The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 145: Mainstay 8

Murong Ye God and the calendar knife mark, Zi Feng is absolutely hard to escape!


On the east side of Shenmeng.

Ye Suxin sits alone in the attic, holding a sword in her hand, and gently wipes the sword with a white cloth.

This sword was wiped hundreds of times by Ye Suxin, completely washing off the sword rust on it, showing a clear light.

Even if the edge of the sword is sharp, Ye Suxin's eyes are not sharp!

Say goodbye to Jibe.

Zifeng returned to Baiyun Peak alone, sitting cross-legged in the room.

The Big Five Elements cockroaches were running, Zifeng mobilized his true energy and began to repair the wounds on his body!

At the same time, Zifeng took out a large number of bottles and jars from the storage bag, which are some remedies to recover from the injury.

After taking out the medicinal herb, Zifeng's brain swallowed his mouth, swallowed the swordsman's movement, frantically swallowed the medicine in the medicinal herb, and accelerated the healing of the wound.

The effectiveness of the medicine is remarkable, and Zifeng quickly heals the wound.

Most of these medicinal materials were obtained by Zifeng from the ruins of Fengshen Sect. Among them, Liu Liang's medicinal materials.

Liu Liang is the third day of the Fire Palace. The recovery rate of the medicinal materials in the storage bags is also first-rate, and the effectiveness is amazing.

Until midnight, Zifeng's injury recovered seven or eight.

Later, Zifeng practiced how to obtain it from Zhang Qun's Three Immortals.

Overnight, Zifeng also returned to its peak state!

After watching Dong Tianming, Zifeng washed it, put on his clothes, and walked out of Baiyun Peak: "Murong Ye God, this time, we can fight hard!"

In yesterday's battle, Zifeng lost too much.

Zifeng had no strength to resist Murong Yegod.

But Lin Bai had been seriously injured by Ye Suxin before!

Severely injured, how can Zifeng win in the face of the undefeated myth of the inner door?


Don't go back to the cliff between Lingjian and Luoyan Mountains.

This is an open killing area, and many spiritual swordsmen like to come here to resolve personal grievances.

Over time, this place has become a duel place.

Like Zifeng, the cliff of injustice is officially called the Sword God, Wu God's name.

Because today, Zifeng wants to go to the cliff to accept the challenge of all swordsmanship masters, and some people will not refuse.

As early as last night, there were a large number of spiritual swords and martial artists looking for suitable locations to watch the battle on the mountain peaks around the cliff.

At this dawn, the peaks around the cliff are already overcrowded. "Zifeng will die in this battle!"

"Yes, it is difficult for Zifeng to survive!"

"Murong Ye God, the sharp knife mark seems to be back, and Zifeng is very dangerous."

"In any case, as long as Zifeng can defeat the ten masters, it will definitely become a legend of the spirit sword. After all, no one dares to be so rampant."

Many soldiers are talking while waiting for the war to begin.

"Look, the master of the Alliance of Gods is here!"

"My God, the ninety out of the top 100 in Shenmeng are basically here!"

"Look, this is Zhao Mao... 18th in the top 100!"

Among the gods and martial artists, many people saw Zhao Mao at a glance.

Zhao Hat is respected by many people. His face was full of enthusiasm, and the charming woman in his arms smiled happily.

Zhao Mao, entered the top 100 on the 18th.

Zifeng had dealt with him before. At the auction in Hanshan City, Zifeng was still holding Zhao's hat.

"Brother Zhao Mao, there are many masters in our gods." The woman in Somei said on the hat with a dagger.

Zhao Hat looked around and smiled. "That is, of course, everyone on the list of the top 100 Inner Sects is basically here. See if Lin Tiansheng on the 31st, how high is this man's sword."

"That is the twentieth article of the day!"

"There is a knife mark."

"Seeing that the person is not, he is Murong Ye God!"

Zhao Mao pointed to the gods and the more powerful fighters among the martial artists, and said to the woman.

The smirking woman looked at Murong Ye God, her eyes gleaming: "He is Murong Ye God!"

Zhao Hat said with a smile: "Yes, this person is qualified to compete for the master of the core fighter!"

"Oh, we have so many masters among the gods, Zifeng will be afraid to come." The charming woman smiled happily.

"Dare! If he doesn't come, Lao Tzu is going to use his dog's legs! Crazy, this mixed thing, daring to commit crimes in the treasury, it hurts me, this **** hatred, Lao Tzu will report today!" Zhao The cap angered the crown and said.

"Oh, brother Zhao Hats shot, then Zifeng must be scared to the bottom." Sommer said.

"Of course it is." Zhao Hat smiled proudly.

The **** of martial arts appeared, and the audience exclaimed.

All the warriors on the mountain and the warriors who watch the gods are full of respect and admiration.

After all, this group of people are the owners of the top 100 in the spiritual sword list, and they are still the mainstay of the future sword.

"There are few masters!"

I don't know who is yelling, everyone's eyes are in the distance.

Su Cang and Qi Yang came together one by one.

"Wow, this young master is so handsome! I can marry him."

"It's amazing! Little master, look here, I am your follower!"

"The man behind the lord is Qi Yang, one of the nine core fighters?"

"It's really Qi Yang, Qi Yang once had an invincible door, the inner door is invincible!"

Many old-fashioned internal warriors who have seen Qiyang recalled the dark era of Qiyang's rule.

About two years ago, Qi Yang turned out to be a popular holiday destination. The person who confronted him had no life, so he was invincible outside the door for several months, and the invincible inner door was personally selected by Su Cang. Become a core fighter and provide resources to help him break through heaven. "See the Lord!"

"I have met Brother Qi Yang."

Seeing Su Cang and Qi Yang going up and down the mountain, all the gods and allies were living in harmony.

Su Cang breathed his heart and exhaled the cold voice on his teeth: "Today's world war, vowed to kill Zifeng!"

Zhao Maomao smiled and said, "Don't worry, Supreme Master is so many experts in our Shenlian, can you still kill Zifeng?"

Su Chong nodded silently, stood in front of the crowd, watching the warriors who came to watch the war in the mountains.

"This war is related to the honor and shame of the gods, and the gods must do their best!"

Su Cang said coldly.


All squadrons in the top 100 inner gates are lining up.


"Sword Dream is here!"

When the feeling caused by a few lords did not stop, there was a sigh.

On the other hand, the two elders and Jibei took away more than 500 martial artists and climbed to the top. ,, ..

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