng.

Listening to Su Cangyi now, Qi Yang said with a smile: "This person is indeed a bit powerful and deserves our attention." "Yes."

Su Cang took a deep breath and looked at the 50 men and women standing below. "You are all the top 100 masters, they are all in the top six. If you are tomorrow, who? Kill Zifeng, I can guarantee that you will directly become the core fighter."

"After a day, I will take over Ling Jianzong's teaching, and I promise to give you enough resources to train you directly to the kingdom of heaven."

Su Cang said to all the top 100 masters.

"Give us enough resources for us to directly cultivate heaven!"

This reward was abandoned and immediately attracted the attention of all local fighters.

Even Qi Yang, who was standing next to him, heard the light and said to his lips: "This reward is very attractive, so I want to kill Zifeng."

"Before the young masters can rest assured, Zifeng will definitely die in my hands."

"Cut, Zhang Yao, what is your ranking, but sixty-one, why are you brave? Zifeng will definitely die in my hands."

"You two are ranked after 50, Zifeng can beat Qian Dongjin. If you go up, you will die. Let us come to the top forty."

"Sun Qing, do you look down on people?"

"Zhang Yao, this is the truth."

"You want to die!"

In order to express themselves in front of Su Cang, a large group of fighters fought a battle.

Su Cang looked terrible at them and screamed: "Enough, no matter who you shoot, in any case, I don't want to see Zifeng live in this world before sunset tomorrow!"

"Please rest assured, Master Sovereign, I will do my best."

All squadrons on the Inner Gate Top 100 list should be the same breath.

"That's good, continue to be prepared." Su Cang waved his hand and motioned everyone to take a step back.

After all the soldiers left, there was only Su Cang in the palace, and Qi Yang had two.

"Murong Ye Shen, Dao Mark, you are out."

Su Cang shouted in the back hall.

The two young men immediately came out of the back room.

With a complex face with a confident smile, a handsome man in a white robe walked out. This man was Murong Ye God.

Standing next to Murong Yeshen, there was still a dull complexion, a strong death in his eyes, a little scum on his chin, his hands on his chest, and a steel knife on his arms. This person is a knife mark.

"If these soldiers are not enough to kill Zifeng tomorrow, you still need to shoot." Su Cang said to Murong Ye God and the calendar mark.

The knife mark clearly said: "If I shoot, a knife is enough to kill him."

"Sword Mark, I believe in your swordsmanship very much. Even if Zifeng has three heads and six arms, you can easily kneel down." Su Cang smiled satisfied with Sword Mark.

"Thank you for complimenting Shao Zongzhu." A smile appeared on his face when he heard the knife mark.

"Murong..." Su Cang looked at Murong Ye God again.

"I have handed over with Zifeng today. I believe that without my shooting, Zifeng would die." Murong Zhiye said lightly. Today, with Zifeng, Murong Yeshen has concluded that Zifeng is a flower stand.

"With Zifeng's current strength, it is said that the sky breakthrough is equivalent to about 70 in the top 100, and I don't need to shoot it!"

"Of course, if the Lord asks me to shoot, I can also shoot." Murong Ye God smiled faintly.

"Very good, there are two people, even if Zifeng has nine lives tomorrow, he will die!"

After hearing the words of the two, Su Cang breathed a sigh of relief. ,, ..

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