The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 186: Magic ridge

Zi Fengyi heard that being alone is right.

Qi Lian and Zifeng pushed the door in and saw Du Guyun heating up the wine in the yard.

On the burning charcoal fire, a pot of old wine is hot and exudes a charming aroma.

Zifeng smiled lightly: "It smells very good when I smell it."

When I was silent, Zifeng said so, suddenly shouted: "Zifeng, not rude, unhappy."

Zifeng smiled slightly.

Du Guyun smiled and said: "It's nothing, Zifeng comes in and sits down. Silence, there is no such thing here, you go down, I will talk to Zifeng alone."

Listening to the silence, I was surprised. Listening to Du Guiyun's voice, it seemed that Zifeng was a forgotten year!

"Yes!" Hearing the silence, he turned and left the place. Du Guyun smiled and said: "Zifeng, come and sit down. This is the good wine I got from the sorrow you got. Come on, let's have two drinks."


Zifeng smiled and walked over and sat opposite Du Guiyun.

Du Guyun took the warm wine, took it out and handed it to Zifeng.

Zifeng took a sip and chuckled, "This is really good wine."

Du Guyun smiled and said, "Zifeng, I don't think you are a wine lover. How can you drink this wine?"

Zifeng smiled lightly: "Who said I don't like wine, but I don't drink often."

Cloudy with an indescribable smile: "This wine is called spring wine. It's a good thing to find it in Miracle Ridge."

Zi Fengxiao asked, "What's wrong with Lingnan? What are you doing?"

Du Guyun smiled and said: "Good job. Don't say, I heard a lot of news when I went to Lingnan this time."

Zifeng said: "What news?"

Du Guyun frowned and said: "I don't know why, Lingnan 72 and the gate of Lingnan have sent excellent disciples into Miracle Ridge, as if they were looking for something."

Zifeng said: "This is very strange. The planting resources of Lingnan far exceed those of Lingdong and Miracle Ridge. Why did the dynasty and sect of Lingnan send disciples to create miracles?"

Du Guyun said: "I still don't know about this."

Zifeng asked: "Where is the lonely cloud predecessor, do you know who came to Miracle Ridge?"

Du Guyun said: "I don't know, the whereabouts of these outstanding disciples are very secret. But soon, as soon as the end of this year, when the nine courts match, then all these hidden geniuses will appear."

"At that time, you can recognize Lingnan people at a glance!"

Zifeng suddenly realized his nod.

Du Guyun said: "As long as we can find these outstanding disciples in Lingnan, then we can understand what they are looking for!"

"Forget it! Don't say that, these outstanding disciples have come to a miracle, and we cannot interfere!"

"Talk about you."

"Zifeng, have you really cultivated a new realm of great achievement overnight?"

The lone cloud is especially questionable.

Zifeng smiled: "This is just a fluke."

Du Guyun said: "This is not a lucky thing!"

Zifeng said: "I don't know why, just like I practice swords, my soul is clear, this kind of swordsmanship was created for me, and I am very familiar with it."

"Oh, it seems that it does have something to do with you!"

Yunxiao smiled.

Zifeng asked curiously, "Seniors of cloudy clouds, what do you mean?"

Du Guiyun put down the wine glass and said weakly: "Zifeng, have you heard of the swordsmanship of kendo?"

"Swordsman Supreme Swordsman?"

"I have never heard of it."

Zifeng shook his head.

Du Guyun said: "The Nine Courtyards of Shenqueling have their own town treasures!"

"For example, the three kings of Dan Daoyuan all claim to be unrecognizable. However, I heard that Gu Yuqing is already improving the people."

"Pills are far away from the Sanqi Pills!"

"The Yin and Yang of the temple!"

"Tian Yiyuan's secret voice!"

"The dragon slayer of the dragon slayer!"

"The cover of the boxing school!"

"The promised knife of the knife court!"

"Guns of guns!"

"The dragon in the nestling school has changed!"

"And the sword of our kendo!"

Zi Fengyi heard it, and suddenly his eyes flashed.

Du Guyun said: "Nine hospitals started to drive and drive, it is all because of the treasures of these nine towns!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that if every Taoist hospital has a disciple who can learn the treasures of this town, then the standards of this Taoist temple must immediately climb to a new height!"

"So, the nine Taoist temples madly invite geniuses to various monasteries. The purpose is for the disciples to learn the treasures of the town!"

Hearing this news, Zifeng suddenly realized: "No wonder the Jiugong Presbyterian Church went to Lingdong to invite geniuses to Miracle Ridge. I originally hoped that the disciples could learn Taoism in the treasure temple of the small town!"

Du Guyun said: "Yes, once the disciples can learn the wealth of the town, then this Taoist temple will rise and even become the sixth mountain on Miracle Ridge! It is more likely to step out of Miracle Ridge and become Lingnan. A powerful force!"

Zifeng asked curiously: "Can't the disciples learn the treasures of these towns for so many years?"

Du Guyun said: "Yes, but not proficient, half a bucket of water, can't use their power!"

"It's like the three big Dan Daoyuan people. In the past, Lu Qing accidentally made a stove and shocked the magical ridge. There was even a fifth-level master who came to Dan Daoyuan. However, Lu Qingyi didn't care. How can I improve the refiner, Huang Dan!"

"The same is true in the Kendo Court. Although the highest sword has been cultivated, it is impossible to complete the training!"

Du Guyun gently shook his head and said.

Zifeng asked curiously: "What is the Supreme Sword?"

Yin Yin said vaguely: "Supreme sword, the full name is called the supreme sword!"

"This is the treasure of Kendo Town! The supreme sword!"

"This set of swordsmanship is called Mo Wen!"

"This was created by a disciple of Ye Jianhong five hundred years ago, and his name is Ye Jinghong!"

"When this sword was born, it became the highest sword in the Kendo Palace!"

Zifeng's doubts were: "Ye Jinghong! Mo Wenjian!"

Du Guyun smiled and said, "Speaking of Ye Jinghong, there is still a long story!"

"This story is also very short and long!"

"But Zifeng, Ye Jinghong is with you!"

"That's his martial arts, only the yellow level!"

Yunxiao smiled.

Du Guyun said: "Ye Jinghong's Valkyrie level is only a yellow level!"

Zi Fengyi aroused interest. ,, ..

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