The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 154: Earth-shattering

Standing on the top of the mountain, Chu River Creek felt the vibration under his feet.

Afterwards, Chu He was stunned and looked in the direction of Nanning Mountain Pass with a startling look: "This is the power of the city cannon... The horse will succeed!"

"Brothers! The entire army is ready, and grandfather has succeeded. We are ready to respond to grandfather!"

Chu River's flow exclaimed excitedly.

No one is more excited than Chu He.

As long as it can destroy the city destroyer, the crisis of the family month is halfway.

As long as there is a devastating city gun, the Great Moon National Army will have no arm. At that time, the Big Moon team must have at least one month to break home.


Dragonhawk's soldiers screamed excitedly.

"Hey horse is amazing. He ruined the city by himself."

"This is very good. There is no urban destroyer. The Great Leap Nation also finds it difficult to break through the family."

"Brother, let's get the horse!"

A dragon eagle that only hid in the forest flew up.

One by one, the soldiers jumped into the air and sat firmly on the dragon eagle.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of Dragon Eagle Legions went straight to Nanning.


Among the light pillars of the city’s guns, three or four thousand guards turned into fly ash.

In the blink of an eye, 100,000 guards were killed and more than 50,000 injured under two guns.

Sephiroth was surprised by such an astonishing destructive power.

"My mother, it's no wonder this princess is so jealous of the city's cannon. It turns out that it is so powerful." Sephiroth apologized.

It turned out that Sephiroth did not believe that destroyers could possess such power.

However, today I personally over-controlled this and found that the power of the city cannon is a big killer! One move is enough to destroy an army of thousands!

"Can't play, let's destroy the city destroyer first."

Sephiroth immediately manipulated the barrel of the Destroy City gun and pointed the barrel at the other devastating guns on the square! "bring it on!"

Sephiroth shouted excitedly.

Destroy the city beads!


There was a loud noise, and the silver-white light beam irradiated the city's cannons.

It immediately exploded for a while.

The destroyed city turned into fly ashes.

Joy Country is a spiritual stone costing nearly tens of billions of yuan. It refined a city destroyer, but it is now destroyed by Sephiroth.

"First seat, continue!"




"Tenth seat!"


In the entire Nanning Customs, the voice is loud.

At this time, Li Wei was eager to escape from the big account, just to see Sephiroth driving a city destroyer and destroying other destroyers frantically.

Seeing this scene, Li Wei went crazy.

I looked at the square in shock.

"Nanning is an army of millions, patrolling around the clock, how did he get in!"

"It's hard to be a martial arts rat. Can you make a hole?"

"Well, it's over. It's over. Your Royal Highness knows that so many destroyers have been destroyed. I must spasm my skin."

Li Yu was miserable and watched the destruction of a city destroyer.

"Tenth seat!"


"Twenty seats!"

"twenty one!"

"twenty two!"

"Hahaha, cool, cool."

Sephiroth’s crazy laughter, the power of the city cannon was so terrible that every gun went out and there was a powerful force.

These walls, the soldiers of the Extinct Artillery Corps, are like paper. They did not resist at all, they were wiped out at gunpoint in the city.

"Okay? The number is wrong."

Sephiroth suddenly came back to this moment and was surprised: "A total of 22 destroyers were destroyed, and the destroyers I drove were only 23. There are two more?"

Sephiroth calculated it carefully, and the number was wrong.

The princess said that TakuyaPeak has twenty-five destroyers.

There are only twenty-three people here, and two more?

"Abandon me and kill him!"

"Grab this person and enjoy 500,000 spiritual stones!"

"Kill this person and reward 300,000 spirit stones!"

"I don't know anyone, I don't recognize anyone!"

Li Lan rushed over and said, roaring again and again.

At this time, the entire garrison in Nanning Pass was panicked. An entire army of hundreds of thousands rushed to the square.




With shouts and killings, Sephiroth stood at the top of the city and looked down at the densely packed soldiers, like ants in a swarm.

Sephiroth looked at his scalp, numb.

"No, I can't stay, otherwise I'm afraid I won't go out."

Sephiroth glanced at it and found that the other two destroyers were too late.

"Wind and thunder."

The purple and blue wings are on the back of Sephiroth.


The wind and thunder wings spread, and Sephiroth went straight to the sky.

When he was flying more than 100 meters, Sephiroth turned around, and an earth-shaking force burst out above the green sword, and a sword screamed. "Shentong! Hurricane!"

Sephiroth roared.

A sword aura fell from the sky and attacked the devastating city spear that had just been driven by Sephiroth.


This destructive urban cannon was smashed into two halves by Sephiroth's sharp sword.

Sephiroth looked at his sword and destroyed the city’s gun. Suddenly he was unwilling to show his eyes: "Say, if you can take one, it’s a pity that the city’s artillery is refining ancient secrets. Used to store bags."

"I rely on it, I can fly."

Li Yan screamed in horror.

"Tune, bow camp!"

Li Yan shouted again.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of warriors held bows and arrows, bending in turn, bending over and bowing.

The bow camp is listed, the bow is bent.

Li Hao screamed: "Let us!"

Like a torrential rain, the general arrow flies overhead, it is like a **** who wants to shoot through the sky.

Sephiroth just flew across the sky and smashed the city spear. He felt an arrow attack.

After Jianfeng, an arrow will be blocked.

Then Sephiroth opened his eyes and ran away.

There are millions of troops here. If Lin Bingbo is stopped, it is estimated that even Sephiroth has nine lives, it is impossible to escape.

"Damn! Want to run!"

"Come on, use the dragon!"

Li Wei is also a big cup.

After quickly adjusting the bow battalion, nine huge bows were raised.

The nine bows are about 30 meters long and 10 meters wide. The bowstring is made of monster bones. Each arrow is a spear, with four spirits! ,, ..

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