The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 172: Don't know

They all knew that Zifeng was strong, but they didn't expect Zifeng to be so strong.

Jibei, Su Jiannan, Ye Duxing, White Paper Basket, Nan Congdao are now paying great attention to the battle!

"Brother's brothers and sisters, the strongest sword!"

"Swordsmanship of Slashing Dragons! Slashing Dragons with One Sword!"

"Star swordsmanship! The stars are broken!"


When the dragon returned to the sea, Master Eighteen Swords broke out with the strongest sword.

At this moment, swords, swords, swords, their power surged, like Tianwei attacking Zifeng.

Eighteen people and eighteen swords rushed to Zifeng as fiercely as a dragon.

"Sword Intent!"

"Shentong! Hurricane!"

Zifeng looked around and saw eighteen swords attacked. He suddenly looked embarrassed, and the green sword was shocked. The sword shook, and the earth-shaking sword light swept out.

A sword came out, smashed the sword of the Eighteen Sword Master, and flew the Eighteen Sword Master out.

Eighteen swordsmen were shocked, and Zifeng's attack power was so powerful.

Zi Feng said coldly: "When the stars are shining, don't waste time."

After Zifeng's eighteen swordsmen flew out, Zifengfeng said softly.

The audience exclaimed.

As soon as I heard Zifeng's words, it seemed that I had been waiting for the joint arrangement of the Eighteen Sword Masters.

Long returned to the sea with a red face, and the 18 people did not actually do this. This is simply a shame for the Eighteen Sword Master.

"Brother Long, let us get out of the sword." Su Xingman shouted anxiously.

"Brother Long, Jian Zhen, must defeat this person, otherwise, my name is not too shameful."

"Yes, we have eighteen people together, but why can't you have a half-step warrior in the middle of the world? Does it make people laugh?"

Other sword masters also expressed.

Zifeng smiled and said, "Don't hesitate, come to the beach, come on, sword formation."

Long glanced at his eyes back to the sea, and a pair of sharp eyes flashed in his eyes.

"Wanxing Kiln Stone Jianzhen is true!"

The dragon returned to the sea and lashed out violently.


Eighteen sword masters moved together, and they became the same.

At this moment, the instincts, rhythm, breathing, law, and soul of these eighteen people became one body.

"A million stars are shining in the sword! The stars are falling!"

Eighteen people, eighteen swords, dancing madly together, thousands of sharp swords broke through the air.

The swords connected together are like stars falling on the sky, destroying everything, with great momentum. It's like a world that has fallen to the end of the world. hiss--

A large number of soldiers in the construction of the city saw the scene of the attack, and they were all panicked and pale.

Even Ye Jianqiu and Jian Ruohan are particularly dignified.

Jian Qianqiu smiled slightly, his heart was interrupted. It is impossible for Zifeng to take this sword: "Seniors of Yunyun, we are going to save Zifeng."

Du Guiyun smiled and couldn't help it.

"Golden War!"

"The secret of martial arts! Break the ban!"

"Shen Tong! Can Hua!"

Seeing this sword and murder, Zifeng immediately used a magical force to resist.

The golden war rushed out of the sword, still stabbed by the sword, but could not hurt Zifeng.

At this time, Zi Fengyi smashed a machete abruptly.

Rumble 1x1772


With a loud noise, Zifeng's sword fell, the black swordsman was smashed, and the Ten Thousand Star Obsidian Sword Formation was directly crushed.

Forbidden swords can break all the rules of the world.

Immediately afterwards, the swordsmen of eighteen swordsmen suddenly opened, and they flew out.

Zifeng's eyes flashed coldly, and the remaining flowers and a sword with infinite chill thumped the mountains and rivers.

The Eighteen Sword Master sprayed blood and fell under the martial arts.


Everything is silent!

All the swords in Jiancheng saw this scene, and they were all surprised and shocked.

The swordsmen of Mingjian Villa are now afraid to forget the cheers.

All ancestral family dynasties in the seven hundred countries of Lingdong are now silent.

A sword first broke the Wanxing Obsidian Sword Array.

Another sword, 18 sword masters directly participate in the competition!

Shocked as a heavenly man.

As he was about to save Zifeng's sword, he was surprised at the moment. After watching Zifeng for a long time, he didn't say a word.

Master Eighteen Swordswords is the pro-disciple of Jian Qianqiu. Their swordsmanship is made by famous swordsmen and sisters, and even Lingdong from seven hundred countries.

In fact, being defeated by Zifeng Yijian shocked Jian Qianqiu.

Du Guyun smiled and said, "We don't seem to need to shoot."

Jian Qianqiu's face was iron blue, watching the 18 swordsmen sneak into the blood of martial arts, silent and silent.

Zifeng smiled and said, "As if I won."

Long Guihai got up from the ground, but found that he was already under the counter. He said in surprise: "I lost, we lost..."

Su Xingmang is also incredible.

The other sword masters are in complete disappointment. They had no idea what they had just discovered.

Why was Tarzan's star-studded sword suddenly broken?

Why they obviously defeated Zifeng, but they were defeated by Zifeng with a sword.

All of this happened between electric and flint, which made it difficult for the Eighteen Swordsman to accept.

Of the eighteen sword masters, seventeen have already participated in the competition.

But only one is still on stage.

Su Xingmang

Zifeng walked towards Su Xingmang coldly and sneered: "Su Xingmang, do you know why you are still on the stage?" Su Xingman looked at Zifeng and came over. The smile on Zifeng's face was now in Su Xingmang's eyes, just like a devil's smile.

Su Xingmang squatted on the ground. Zifeng came, and he continued to move backwards. His face is full of fear: "Don't come, Zifeng, I warn you, don't come, there is no doubt in Jiancheng. To kill, you dare to kill me, my master will not let you go."

"You don't want me, I know..."

Su Xingman shouted in a panic.

Just like Su Xingmang wanted to say "I admit failure", Zifeng's figure staggered to Su Xingman's side, slammed his chin against Su Xing's chin and yelled. . It prevented the past.


Su Xingmang was hit by the jaw and he vomited blood in his mouth.

"In front of me, you can't even admit defeat!"

Zi Feng said coldly.

Su Xingman licked his chin and looked at Zifeng in horror. He shouted to Jian Ruohan and Jian Qianqiu: "Sister Jian Ruoruo, save me, save me... Master, Master, save me..."

Jian Ruoruo stood up, looking a little struggling.

Before, she had to lose the storm, it was Zifeng Zengjian, she was defeated. ,, ..

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