The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 196: Gradually red

Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng met in the air.

At this moment, Xu Jiangsheng's figure disappeared directly in front of Zifeng. Suddenly, Zifeng felt a firestorm like a firestorm that swept over him!

Then, a terrible voice rang in Zifeng's ears!

"Zifeng, you killed me twice, today I will let you pay blood and blood!"

"Although I am condemned by the magical ridge, I must hand you over to me today!"

Xu Jiangsheng's voice spread!

"To be precise, I plan to do the same! If you don't die, can you waste the secret of Soul Sword?" Zifeng's eyes were dark, and the murder was revealed. These two swords immediately smashed at Xu Jiangsheng.


There was a strong collision, and the entire platform suddenly bumped.

Zifeng is like a power, his eyes are like a torch, and his swordsmanship is constantly roaring in his hands.

"Wind and snow!"

"Excalibur Royal Thunder!"

"Supreme Sword! Jianxin is very clear!"

"Thousands and thousands!"

"Sword is very happy!"

"The sky is falling!

"Crack in the ground!"

A terrifying sword was displayed from Zifeng's hand, which turned into an endless storm, sweeping the entire ring.

On the other hand, Xu Jiangsheng is also an approach!

"Nine sacred fires!"


"Lei Yan is dead!"

"Skyfire ban!"

At the top of the ring, a terrible power erupted, the powerful mental power touched, and the entire ring was instantly torn to pieces!

The power of terror also disappeared.

The soldier approaching the ring was immediately seriously injured.

"No! All the disciples have gone backwards!"

Kangxi shook immediately and flew directly to the soldier near the ring.

"Good!" Dixia's eyes shook. He had never thought that Xu Jiangsheng and Zifeng were so powerful.

Tongji's cold passage: "Has he learned the style of the fifth supreme sword?"

Shi Yezhou said coldly: "Xu Jiangsheng is showing. This is the top ten in the list of Chixianzong's supernatural powers. How does he learn?"

"Did he get the treasure of the Red Emperor Elder?"

Shi Yezhou suddenly discovered that Xu Jiangsheng was implementing the techniques of the great supernatural powers listed in the top ten of the Chixian Sect's supernatural power list, and Shi Yezhou suddenly exclaimed.

Shi Yezhou dared to conclude that if Xu Jiangsheng and his battle were directly used to ban the fire in the sky, I am afraid that Shi Yezhou would not even have the strength to fight back and be killed directly!

The ChixianzongShentong list is the magical power of Chixianzong's outer door!

Every magical force has the ability to destroy the earth!

All the martial arts and magic power of Chixianzong are stored in the "Tibetan Home". The diary of former Li Ze discovered by Zifeng said that he would go to the Tibetan Immortal House to choose martial arts practice, and then go out to practice.

The list of magic is one of the most powerful magical powers of the Chixianzongxian Building!

This is one of them, ranked ninth!

At the top of the ring, Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng are two people. You come and go in a hurry and play evenly!

Even Ye Wuhuan opened his eyes wide at the moment, taking the game seriously.

"It tastes too strong!"

"How can these two people be so strong?"

Including Ye Wuhuan and Kangxi, they found that Zifeng and Xu Jiangsheng were too powerful, and their power was infinitely close to the power of Heavenly Pill.

"Tianhuo forbidden! Yan Long's anger!" Xu Jiangsheng turned around, his power suddenly rushed out, and the flames condensed on him. His figure is immediately an illusion, such as a fire dragon with claws and claws. Go to Zifeng to kill.

The fire dragon stirred the world, and the earth was filled with the smell of burning!


With a roar, he used his claws and claws to shoot at Zifeng's fire dragon, and a flame disappeared towards Zifeng!

"Nine-turning sword!"

Zifeng's eyes were shocked and his face was pale. At the moment the flame fell, the Nine Turns Sword Step and Zifeng disappeared directly into the flame.

When it appeared again, Zifeng had already jumped into the air!

"Supreme sword, the sixth style!"

"Broken Void!"

Zifeng was in the air, his sword moved, and the terrifying swordsman came down.

Every time everyone saw Zifeng's sword being smashed in his hand, a sword about a hundred feet long tore the sky apart, hit the emptiness of the void, and fell vaguely!


The sword fell, and Xu Jiangsheng's fire dragon exploded directly. Xu Jiangsheng's body flew out and fell 100 meters away, vomiting blood in the mouth, looking extremely embarrassed! "The sixth form of the highest sword destroys the void!"

Ye Wuhuan couldn't calm down. Looking at Zifeng, he stood up directly from the chair. When he looked at Zifengzhi's eyes, he was surprised.

"The sixth style! It's the sixth style, which breaks the void!" Tongji was the same. He was so scared that he straightened his eyes. He is a kendo disciple, and he naturally knows the name of each sword.

Seeing this trick displayed by Zifeng, Tongji recognized this in an instant. This is the sixth style of the supreme sword, breaking the void!

"On the landslide, the broken emptiness, the reverse side of the nine scorpions, the thoughts of Jianxin, the gods and the goddess." Ye Wuhuan looked at Zifeng in horror and whispered these words in his mouth.

Lin Jiang Yijian seriously injured Xu Jiangsheng and fell to the ground coughing up blood.

He looked up at Zifeng, his face getting more and more, his eyes gradually turned red, and he said to Zifeng: "Zifeng! Today, Xu Jiangsheng will break up with you!"

"come out!"

"The essence of fire."

Above Xu Jiangsheng's head, a cloud of reddish smoke condensed, and the inside was faintly visible, and he saw the flame that never extinguished in life.

"Are you crazy? Faced with thousands of warriors, you will show magical martial arts!" Zi Feng looked at Xu Jiangsheng, his eyes terrified!

"Are you crazy?"

Zifeng stared at Xu Jiangsheng's face, his eyes were raised, and his eyes trembled as he watched the red flame gradually condensed on the top of Xu Jiangsheng's head.

Xu Jiangsheng actually wanted to show the magical martial arts in front of thousands of fighters.

"The essence of fire!"

"Net Fire Lotus!"

When Wuhun didn't fully disclose it, Xu Jiangsheng's palm quickly condensed a terrifying world of firepower and firepower, and gradually turned into a flaming flame!

"This trick!"

Zifeng remembers this trick. At the end of the Shenwu Kingdom, this fire lotus almost destroyed a mountain. If Zifeng is not going to devour the soul of the sword, I am afraid he is still dead in this fire lotus. Down!

"The power of terror!"

"What's the problem with this? I think Xu Jiangsheng has absorbed a lot of firepower."

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