The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 183: Gradually weaken

Ye Suxin smiled and grabbed the hand of the red pigment in the abdomen, so that the red pigment could really feel the heart in Ye Suxin's abdomen like ice cubes.

"You showed you an ice-killing technique!" Hunger exclaimed: "This kind of ban, even if it is an important weapon for a high-ranking warrior, is not an unformed child..."

Ye Su wanted to cry or not, his face was dead.

The red paint looked at Zifeng and whispered, "Is this his?"

Ye Suxin said, "Sister Ruby, can you keep this secret for me?"

Red screamed sadly: "If it is really him, then don't tell him that he is a good person. With his character, if he knows that Ye Wuhuan's predecessor has inflicted so much harm on his children, he should kill him. Five people. The angry mountain, the whole miraculous ridge is sad!"

Ye Suxin said, "Don't tell him!"

In the Lingfan Mountains.


Bang bang bang bang ——

Zifeng and Long Qingfeng kept facing hundreds of moves and did not give any wins or losses.

Long Qingfeng's face was light and cloudy.

In the confrontation between these hundreds of moves, Zifeng was hurt by Long Qingfeng's sword.

A touch trick.

Both Zifeng and Long Qingfeng withdrew and walked to 100 meters.

Zi Feng looked at Long Qingfeng coldly, his eyes were not good.

And Long Qingfeng, this is a sneer looking at Zifeng, seeing a few sword marks on Zifeng, his smile is getting happier.

"You are bleeding." Long Qingfeng smiled.

Zi Feng said: "No problem."

Long Qingfeng smiled and said, "How long can you play?"

Zifeng said: "Hold you!"

Long Qingfeng sneered and said, "I am very blunt. I am worried that it will not be easy to defeat me with your power."

Zi Feng said indifferently: "When I defeat you, I will open my heart to see what Lin Biao has to do with your family!"

During the speech, Zifeng rushed up again.

Jian Guang's attack on Long Qingfeng was fierce and violent.

"You must be destroyed!"

Zifeng's idea of ​​subduing Long Qingfeng was extremely strong at this time.

As long as Long Qingfeng's uniform is subdued, Zifeng can use the technique of "searching for the soul". From Long Qingfeng's memory, look at the relationship between Lin Biao and the Dragon Clan.

This may be an important clue for Zifeng to find Lin Biao.

"Shanhe is always silent!"

Zifeng Yi Jianfei rushed over, tens of thousands of Jian Qi blew the world.

Seeing the white spirit of Zifeng swept over, the other fighters were afraid and afraid.

In this power, they all smelled a slight atmosphere.

"Glyph!" "Break it to me!"

Long Qingfeng sneered and rushed up with his sword, a blue smoke filled the air.

With the explosion of Longqingfeng's sword, Zifeng's sword was directly shattered.

"Now is my time!"

After Long Qingfeng crushed his sword qi, he suddenly smiled coldly, and then walked into the air. It turned into a shadow and appeared in front of Zifeng!

"not good!"

Zifeng immediately appeared shocked.

"Ten thousand swords! A sword!"

Seeing Long Qingfeng approaching with infinite ferocity, the sword was like a crazy dragon going out to sea, and a sword flew towards Zifeng.

In an instant, Zifeng immediately mobilized Feijian.

A sword shadow filled the air, bombarding it.

Rumble 1x1772

A deafening violent impact sounded.

The powerful collision force exploded, swept over a hundred meters and swept the mountains and rivers.

Within a hundred meters of the square, it was immediately razed to the ground by this devastating force.

At the same time, Zifeng flew out 500 meters away. He vomited blood and his face was gloomy.

Long Qingfeng was also shaken back several hundred meters by this force and fell to the ground. His legs were divided into three or four steps, but there was no such thing as Zifeng.

"What is the sword method of your sword? Is there such a power?"

Long Qingfeng looked up at Zifeng and asked dignifiedly.

In the previous confrontation, Long Qingfeng almost felt that Zifeng would definitely die under his sword.

However, at the last moment, the Hundred Hand Flying Sword appeared in the air, and Long Qingfeng's power was taken down in one fell swoop.

Zifeng stood up and looked at Long Qingfeng coldly. He said: "Now you should worry about your life! Instead of asking me what a sword is."

Long Qingfeng laughed and said: "This is ridiculous, do you think you really have the ability to kill me? Didn't you say that before you hit me, you had minor injuries in Qin Bei'ao, even if you were in full bloom in me? In front of it, it won't help!"

"Today, I will beat you!"

Long Qingfeng said with a smile.

In the heart of Long Qingfeng, the winner is already in the lead. Before Zifeng was killed from the forest, he encountered bones on the ground. The scene behind the corpse and the blood flowing into the river really scared Long Qingfeng.

However, Long Qingfeng also knew that Zifeng had already killed so many people, and the true energy consumption in his body had to be very serious.

After that, due to Qin Bei's arrogance, Zifeng was arrogant and arrogant. Although he tried his best to win, he was seriously injured.

Therefore, when Zifeng and Long Qingfeng were in a battle, Zifeng's swordsmanship was obviously gradually weakening.

Therefore, Long Qingfeng has determined that Zifeng's strength has seriously declined.

He Qian and Bai Yu also saw this move.

He Qian said with concern: "It seems that Zifeng's strength is weakening!"

Bai Hao condensed the passage: "Before I entered the forest, I experienced so many battles. The gas in his body must be very exhausted. Now he is fighting with the party's sacrifice and Qin Bei, there is too much gas."

"Today's confrontation with Long Qingfeng did not have much natural gas."

"In the battle, it is estimated that Zifeng will suffer!"

Bai Ying took out his sword and stared at Long Qingfeng coldly. If Zifeng and others are slightly dissatisfied, Bai Hao will definitely kill and keep Zifeng.

Zifeng stood up, looked back at Bai Yu and said, "Hey, give me your sword."

Bai Xiaoxiao heard a glance: "Mine?"

"it is good."

Zifeng nodded.

Although Bai Yu didn't understand what Zifeng wanted to do, he finally threw the sword out.

"Sent a sword!"

Zifeng stretched out his hand to grab Bai Jian's sword.

Zifeng held both hands, felt the power of the two swords rolling, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

When the mind was moving, Feijian jumped up and down beside Zifeng.

These three swords are already full, and Jianfeng's goal is Long Qingfeng.

On the peak of Tianfeng, a group of soldiers were puzzled by Zifeng's behavior.

If Jian is cold, "What does he want?"

Ye Suxin shook his head and said, "I don't know! But I know that no matter what he wants to do next, he must use his last card!"

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