"It doesn't look simple."

Zi Feng said lightly.

When Gong Chen heard what Zi Feng said, he suddenly thought of Prince Qi, he said meaningfully: "If the real prince secretly engages in ghosts, I am afraid this matter will be very complicated."

"In any case, this is not the time when the four main disciples were shot. We don't have to worry so much."

"In addition, the martial arts school of Dayue Kingdom did not shoot."

"We will wait patiently."

"If you need to join a martial arts sect, let alone you, the old man must go to the front, kill some enemies to attack, and promote our country!"

Chen Gong took a deep breath and watched the army bypass Fengchen. There was a trace of worry in his eyes.

When the national war broke out, if the casualties did not exceed one million, then the four major sects would not be shot.

After all, the purpose of Buddhism is not to fight for the world, but to transcend martial arts, go upstream, seek higher mountains, break through oneself, and seek eternal life.

Therefore, the general martial arts sects cultivate talents.

Once the dynasty has more than one million casualties, when the spirit is smeared, even if the martial arts sect will intervene, then the martial arts will begin.

The so-called martial arts.

The empires of both sides choose some geniuses in martial arts, initiate one-on-one confrontations, win one, and obtain many regions and cities.

In this way, the number of casualties has been greatly reduced.

However, for example, the Great Moon Kingdom does not want to fight, and his purpose is to annex the God of War, then it is a real national war. God Wu will mobilize all resources and manpower to fight back frantically and fight desperately. The winner is the king and the loser is envy.

At that time, it was millions of real corpses, and at first glance it was a whole body.

the next morning.

Gong Chen and Ling Jianzong's disciples went to the palace together, to Bai Huatian.

After leaving the palace, Zifeng said: "Elder, I am not going to return to the sect."

Chen Gongyi asked curiously: "The emperor's affairs have been broken. You need to follow my ancestor's door to receive rewards. Moreover, the core fighters are immediately selected, don't you participate?"

"How long does it take to choose a core fighter?" Zifeng asked curiously.

"The calculation time is almost a month," Chen Gong said.

After Zifeng heard it, this place went overseas and walked back and forth. According to Bai Yu, it only took five days from the terminal in July.

Once and for all, it will take at least ten days.

One month later, the core fighter was selected, and Zifeng didn't have much time. Zifeng must come back to participate in the selection of core fighters. Only when he becomes the core fighter can he truly worship Ling Tianzi's gate and practice Ling Tianzi's true abilities.

"So, I can't even go back to Ling Jianzong."

"Elders, I will go overseas soon. Within a month, before choosing the core fighters, I will definitely return to the sect." Zifeng said firmly.

Time is running out, Zifeng must go overseas to find Lingquanhai.

Chen Company sighed and said: "In this case, you have to be more careful. It is very important to return to the sect before the core fighter selection begins."

"Okay." Zifeng should have a voice, Gong Chen, Lu Yuan, Zhang Lingdao and others have separated in the capital of the imperial city.

Zifeng went straight to the July Wharf.

Gong Chen, Lu Yuan, Zhang Lingdao and others walked in the direction of Ling Jianzong.

In the place where Zifeng and Chen Gong were separated, a man in the crowd was dressed for battle. He saw Zifeng and Chen Gong being separated, smiling at the corners of his mouth, and taking off the fight, revealing the appearance of a young man.

"I thought I had no chance to shoot it? Zifeng, since you didn't return to the spirit sword with Chen Gong, you don't want to return to your life."

The young man sneered.

If Zifeng came here, he would definitely exclaim. This young man is actually one of Ling Jianzong's nine core fighters!

Qi Yang!

On the side of Yunfeng, the elders of the Spirit Sword Sect led thousands of warriors to wait here.

The news they received was that the team that went to the imperial capital today to participate in the year-end sacrifice will return.

Whether it is one person coming back, or three people coming back.

In any case, someone will come back.

Ji Bei, Li Jianxing, Wang Hao and other two elders were worried. They looked at the distant sky and waited for Fei Tianpeng to appear.

In the past few years, Ling Jianzong's disciples were not very good in the end.

So they are also very worried.

On the other hand, the faces of the elders and Su Cang are very happy.

None of the people who went there this time were warriors of the gods. No matter who died, the gods were very happy.

Zhang Lingdao offended Zhao Mao.

Zifeng and Lu Yuan are both disciples of Jianmeng.

Anyone who died has nothing to do with the gods.

The **** of martial arts Su Cang and the elders were all watching the jokes.

"I don't know if I can come back this year." The two elders said frustratedly.

"I believe that with Zifeng's practice, even if you can't achieve good results, there should be no problems in life." Jibei whispered softly.

The two elders heard and sneered: "Listen to what the elders mean. It seems that our spiritual swordsman's disciple was killed in Chaoyang Palace. The face of the sect is lost. You seem to be very happy!"

The elders said in a hurry: "Misunderstanding, you have misunderstood the meaning of the old man, the original intention of the old man is not like this!"

The two elders smiled and said, "Then what do you mean!" "I, I..." The elders were very anxious and couldn't talk.

Su Cang smiled slightly: "Why does the old man waste a bunch of nonsense talking nonsense? This is a waste of saliva."

There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the entire square was trembling.

Sephiroth looked at it and shot a silver-white beam from the barrel.

All the soldiers in this beam of light, their flesh was like paper paste, and instantly turned into fly ashes.

Amid the screams, the gun hit and directly destroyed 100,000 guards and destroyed more than 10,000 people.

"I rely on!"


Sephiroth saw this scene and exclaimed excitedly.

This is so cool!

The power of this cannon is so terrible that it will be hurt.


Sephiroth looked ecstatic, took out the city ball again and pressed it into the city.

The second cannon fired immediately.

A guardian army, tens of thousands of people, disappeared in the beam of light.


The sound of Nanning Mountain Pass kept ringing.

Even the land within ten miles of Nanning would tremble violently.

Li Wei quickly walked out of the big account and looked at the direction of the square in horror. He exclaimed: "This is not good.

It is far away from the mountains and forests 100,000 miles away in Nanning. ,, ..

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