The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 187: Supreme sword

How does the martial art of the yellow grade product become the legendary sword restoration on Miracle Ridge? How did his original swordsmanship become the supreme sword of kendo?

Zifeng asked curiously: "Old man Yunyun, can you tell me about this Ye Jinghong?"

Du Guyun sighed: "This person is a waste and a peerless genius!"

"Maybe this world is full of miracles, there is only one line between waste and genius!"

"Ye Jinghong was born in a low-level town of a weak dynasty in Lingdong. Five hundred years ago, he went to the Miracle Kendo Garden. At that time, he was just an ordinary disciple, a yellow martial arts one, completely in the Kendo court. As waste."

"Zifeng, you should understand that a yellow-level martial arts soul is destined to be bullied on Miracle Ridge!"

"Ye Jinghong is no exception!"

"When Ye Jinghong started entering the kendo court on the first day, he was excluded by the same disciple, bullied, blindfolded, scornful, mocking, absurd."

"But Ye Jinghong turned a deaf ear to these things and only knew how to practice swordsmanship."

"The sword that other people can understand in one day, he must practice in January, two months or even March!"

"March is more likely to be successful!"

"But he didn't give up!"

"Unfortunately, God has no eyes. No matter how hard Ye Jinghong works, how can he struggle, he cannot cultivate any kind of swordsmanship in Kendo."

"Two years later, Ye Jinghong became ashamed in the Kendo Palace!"

"Repair! The sword is not pure!"

"The disciples teased and teased Ye Jinghong!"

"Until two years later."

"That day, this was a turning point in Kendo!"

"This is also Ye Jinghong's turning point!"

Du Guyun said here that his eyes were gloomy.

Zifeng asked curiously: "What happened that day?"

Du Guyun said: "That day, Ye Jinghong's lover, Ye Jinghong, went to a private meeting on the cliff at the back of the Kendo Temple. Ye Jinghong was shocked and unprepared. Ye Jinghong was abolished and pushed off the cliff!"

"Later, we learned that Ye Jinghong's original lover didn't like Ye Jinghong's martial arts too low, and his cultivation was too low, and he fell in love with another male disciple in the kendo court!"

"So this male disciple made up his mind to tell Ye Jinghong's lover to deceive Ye Jinghong to go to the back mountain. With the joint efforts of the two, Ye Jinghong was abolished and pushed off the cliff, causing Ye Jinghong to lose the illusion of falling off the cliff!"

"As long as Ye Jinghong is dead, the two of them will be together naturally."

When Zifeng heard this, he suddenly thought of Lin Zi'er!

When Zifeng awakened the martial arts, Lin Zier instantly turned her face, making Zifeng caught off guard!

Zifeng smiled and said, "I think Ye Jinghong must have discovered some secret under the cliff so that he can go back to school and kill the adulterers?"

Du Guyun smiled and said: "You are wrong, the cliff is just an ordinary cliff. There is no chance to wait for Ye Jinghong."

"But after Ye Jinghong fell, it did not die, but this is a great realization!"

"He understands himself, understands the sword, and knows how to use the sword!" "Under the cliff, Ye Jinghong overnight, Da Chao realized that he had tasted the honor and shame of the world. Through the world, he was finally broken, and Kendo broke in. To this level."

"On the second day of dawn, Ye Jinghong came out of the cliff!"

"On the third day, nine hospitals were scanned!"

"On the fourth day, the sword is the five mountains!"

"On the fifth day, fight all the masters on Miracle Hill, including Supreme Master and all senior elders!"

"The sixth day, invincible!"

"The seventh day, it's not over!"

Du Guyun said here that there is sadness in his words.

Zifeng was surprised: "He is dead?"


"Isn't he already invincible? Is there a master who can kill Ye Jinghong on Miracle Mountain?"

Du Guyun shook his head and said, "I don't know why. Ye Jinghong passed away on the seventh day."

"Before he died, he burned his swordsmanship and left it in Kendo!"

"After he finished writing, he seemed to feel that he had reached the limit. He stopped in the kendo yard and looked up at the sunset."

"At that time, the head of Kendoyuan asked Ye Jinghong what was the name of the sword?"

"Ye Jinghong replied: Don't ask!"

"I don't know if Ye Jinghong is going to be called the Dean of the Kendo Academy. Don't ask the name of this sword, or that this set of swords is called Mo."

"In any case, after Ye Jinghong's death, the dean of the Kendo Academy referred to the swordsmanship as Mo!"

"After that, don't ask for swordsmanship. It has become the supreme sword in the kendo garden. For five hundred years, no one has been able to understand its essence!"

Cloudy said lightly.

Zifeng said, "I still don't understand why Ye Jinghong died."

Du Guyun smiled lightly: "There have been many rumors about Ye Jinghong's death in the past 500 years!"

"Some people say that Ye Jinghong was dead after falling off the cliff on the first day. He is back, but he is just a ghost from hell."

"He's back, just want to prove that he is not a waste!"

"Seven days are a good day for him to be appointed by the local government. On the seventh day, he will return to Huangquan!"

"Some people also say that Ye Jinghong is so amazing, he is so talented that he has a deep understanding of the night, and over-understood his potential and thoughts. He died on the 7th and finally died!"

"Some people say that Ye Jinghong has suicidal tendencies, because he can't find anything in the world that allows him to pick up a sword!"

"But no matter what the rumors are, Ye Jinghong is indeed dead."

"At that time, the dean of the Kendo Academy personally buried the legendary Jian Xiu! The 200,000 disciples of the Kendo Court watched Ye Jinghong's burial!"

Du Guyun said here that there is endless sadness in his words.

Even Zifeng heard it, but it was also a special emotion: "It's a pity that such a legendary sword repairman, if he can survive, I'm afraid I have already asked about the vast clouds of the ancient continent."

Du Guyun smiled and said, "Yes, if Ye Jinghong is still alive, he must be one of the most powerful on this continent!"

"No way, God is brilliant!" "So, but if you are a genius, you still have to keep a low profile. Otherwise, martial arts and martial arts can't clean you up, naturally there will be heaven taking your life!"

Du Guyun smiled painfully. ,, ..

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