The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 145: Practice 9

The peaks of Shenmeng and Jianmeng are not separated from each other.

The two elders held their breath and looked far away at Su Cang who was opposite.

Su Cang sneered and looked at the two elders contemptuously.

Shenmeng: "The waste of Jianmeng, do you come to Zifeng to collect the dead?"

Jianmeng: "We are giving you a corpse, and the scorpion will lift it up. You eat it in the morning, what is it?"

Shen Meng: "Cut, a bunch of wastes of Jianmeng."

Jianmeng: "A group of garbage from the gods."

Shen Meng: Damn, you want to fight, come on. "

Jianmeng: "Dog stuff, give you a face, don't you?"

The war was ignited first.

The **** of martial arts and the swordsman of martial arts face to face.

This time, Jianmeng gathered more than 500 warriors, who were considered to be a group of people.

The gods are not bad, five or six hundred people came to the cliff to watch the battle.

The two great companions facing each other were shocked by all the soldiers who came to watch the ceremony.

"Oh my God, the gunpowder smell of Shenmeng and Jianmeng is so strong..." Many fighters were shocked by this team.

"Why Zifeng hasn't arrived yet."

"The gods and swordsmen have arrived, why isn't Zifeng yet?"

"Zifeng will not be in the market, I dare not come."

Zifeng said that he wanted to challenge all the owners of the territory.

However, everyone knows that most of the martial arts among the masters of swordsmanship are dream fighters.

When the gods and the Sword Alliance are inextricably linked.

A white man, tall and straight, staring at the sword, with firm steps, walked towards the cliff step by step.

Zifeng was dressed in white, and his face was cold, like a peerless sword fairy.

"The purple wind is coming!"

Seeing Zifeng walk to the edge of the cliff, the whole audience was very emotional.

"Zifeng, you are still here." The two elders sighed slightly when they saw Zifeng.

The reason the two elders came here to watch the battle was just in case, if Zifeng was not defeated, the two elders could save Zifeng in time.

"Hey, Zifeng, you died today." Su Cang sneered.

Zifeng stood on the cliff, looking at the camp of the martial artist of the gods. After sweeping around, Zifeng didn't find Ye Suxin.

"Strange, how do I find Ye Suxin's figure?" Zi Feng frowned, not understanding what he was doing, why he wanted to find Ye Suxin.

After returning to the gods, Zifeng looked at the sword martial arts camp and saw the two elders and Jibei. Zifeng smiled and clenched a fist.

Both the elder and Ji Bei were cold noodles, nodded slightly, and responded.

Zifeng looked around and said: "Before March, Lin was lucky to force the crowd, the first door outside the door entered the inner door, but he did not expect to anger the gods, and the gods sent warriors to challenge every day."

"It makes me really at a loss, even saying insults to relatives and friends, saying that if I accept the challenge, the whole family will die. This is too deceiving!"

"Because, I have said to everyone who wants to kill me. After three months, I will accept the challenge of all cliff swordsmanship masters. I want to kill me in three months. Come to the cliff to find me !"

"I am observing this appointment today."

"All the masters of the swordsman can propose a battle, but you must also think about it clearly. Once I come up, I won't do it."

"Once you set foot on the cliff, you and I will live!"

"This is my last advice to those who are about to challenge me. If you don't want to die, and don't want to kill me, then ask them to be on the wall. Don't go down and sip this water."

Zifeng was martyred for his enthusiasm for all warriors.

Pure white, eyes like swords, powerful installations, endless wars, and purple clothes and hair, but his posture is raging in the wind!

Zifeng slowly pulled out the magic sword and pointed it slightly in the direction of the gods.

At this moment, his appearance of arrogance is imprinted in the memory of all soldiers.

"bring it on!"

Zi Feng said coldly.


The wind blew Zifeng's body, screaming and screaming.

All the soldiers who came to watch the war felt the heat of their bodies, and they couldn't wait to fight Zifeng in a hurry.

There are also many warriors who sigh, if one day they can stand on the top of the mountain like a purple wind, they will be proud of the crowd.

"Zifeng... brother... it's amazing!"

"Regardless of today's success or failure, Zifeng can afford sword repair."

"Yes, Zifeng may be the only person in the spirit sword who is qualified to call himself Jianxiu."

Jianxiu is a very popular word circulating in the martial arts world. Anyone who uses a sword will claim to be a sword repairer.

But the real sword repair is not a powerful repair, but a profound practice.

He must also have the courage not to be afraid of the past, not to be afraid of the future, and to face the strong spirit of daring to shine.

Not afraid of the past, not afraid of the future, not afraid of powerful enemies, not afraid of danger, not afraid of everything.

This is Jian Xiu!

"Brother Zifeng, awesome!"

"War! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"War! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"War! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

All the soldiers Qiqi shouted the word "war". Thousands of soldiers gathered together, rushed to the clouds, and shattered the clouds. Su Cang's eyes flashed in the cold light, and he said coldly, "Who is the first battle?"

"I am coming!"

Su Cang's voice just fell, and a cold voice came from behind.

Su Cang turned around and said with satisfaction: "Sun Xiaoquan, well, if you play, you must win beauty."

"Please don't worry about the master, I killed Zifeng as easy as killing a pig and a dog."

Wearing a cold-faced black robe, Sun Xiaoquan jumped out of the Shenling and Wushu camp and landed on the cliff, standing opposite Zifeng.

"Someone shot!"

"who is that?"

Many people saw a man wearing a black robe flying on the cliff.

After a while, a soldier recognized Sun Xiaoquan.

"This is Sun Xiaoquan. Six months ago, he ranked 62nd among the top 100. It is said that in the past six months, his repairs have progressed rapidly, and he already has the strength of the top 50."

"The most terrifying thing about Sun Xiaoquan is not his cultivation, but his unpredictable swordsmanship. Before his swordsmanship, how many warriors died."

"Indeed, Sun Xiaoquan once defeated the top nine warriors in martial arts with 8 times the cultivation of local martial arts. Now he is a perfect place on earth, and the cultivation of strength must be very scary." ,, ..

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