The soldiers of the three services were very happy to see the direction in which Zifeng disappeared, and said enviously.

Chu Jiang was also excited and jealous, and said, "I am angry, I have the opportunity to let Zifeng teach me this way, even if I am willing to do this, I am willing."

Chu Jiang's flying method is tens of thousands of miles. This sword is too red-eyed.

The princess smiled and said: "This method is called Yu Jianshu. Zifeng told me, but to make a flying sword, too much material is needed, even if Zifeng can't collect it yet."

"When he builds a new flying sword, I ask him to help you."

The princess smiled at Chu Jiangliu.

The flow of Chu River was full of excitement, and said, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, and thank Your Royal Highness."

The princess said: "King Chu, when will you delay your marriage with your five children?"

Chu river was flowing, listening, blushing and said, "His Royal Highness, although I like five princesses, but five princesses don't like me..."

The princess shook her head and said, "You should show yourself in front of her and chase your girlfriend. You still need me to teach you. You and Zifeng study hard." Chu Jiangliu smiled and said, "His royal princess, Zifeng doesn't Chasing people, those women are hanging upside down."

The princess sneered: "Then you said I was upside down?"

Chu He was surprised, cold sweat all over his body: "His Royal Highness, I didn't mean that."

The princess sneered: "Come on, Prince Chu does not abide by the military rules. The situation is unreasonable. I dragged me to fight against the three thousand army rods..."

"I rely on, three thousand troops, Zifeng, save me..."


For the next half month, Lin Yu Tianzi and Li Shanqing were in the daytime.

I played with Li Shanqing for half a month to ease my cooperation with Feijian.

As Jian Ruohan said, the cooperation between Zifeng and Feijian is too rusty, he can't give full play to Feijian and his own strength.

After half a month of training and Ling Tianzi's guidance, Zifeng was closer to Feijian's control.

Ling Tianzi asked: "Zifeng, what is your next plan?"

Zifeng said: "I'm going to the Tianjian Dynasty. I have two months to calculate the date. It will almost take until March 3 to reach the Heavenly Sword Dynasty."

Ling Tianzi said: "At your current speed, you can go to Tianjian Dynasty and Yujian for up to half a month."


Zifeng nodded.

The Tianjian Dynasty was far away from the Shenwu Kingdom. Ordinary warriors rode demon horses. It takes more than three months for day and night in the wild. Zifeng walks directly towards the sword, but only for half a month.

Zifeng said: "My current maintenance is still a bit low, so I plan to travel all the way, many swords to the Jianshan Villa. In this case, traveling all the way and practicing all the way, the time to the famous Jianshan Villa is almost the same."

Tianzi Ling heard a slight nod.

Ling Tianzi said: "Zifeng, if you want to go to the Tianjian Dynasty, you must pass the Fengyun Dynasty."

"In the southern part of the Fengyun Dynasty, there is a place called Shiwanshan. This place has the largest number of more than 700 kingdoms in Lingdong. There are monsters in the gods, and it is terrible to have power."

"In the depths of 100,000 mountains, there is a mysterious temple. I hope you can find it."

Zifeng asked curiously: "Master, what is in this temple, why should I find it?"

Ling Tianzi said: "You don't ask for this. When you discover the life and death of this temple, you will naturally understand."

"Remind you, this temple is related to the martial arts of the magic way. Maybe you are there and you can learn more about your martial arts."

"You even know your future."

Zi Fengyi heard that the temple in Ling Tianzi's mouth was actually related to a magical soul.

Although Zifeng has swallowed the sword spirit for a long time, little is known about the devouring of the sword spirit.

Even the understanding of magic martial arts is very rare. Only in some classics, I see some descriptions of words.

The Spirit Sword Sect, even the Shenwu Kingdom, and even the miracle ridge, are slapped in the study of Wuhun.

If this temple in Shiwanshan can supplement Zifeng's cognitive gap, it is too important for Zifeng.

Learn more about the soul of your own devouring sword, learn more about the martial arts of others, know yourself and understand each other so that you can win every battle.

Zifeng thanked him gratefully: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance. The disciples got up and went to Shiwanshan in the Fengyun Dynasty."

Tianzi Ling nodded slightly and said, "Let's go."

Zifeng said goodbye to Ling Tianzi and Li Shanqing, and then went back to wash.

Later, Zifeng went to see Su Jiannan, Li Jianxing, Ji Bei, Ji Bai and others, and explained the reasons for going out with them.

Su Jiannan left Zifeng and said to Zifeng within a thousand miles: "Zifeng, you must remember to go outside and be careful."

"The Spirit Sword Sect does not need to be rich in the outside world, the pool of the Spirit Sword is so big, and the outside world, evil spirits and ghosts, cows and snakes have ghosts."

"You said you are strong. Some people are stronger than you. Be careful."

Su Jiannan is a voice that educates his own children. He is insisting on Zifengyu.

Let Zifeng feel worried about her mother.

After thousands of miles, Zifeng stepped on the flying sword and went straight to the sky, leaving the spirit sword.

"Go back to Qingling Mountain and see, hey, see if you can get some of Thor's prints from Thunder Frog's hands."

Zifeng smirked and flew over the clouds.

After half an hour.

Zifeng is close to the Qinling Mountains, but passes through Lingxi City.

"Spirit City".

Zifeng stood in the clouds, looking down at the bustling swimming pool in the big city, looking at the Lin family.

Zifeng walked slowly on the streets of Lingxi City.

Zifeng has lived here for more than ten years.


Zifeng looked at the courtyard wall of the Lin family's tall building, his eyes a little unbearable.

After all, this is where I grew up.

"Have you heard that Lin Zier has been practicing half a step in Yuntai Palace in Bohai. The greatness of Dan is terrible."

"It is said that Bohai Yuntai Palace also said that Lin Zier wanted to take the next teaching at Haeundae Palace, but Lin Zier refused."

"Just kidding, my eyes are looking at Lin Zi'er's cousin in Miracle Ridge. How can a Shenwu Kingdom in the community stop her."


"Hey, do you remember Zifeng?"

"No one can remember the eternal shame of the Lin family, that was the most wasteful waste in Lin history."

"It is said that this kid doesn't know what kind of dog he wants to buy, but he is actually making a king in Shenwu."

"The reduction is only his means, not my blow. Lin Zier can kill him with his fingers."

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