"Showing martial arts, it seems Dixia wants to end this battle."

"This is still the first time in a spiritual battle, Di Xia will show Martial Soul."

"Zifeng, this is dangerous."

Many soldiers exclaimed.

The martial arts smashed the demon scorpion and revealed Disha's power to a new stage!

Zi Fengping raised the green sword, Jian Feng pointed at Dixia: "Try it!"


In Disa's mouth, there was a roaring sound like a beast, and Zifeng Wan rushed towards him like a cannonball.

Five fingers and a handle, a fist and a punch.

The power of horror is condensed on the top of the boxing, crushed, and the void trembles at this time, as if there is a feeling of brokenness at any time!

"Extreme sword! The sword is very happy!"

Zi Fengjian's move moved towards Dixia.

The swordsman who defeated the stars, like the dark dawn, is the final assassination of Dixia's fist.


With one touch, Zifeng and Dixia both retreated 100 meters!

Disa's face was pale.

Zifeng's face was white, but he coughed up blood.

After the previous confrontation, Zifeng clearly lags behind the wind!

However, Zifeng was not depressed, but he was more radiant in his eyes: "Come on!"

"Supreme Sword! Swept thousands of people!"

Zifeng just stabilized his body and walked out immediately. His body shape quickly disappeared in the original place. Suddenly, mental power surged everywhere, and both Qingge Sword and Ziyun Sword fell.

The two swords in the sky swept away, unstoppable, destroyed the world and hit Disha.

Disha was surprised. He just stabilized his figure, only to find that Zifeng and the two swords had arrived in front of him, and hurriedly screamed: "Come on, I'm afraid you won't!"

The martial arts behind Disha screamed in the sky again, and the shadow of the sky was falling.

Rumble 1x1772

This is another fierce confrontation, and the cracks in the entire platform suddenly burst.

Dixia and Zifeng both spurted blood.

The fighting spirit on Zifeng's face became stronger and stronger: "This kind of competition is very interesting!"


"Supreme sword, heaven collapses!"

Zifeng walked out again, wrapped in a destructive force, and slammed into Disa's sword.

"Maud, why is he so strong!" There was a trace of horror in Disa's eyes, whether it was his own injury, a bite, or another fight against Zifeng's bombardment.


The fierce confrontation spread, and the smoke in the sky began to rise.

When Ye Wuhuan saw this scene, all his eyes were shocked. Even the teacup that you picked up should be gently put down.

A smile appeared on Kang Yu's face.

The entire fighters, including Ye Jianqiu, Jian Ruohan, Kang Yiyang and others, are all petrochemicals! "return!"

With just one blow, only to fall down, Zifeng raised his sword again and went to Dyza to explode.


"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Zifeng, don't fight, you won."

Di Xia hurriedly shouted to Zi Feng.

On the surface, the first three confrontations seem to have the upper hand, but they are only the first step. As Zifeng's second sword and third sword fell, Dixia didn't have any parry.

If there is another move, Dixia may be beaten by Zifeng like a dog.

Dixia also clearly saw that he could not become Zifeng's opponent. When Zifeng was preparing for the fourth sword, he hurriedly shouted to Zifeng!

Hearing Dixia's voice, Zifeng put away his sword and stood on the platform.

And Dixia put away the martial arts, smiled and looked at Zifeng: "Zifeng, don't fight, I admit defeat!"

"Bearing". Zifeng smiled lightly.

Dixia smiled again and again, without the slightest reluctance, jumped off the ring and landed on the battle.

Zifeng immediately returned to the chair.

From the beginning, these thirty-two chairs were packed with thirty-two soldiers.

Along the way, now there are only two people left in these chairs.

One is white and white like snow.

One is Xu Jiangsheng's sullen water!

Ultimately, this year's spirit will choose between the two.

"Next is the final."

"Xu Jiangsheng, Zifeng, you still have time to rest, so cherish it."

Kang Yu smiled and said to Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng.

Zifeng looked at Xu Jiangsheng.

At this moment, I saw Xu Jiangsheng closing his eyes tightly and adjusting his mental power wholeheartedly, but Zifeng still noticed a strong murderous aura under Xu Jiangsheng's plain face, and even his eyes twitched!

"Don't bear it, it's painful. Come and kill me."

Zifeng looked at Xu Jiangsheng's twitching eyes, smiled slightly, and his eyes lit up at the same time.

Xu Jiangsheng might not want to kill Zifeng. He died in Zifeng twice. If he had not been separated from the fire, Xu Jiangsheng had already reported to Wangwang Temple twice!

It can be said that this kind of hatred has not been reported, and it has not penetrated the sky!

Zifeng also closed his eyes, regaining his mental strength.

One hour passed quickly.

"Well, now the final of the spiritual war has officially begun."

"Zifeng, Xu Jiangsheng, come to power, the battle will be victorious, and the winner is the 790th spirit of the Five Peaks of Miracle Ridge!"

Kang Yu's voice echoed in Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng's ears, and the two blinked.

Xu Jiangsheng walked towards the ring silently.

Zifeng then went up.

The two are separated by a distance of 500 meters.

This is the first eye collision between Xu Jiangsheng and Zifeng!


When Xu Jiangsheng and Zifeng's eyes touched each other, everyone clearly felt the killing of the two!

Ye Wuhuan picked up the teacup again, but said helplessly: "I thought that Disa will become a spirit this year, but I didn't expect this Zifeng to directly use the highest sword to play Disha's mercy!" Ye Wuhuan shook a little disappointed. Shook his head. Of course, he did not give up and continue to pay attention to this game.

In the field.

Zifeng's and Xu Jiangsheng's eyes faced each other, and the smell of smoke immediately began to rise.

"How do I feel that the two of them seem to have murdered their father?"

Suddenly, Kang Yu felt that the eyes of Zi Feng and Xu Jiangsheng were somewhat different.

This is not a game. This is killing, this is hate, this is anger!

"Huh?" Ye Wuhuan frowned suddenly, looking at Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng, he felt the killing of the two!

"what happened?"

"It's cold?"

"So suddenly it's so cold?"

"The magical ridge has cooled down? Everyone has added clothes and caught a cold."

"Idiot, even if we are under Baidu, we won't catch a cold, okay."

"So what happened."

"This is killing! This is the killing of Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng!"

Many soldiers looked at Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng in horror. They were very confused. ,, ..

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