"Will Nanning fall?" Zifeng shouted suspiciously. Nanning Pass, the Shenwu national defense border to the south.

At Nanning Mountain Pass, you can reach another martial arts empire and Big Moon State in the south.

If Nanning disappears, the Great Moon Army will be able to go straight to the hinterland of the Shenwu Kingdom.

Therefore, Nanning is extremely important, especially the national power of the Great Moon Kingdom, which far exceeds that of the Shenwu Kingdom. If the Nanning Pass falls and the Tiger Wolf Master of the Dayu Kingdom breaks into the Shenwu Kingdom, it must be life.

The white face looked very ugly and said: "No one has missed it, but the Nanning channel has sent a distress signal. If the emperor no longer sends troops, it is estimated that Nanning will not be guaranteed."

"So, I came to Qianlong's hospital. I will see if your injury has healed. Secondly, I will resign to you. I will hang up myself and lead the seven million army to Nanning with Prince Chu."

"Do you want to go to the front line?" Zifeng's son was a little worried.

The border is no safer than the imperial city, full of murder and danger.

Bai Hao smirked: "What can I do? I now have more than 20 million troops. This is the most powerful princess in the capital of the empire. Only I can mobilize so many troops."

"The front line is not joking. Do you want me to follow you?" Zifeng asked.

"No, now is not the time for your disciples to shoot. Also, this time I walked to the front line, not where I went. With Chu Jiangliu with other masters, I am the coach, and I am sure that nothing is missing. "A faint smile.

"If you go to the front, what should you do to Prince Qi? With the eight million military power he handed over, you haven't fully earned any income yet." Zifeng said with concern.

If Prince White leads the troops out, Prince Qi will recover all the lost military power at this time. When the white cockroaches came back, it was not easy to collect thousands of lords. it is.

"You don't have to worry about this. My father can only clean up King Qi. Don't underestimate my father. It is not good to be able to sit on the throne." Bai said with a smile.

Zifeng believes that this is also true.

Being able to sit on the throne of Emperor Wu of the God Kingdom, Bai Huatian naturally possessed extraordinary powers.

Since Prince Qi handed over the military power to eight million, Bai Huatian naturally had the ability to swallow it in one go.

With Zifeng's eyes, it was difficult to conceal his worries and asked, "Do I really need to go with you?"

"Do I really need to go with you?"

Zifeng asked seriously.

Although Bai Xin's heart wanted Zifeng to go with him, because of the Zifeng side, Bai Hao felt very practical and very safe.

But Bai Yu also knew that Zifeng was not always by her side, and then shook his head reluctantly: "No, I can take care of myself."

Zifeng heard White's refusal again, and Zifeng gradually nodded.

If at this moment, Bai Yu said that he needed Zifeng.

Zifeng will immediately abandon the plan to go abroad, follow the day and fight the border. Since Bai Yu said he didn't need Zifeng to do it, Zifeng's plan would not change.

"What is your next plan? Is it to return to the spirit of the sword, or to stay with the emperor for a while?" Bai Yan asked with a smile.

"I shouldn't stay in the imperial city for a long time. I plan to leave tomorrow to go overseas." Zifeng said lightly.

"Do you want to go to sea? Why?" asked Bai Yu suspiciously.

Zifeng said: "I heard that there is a strong liquor overseas with a lot of water aura. I want to try my luck and see if I can find this spirit."

After hearing the news, she nodded silently. She saw it too. Zifeng seemed to be looking for the spiritual elements of the crazy five elements and didn't know what to do.

Since Zifeng didn't take the initiative to tell her, Bai Hao didn't take the initiative to ask.

After all, every fighter has his own secret.

"Since you want to go to sea, you can go to the July terminal outside the imperial capital and take a boat down the river. You can leave the Shenwu country and go overseas without going out for five days."

"Every year, the Yuntai Palace of Bohai Sea comes to the imperial capital, and these ships also dock at the July Wharf."

Bai Hao said.

"Okay." Zifeng nodded.

Bai Yan looked at Zifeng, and he stopped talking.

Zifeng was also silent.

"Zifeng, my father said in the Chaoyang Palace that marriage is actually just an excuse to save you. I will go to my father to dismiss the marriage." Bai Yu hesitated for a long time, with a trace of twilight in his eyes, gritted his teeth.

"This is not in a hurry, it is very important to close the war, and the children's love can be put down first." Zifeng said lightly.

"His royal princess, if you need Lin Gang at the border, please send someone to tell me that at that time, Lincoln will go to the border to help the princess calm down."

Zi Fengzhen said firmly and firmly.

"Well, if you really need the disciples of the four main sects, I will inform you first. At that time, you must come." Bai said with a smile.

"Yes." Zifeng nodded firmly.

Baekje and Chu Jiangliu stayed at Zifeng noon, they got up and left.

In the afternoon, after the emperor ordered the soldiers, seven million troops left the imperial capital and went straight to Nanning.

Zifeng, Gong Chen and others were standing outside the courtyard, watching the majestic legion leave the imperial capital.

When the first coach, Bai Hao, wrapped in silver-white armor, highlighting the bumpy delicate curves, a stubborn color on his beautiful face, and a pair of silk scarves that prevent the appearance of eyebrows, and are naturally powerful.

Chen Gong watched the army leave the capital. He sighed and said: "This time the Great Moon Country is personally led by the emperor. It is indeed necessary for the princesses of the royal princesses to come."

"The old king of the Great Moon Kingdom is old and does not have much longevity. At this time, the emperor under his knees desperately to shape his political achievements. The emperor who leads the war is a prince who wants to become a war prince. The new emperor."

"So this is coming."

Chen Gong said vaguely. Zifeng heard what Chen Gong said, and this time he suddenly realized his nod. Facts have proved that this is a dispute between the Great Moon Emperor.

There is no doubt that the army of the Great Moon Kingdom is so embarrassed.

However, Zifeng thought for a while, then frowned and said, "But how do I feel that this is not so simple on the surface? The state banquet of God Martial Kingdom has just ended, and Dayue Kingdom will punish five million troops."

"Prince Qi has just been cut off. At this time, it is necessary to force the princess to drive."

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