Tang Tianhao said: "The two messengers are both adults. Your disciple Wang Yingjie outside the door. He is also a good swordsman. He is also one of the few people in the Big Moon country."

"Who?" the old man in a black robe asked.

"And this year you must pay special attention to Feng Yunxiu and Ye Jianqiu."

Zifeng asked curiously: "Ye Jianqiu and Feng Yunxiu."

The princess said: "Ye Jianqiu was the first sword repair in 700 countries in Lingdong last year, but he did not break through the Danish border this year and should continue to participate."

"You've heard that Feng Yunxiu has been deified in Lingdong of 700 countries."

"Many sword repairs have brought the storm into Lingdong's first sword repair."

"These two people also have a big point of view at this year's Jianjian Villa Swordsmanship Conference. Many swordsmen want to see if Ye Jianqiu is strong, or if the situation is stronger."

Zifeng smiled and said, "It seems that these two people were not aroused by them."

The princess nodded and said, "Isn't it? I have sent someone to check it. In last year's swordsmanship competition, the sword girl who looked like a sword was only 72 years old."

Zifeng exclaimed, "If the sword is too cold, is it only 72?"

The princess said: "Yes, so Mingjian Villa's swordsmanship is very high."

Zifeng looked at each other, feeling a little stressed.

Zifeng's current strength, I am afraid I can't stop working with Feng Yun, Ye Jianqiu and Jian Ruohan.

"There are still three months. If I can upgrade to the sky, I should be able to fight with them."

Zifeng said in his heart.

According to the current revision of Zifeng, if Zifeng breaks through the nine-fold situation of Tianwu, then it will not be a problem to challenge the army in the second half of the first half.

If Zifeng breaks through the beginning of the god's half-step, then it will be no problem to challenge the half-step god.

“Now it’s mainly the domain, but I’m not worried, there are still three months. When I find a place where there are more monsters and kill them frantically for three months, I don’t believe I can’t improve the training halfway. Step by step!”

Zifeng sneered in his heart.

Swallowing the soul of the sword is the biggest means in Zifeng's hands.

"alright, I got it."

Zifeng smiled slightly, turned around, and pressed the princess down.

The princess looked at Zifeng with a smile on her face, and there was no love on her face: "Do it again.. This has been several times.. Aren't you tired?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "I have a fight!"


Zifeng and the princess just stood up and washed.

Fengshuang City, the inn outside the Zifeng accommodation, the proud martial arts imperial power.

"Everyone dedicate the spirit of Lao Tzu!"

Chu He was wearing heavy armor and looked serious, patrolling back and forth.

After half an hour.

Zifeng took the jade hand of the princess and walked to the second floor.

"See your Royal Highness!"

"See Prince Sword!"

All the soldiers in the audience yelled in respectful knees.

The princess looked at Chu He curiously and asked, "Chu He, how are you?"

Chu Jiangliu smiled and said: "Where is the coach, where will he be? The protection of the coach is the responsibility of the final."

The princess didn't sigh at Chu Jiangliu: "Well said." Chu Jiangliu suddenly looked serious, and said with a hippie smile: "Zifeng left a message saying that you are in Fengshuangcheng. Otherwise, your sword will fly away. I can find you easily."

"We went to Wind and Frost City at dawn. After inquiring about the store, we learned that the princess hadn't woke up yet, and we didn't bother."

Chu Jiangliu said with a smile.

The princess said: "I would say, how can you find us?"

Zifeng said vaguely: "Since the royal family comes, you will go back."

The princess looked at Zifeng tenderly and said, "The road ahead of you is very dangerous. Be careful. You must come back alive."

"I know."

Zifeng nodded: "I will give you something, you must cultivate."

Zifeng has passed, and many other methods have been passed on to the princess.

The princess nodded.

"Chu Wangye, the commander of the three services, the head teacher returned to North Korea."

Said the eldest princess.


Chu He responded enthusiastically, mobilized the three armies, and left Fengshuang City.

Zifengmu sent the three armies to leave Fengshuang City and smiled slightly: "Go, Yu Jianshu!"

Feijian raised Zifeng and soared.

The army left Fengshuang City and went straight to the emperor.

The princess and the Chu River flow side by side.

Chu Jiangliu smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, I am afraid I will become an uncle soon."

The princess asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

Chu He screamed and laughed: "Don't you have a lonely man who spends the night in the room without erasing the spark of love?"

The princess said coldly: "Chu Jiangliu, you are talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth, believe it or not."

Chu Jiang was frightening, covered in cold sweat and said: "I dare not subordinates. I dare not."

The princess sighed and said, "It is estimated that even if you want to sit with Uncle, it is not the child I gave to Zifengsheng."

Chu Jiangliu asked curiously, "Is it difficult for the Sword King to find a woman outside?"

The princess sneered: "Do you think that Zifeng's achievements will be surrounded by a woman? For example, Feng Yuefang's girl in red... Zifeng is her first guest."

Chu Jiangliu said, "But subordinates can see that Zifeng really loves you."

The princess smiled and said, "Of course, no matter how many women he has, there will always be a place in my heart!"

"It's self-confidence, and I still have it."

The princess smiled--

At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation from the army.

"Look, there is a flying sword."

"There is another person standing on the sword."

"That person is... Sword God!"

"My mother is really the sword prince. He actually stood on the sword and flew."

The princess and Chu Jiangliu also heard the exclamation and raised their heads.

From the sky above the army, a sword flying with golden light, from the tail of the army, appeared on the heads of the princess and Chu He in the blink of an eye.

"His Royal Highness, I will be here, take care."

Zifeng stood on the flying sword, standing in the air, looking at the long princess tenderly.

The princess nodded. "You are going back."

Zifeng nodded, and immediately stepped on the flying sword. With a bang, the flying sword hit the sky between the clouds and disappeared on the horizon in the blink of an eye.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"Production, if I can fly, that would be great."

"Flying, I am envious, so excited!"

"And the speed is still so fast. Based on the current speed of the Sword King, I am afraid you can cross the mountains and rivers of the Shenwu Kingdom in one day."

"I am envious, it looks good.",,..

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