The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 188: enlighten

Zifeng also looked like a lone cloud, but smiled helplessly.

Du Guyun smiled and said: "The sword is very clear, this is Mo Wenjian's first step!"


Hearing Du Guiyun's words, Zi Feng suddenly shocked his eyes and looked at Gu Yun in horror!


"The heart of the sword is obvious. This is Mo Wenjian's first step!"

Zifeng exclaimed.

Du Guyun smiled and said: "We are gone, Zifeng, I will take you to see Mo Wenjian!"

"It has been wiped away in Shentong Valley. I haven't seen the sun and the moon in five hundred years!"

Shentong Valley is a place where Kendo Temple collects magical powers.

Du Guiyun walked out of Shentong Valley with Zifeng, and vaguely said: "The magical kendo has been established for more than three thousand years. In the past three thousand years, countless martial arts geniuses have created the supreme swordsmanship. All the collections are in Shentong Valley."

"In the Kendo Kendo Valley, the swordsmanship has exceeded one million!"

"It is also because of Shentonggu that the Kendo Court can stand firmly in the position of Jiuyuan in Miracle Ridge. No one is moving."

Du Guyun said softly.

"A thousand tricks! Great."

When Zifeng heard Du Gulun's introduction, his heart was in turmoil.

Ten thousand skills, what concept is this! If you take it out, it's probably worth spending a lot of money.

Shentong Valley Kendo Garden.

Not far from Shentong Valley, Zifeng is far away, and you can see the monument of Shentong Valley.

At first glance, this number is too much to be calculated.

"I met Dean!"

"See Dean!"

"I met Dean."

Outside Lintong Valley, Zifeng saw many disciples who had just walked out of Shentong Valley.

After seeing the strange cloud, they all respected and held it tightly.

Du Guiyun also returned with a smile.

Approaching the Shentong Valley, Zifeng saw three huge beams rising into the sky.

Zifeng asked curiously: "What are the three beams of Guyun?"

Du Guiyun smiled and said: "Because Shentong Valley has many magical powers, the predecessors of Kendo Temple divided Shentong Valley into three areas for many years, and split the level with magical powers and difficulties. Understand!"

"Divided, the next product is supernatural!"

"The heaven is magical!"

"Top magic!"

"The distinction between these three levels will save fighters from detours."

"For example, if the talent of a fighter is average, then you can directly cultivate the next product!"

"If a warrior's talent is comparable to charming, then you can choose to practice incomprehensible supernatural powers!"

"If you say that there is no difference between Shentonggu, then a talented warrior will choose an incomprehensible supernatural power. Then he may have nothing to accomplish in his life."

Cloudy said lightly.

Zifeng said: "Facts have proved this. In other words, the higher the level of the supernatural power of the kendo court, the more difficult it feels?" Du Guyun smiled and said, "Yes."

Zi Feng said: "What is the level of the sword?"

Du Guyun smiled and said, "Mo Wenjian is the only sword in the kendo court that transcends supernatural power!"

"This is also the strongest swordsmanship in kendo in five hundred years!"

"Think about it, when Ye Jinghong only practiced for seven days, he was already a miracle!"

"If Jian Xiu can understand Mo Wenjian well, it must be endless."

When Zifeng heard the news, his heart rushed up.

Walk into Shentong Valley.

Zifeng saw a disciple standing in front of the stele, moaning constantly, sometimes happy, sometimes frowning.

On these monuments, there is a flaw, and the text on it is not clear.

Zifeng walked over curiously and came to a stone monument.

This stone tablet reads:

"next product!"

"A sword broke the sky!"

"The power of swordsmanship is endless. Swords can break mountains and rivers, but you can see the sun and the moon!"

"Encourage every 10,000 people!"

"Insert the identity mark into the lower groove to eliminate the puzzle, and see the text on the stone tablet!"

"The disciples of the Kendo Academy remember that once you choose, whether you can understand this magical power, these points will not be refunded!"

Zifeng can only see these lines on this stone tablet.

After reading it, Zifeng looked shocked and said, "Whether it is unsuccessful, will the points be refunded?"

"Only 10,000 points can one be achieved?"

"How many warriors can learn from Shentong once!"

Zifeng looked at Du Guiyun and exclaimed.

Du Guyun smiled and said, "Yes, so now you know the role of points on Miracle Ridge."

Zifeng said with his tongue: "A copy of supernatural power must have 10,000 points to participate in enlightenment, then the magical power of the heavens? Top magic?"

Du Guyun smiled and said, "Let's go, the front is in the middle area."

Zifeng continued to follow Guyun.

Came to the middle area of ​​Shentong Valley.

Zifeng went to see a monument and looked at it. He immediately exclaimed: "Enlighten once at fifty o'clock! Nima, kendo is really black!"

Du Guyun smiled slightly: "Look? Then continue, don't ask the sword in front."

Zifeng said: "Predecessors of Yunyun, how many sword enlightenment did you ask?"

Du Guyun smiled and said, "You will know when to see it."

Zifeng nodded and continued.

Soon, Zifeng and Du Guyun walked through the Shangpin Supernatural Zone.

Come to the deepest part of Shentong Valley.

In a natural cave, there are nine stone monuments.

Du Guyun and Zifeng walked into the cave together and said, "On these nine stone tablets, it is Mo Wenjian."

"Mo Wenjian, there are nine moves, so there are nine stone tablets!"

Zifeng said excitedly: "Shentong generally has a single emotion. I didn't expect there to be a set of magical swords in this world."

"Because of the king's martial arts, once you show it, you must mobilize the power of heaven and earth."

"At that time, the magical power had no effect."

"You can understand that every king-level martial arts is a supernatural power!"

Zi Fengyi smiled and said, "I haven't been able to achieve the king's martial arts!"

"No, this is the ex!"

"Apart from martial arts, isn't this a martial arts?"

"How come a king-level martial arts?"

Du Guyun smiled and said: "Yes, according to the differentiation of martial arts in the ancient continent, the top martial arts are the emperor's martial arts!"

"But there are few emperors of martial arts, and many martial arts are not up to the level of martial arts!"

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