The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 182: In the first battle

Zifeng sneered contemptuously: "You watched the movie for a long time. Do you have to shoot now? Come on, let me know what you can do?"

"Stubborn!" Long Qingfeng sneered at Zifeng. "That's it, embarrassing you!"

Long Qingfeng staggered into Zifeng.

On the top of the sword of Jiucha Soul, there is a blue smoke in the middle, waving the dragon like claws and claws.

"this is……"

"this is……"

Seeing Long Qingfeng's sword, Zifeng was shocked.

"This is my father's dragon!"

Zifeng's pupils dilated and he saw Long Qingfeng's swordsmanship. When Zifeng was a child, Lin Lin practiced as a swordsman in front of Zifeng.

Zifeng will never forget this set of swordsmanship, because Zifeng has grown bigger since childhood, and Lin Biao practiced this set of swords in front of Zifeng.

After Zifeng entered martial arts, he also wanted to imitate his father's kendo, but finally discovered that this set of dragon swords, regardless of Zifeng's imitating, could only imitate the shape, and could not imitate the profound meaning.

This sword method has a very domineering name, called Dragon!

Lin Biao once told Zi Feng in his childhood that the Dragon Sword Technique was originally created by Lin Biao, but it is still incomplete. When he was perfect, Zifeng stepped into martial arts and passed it on to the forest as a family heritage sword.

Therefore, in this world, only Lin Biao should be a dragon sword!

Zifeng was shocked when he saw Long Qingfeng exhibiting the Dragon Sword Technique, with an incredible face on his face.

"How can you marry Dragon Sword!"

Zifeng exclaimed and asked Long Qingfeng.

When Long Qingfeng heard the news, he immediately smiled and said, "Did you really recognize the name of this sword?"

"Hahaha, the Dragon Sword method is for my family to pass the school, how can I not?"

Zi Fengyi heard it, and immediately shook her head and said, "Your family has passed school? Oh, do I think you caught it?"

"This set of swords was created by Lin Biao, he has never taught anyone!"

"Long Qingfeng, your dragon clan is really shameless. Obviously you were robbed. You actually said that your own family passed the school. This is shameless!"

Long Qingfeng was very angry: "You know you can let your family die ten times because you licked my family."

Zifeng is very angry now.

Father’s primitive dragon sword technique, even Zifeng didn’t have time to teach, how could he teach Long Qingfeng?

What happened to my father? How did the dragon sword technique fall into the Long Qingfeng family.

What is the connection between Long Qingfeng and Lin Biao's family?

"In any case, Long Qingfeng's family must have contact with his father!"

"I want to see through his memory!"

"Record every piece of his memory ten times, Long Qingfeng's family will definitely be related to his father!"

Zifeng stared at Long Qingfeng, his eyes burst out with intense killing.


Zifeng's eyes were cold and icy, and the green singer sword rushed out of the sword. The sword slammed into the sky, whistled to the sky, and pressed it towards Long Qingfeng.

Long Qingfeng looked at each other with one eye and was not afraid. A sword slammed into the air, and the two swords immediately met in midair.

A powerful force spread.

Suddenly, between Zifeng and Long Qingfeng, they began to kill people desperately.

Two-person swordsmanship is unpredictable, attractive and killing.

The confrontation between Zifeng and Long Qingfeng aroused the amazement of all the surrounding audiences.

"it is good!"

"The swordsmanship of Zifeng and Long Qingfeng are so powerful!"

"Awesome. If you don't see it with your own eyes, I can't believe that there will be two swords in Lingfanshan District!"

Whether it is in Tianfeng Mountain or the martial artists around, the sigh is full.

"Awesome swordsmanship!" Jian Ruohan saw Long Qingfeng's swordsmanship, suddenly binoculars, exclaimed: "The sword swallows the world, the sword is domineering, every sword can break the sky." Every move! "

"These swords are definitely not ordinary martial arts!"

Jian Ruohan is also a sword repairer. He saw Long Qingfeng's swordsmanship, and immediately recognized the mystery.

Ye Suxin's cold face also nodded: "This is true, this set of swords is very powerful."

When I saw erythromycin, my scalp opened gently and said: "Jilong..."

Jian Ruoruo and Ye Suxin could not hear what Hong Su had read.

If Zifenghe is sure to be surprised here, how can the red dragon on the magic ridge know the dragon?

When Lin Biao was the teacher of Miracle Ridge, he didn't understand the dragon's sword.

Jian Ruoruo whispered: "Zifeng and Long Qingfeng suffered too much damage in the first battle. Long Qingfeng is in the hands of Jiupinling and has such a powerful sword. It is estimated that in the battle, Zifeng will be defeated in Longqing. In the hands of Maple."

The red paint licked his red lips and smiled: "Zifeng also has his own advantages. The true energy of his dantian is almost five times that of his master. Otherwise, after the battle with Qin Bei, ordinary fighters would not really The gas fought Long Qingfeng."

"You say, heart."

When Ye Suxin heard Hong Su's words, he silently shook his head and said coldly: "I am not familiar with Zifeng."

Rubin smiled and said, "Isn't it familiar? But I think you seem to be very worried about him."

Rubic said in a speechless voice: "Who should be familiar with a person?"

Rubin smiled and said, "Then you are worried about Zifeng, there should always be a reason."

Ye Suxin smiled painfully: "I have other reasons, I don't want him to die!"

"It turned out to be so."

When Ruby saw that Ye Suxin was not actively answering her, she would not continue to ask.

Ye Suxin looked at the evil spirits of Lin Fan and Long Qingfeng. Inadvertently reached out and touched his abdomen. He said: "Zifeng, you must be alive, alive, I don't want my child to be born. After that, there is no biological father!"

Ye Suxin stroked her abdomen inadvertently. Although she passed by, she was still seen by the red pigment.

The red paint came over and reached out to look at Ye Suxin's wrist. Ye Suxin was shocked and hurriedly replied: "Flavin, what do you want to do!"

Ye Suxin is like a great enemy, his whole person has smoldering weather flames, and his eyes are not good at seeing red pigment.

She looks like this now, like an eagle eating food.

"you are pregnant."

The red eyes widened and looked at Ye Suxin.

Still waiting for the completion of the red pigment, Ye Suxin rushed forward and blocked the red pigment's mouth, blocking her words.

The red pigment has been lingering, and he asked: "Do you know?" ...

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