The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 171: Terrified

When Zifeng opened his mouth, he had to challenge Master Eighteen Swords.

On all the swords, Qi Qi was surprised to see 18 of the top ten seats.

The eighteen sword masters who built the mountain villa are all in the top 30 of the city. The strength is terrible.

The top 30 who can enter the location of the sword city are basically the unparalleled sword repairs of the Lingdong 700 family. Kendo is very charming.

Moreover, Master Eighteen Swords can enter the top 30, which is enough to prove his power, the horror is extreme.

Su Xingmang snorted, his eyes flashed, then he jumped up and landed on the opposite side of Zifeng: "Hey, in the name of Jianshan Villa Xingjianjian Su Xingmang, would you like to enlighten me..."

Su Xingman smiled proudly, secretly firm. This place is about building a city. Even if Zifeng defeated him, he would not be able to kill him.

If Zifeng did not defeat him, let Su Xingman find the flaw and defeat Zifeng, this is an opportunity.

Su Xingmang was also very confident in his cultivation, and he shot immediately.

"Su Xingmang, the king of the star sword! This person can be ranked in the top five among the eighteen sword masters."

"Yes, it is very powerful, and now his seat is ninth!"

"Ten major sword repairs, no one is a simple character."

All Jian Xiu who built the city exclaimed and looked forward to the battle between Zifeng and Su Xingmang.

Seeing Su Xingman's shot, Jian Qianqiu's face showed a slight smile and hardened.

"Look at the sword!"

Su Xingmang was shining with the star sword, and his swordsmanship would be knocked out of Zifeng's body.


Suddenly this time, Zifeng interrupted him.

Su Xingmang smiled coldly: "What? Do you want to admit failure?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "Su Xingmang, I guess you are wrong. What I said is: I want to ask the 18 sword masters of Mingjian Villa to enlighten me, you are not alone!"

When Su Xingman heard the news, he immediately asked: "What do you mean?"

Zi Fengping said: "I mean very simple, let the 18 of you be together!"


Rumble 1x1772


Zifeng's words were spoken, and the entire sword city exploded.

The soldiers who came to watch the 70 million battle of Jianjian Villa exploded!

Today, among the seven hundred families in Lingdong, all the sects, dynasties and families, as long as they can see the famous swordsmanship competition, they have heard the earth-shattering sigh.

Let the 18 sword masters of Mingjian Villa be together!

These eighteen people, anyone who goes out is an incomparable sword repairer, shocked one party!

With the joint efforts of eighteen people, it is enough to kill the gods.

At this time, Zifeng wanted to challenge the 18 half-step gods in the Danish world with one person, and these 18 people are still the famous swordsmen of the famous Jianshan Villa!

"Hurricane!" Jian Qianqiu heard Zifeng's words and suddenly exasperated: "So arrogant, I really thought I couldn't use the name of Jianshan Villa to help you?" Ye Jianqiu also glanced at Zifeng, and then smiled. laugh.

The sword was cold, expressionless, and silent.

Jibei smiled and squatted on the table: "Zifeng, Zifeng, I am old, can you give me this kind of heartbeat... Your uncle, you are afraid that I have been alive for ten years!"

Hey! Su Jiannan just drank a glass of happy wine, could hear Zifeng's words, and sprayed his eyes on the spot.

Wu Shen's princess and Bai Huatian were shocked!

In the royal square of the entire Shenwu Kingdom, everything was silent, and Zifeng's words appeared pale. Some people trembled.

These people are thinking: Nima, that is the famous Jianshan Villa sword and sword competition, not your kitchen, you can talk nonsense...

The civilians and officers of the entire Shenwu Kingdom were frightened by Zifeng's words.

But only the flow of Chu River, like the scream of chicken blood: "Come on, Sword King! The sword is domineering! The sword is mighty! The Sword King is so handsome, I want to give you a monkey, what? What?"

Hearing the mouth of Chu River, the long princess looked pale and glanced at Chu River.

After Zifeng spoke very clearly, there was no pressure. Suddenly, the 18 swordsmen in the famous Swordsman Village became angry, especially when Xiaolong returned to the beach to look at Zifeng.

"What? What did I not say clearly?"

"Then I will say it again."

"You are the famous swordsman of the 18th Jianshan Villa, let us go together! One by one, wasting time."

Zifeng said with a smile.

"Hurricane!" Jian Qianqi roared.

Qianqiu's roaring sword, wrapped in the power of the gods, slammed and shocked the audience.

All Jian Xiu who built the city were frightened by Jian Qianqiu's Huang Hua Tianwei.

Zifeng looked at Jian Qianqiu and smiled.

Jian Qianqiu felt that he was rude, and immediately calmed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Since Zifeng wants you to come together, then you should go together, don't make me feel ashamed."

"Yes! Follow Master's order!"

The eighteen sword masters of this sword are all personal disciples of Qian Qianqiu. Jian Qianqiu taught each of them the sword technique.

Immediately after hearing Jian Qianqiu's authorization, from the first 30 seats in Jiancheng, eighteen people jumped out, volleyed the sword, and turned into a circle on all sides of Zifeng, looking at Zifeng.

Eighteen swords fell on the ground, surrounded by a white circular forest, and the swords were drawn out. The sword gleamed in the cold light.

Eighteen people were angry and looked at Zifeng.

Zi Fengfeng's smile: "Come on."

"You brothers and sisters do it yourself!"

The dragon returned to the beach and screamed. The dragon sword showed the dragon sword technique, just like a sea dragon, killing Zifeng.

At this moment, Su Xingmang and other sword masters had already used swordsmanship and killed them.

Zifeng has eyes and shows killing.

The green sword flies between vertical and fierce.

The wings of the wind and thunder, the wind and the sword, constantly appeared on Zifeng's body. Golden battle, protect Zifeng's Zifeng body.


Eighteen sword masters besieged Zifeng, suddenly the sword gleamed and sparks splashed.

For a while, this field was actually difficult to distinguish.

"I rely on it, it's too fierce. Zifeng is actually very difficult to get along with the Eighteen Swordsmen, and they are comparable!"

"Zifeng's instinct and cultivation are so powerful that he can defeat Master Eighteen Swords with one person!"

They were shocked at the scene of a large number of swords in the construction of the city.

Feng said incredulously: "No, no, how could he be so powerful, how could it be possible!"

Ye Jianqiu and Jian Ruohan were both terrified. ,, ..

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