The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 198: too terrifying

Xu Jiangsheng smiled happily.

"Ye Wuhuan's predecessor. Zifeng, he."

After Xu Jiangsheng finished speaking, he immediately looked at Ye Wuhuan.

Ye Wuhuan was very curious at the moment, looking at Xu Jiangsheng, waiting for him to finish speaking. "Nine Turning Sword, eighth round!"

Seeing Xu Jiangsheng, Zifeng had to say that he has magical martial arts. Zifeng hardly hesitated. The speed of the Nine Turns Sword Step exploded and rushed towards Xu Jiangsheng!

A messy killing from Zifeng!

In the ninth round of the Nine Turns Sword Step, Zifeng has been successfully cultivated, but this is used by Zifeng as a card, and it is not easy to expose.

Now Xu Jiangsheng had to tell Ye Wuhuan and Zifengwu desperately.

Na Linbo can't keep it!

Xu Jiangsheng must kill Xu Jiangsheng before Zifengwu talks about the soul!

The speed of the eighth round made Zi Fenghua an afterimage, forcing Xu Jiangsheng. The fluctuations of the terrorist forces from Zifeng shocked the entire fighters on the battle stage!

"What a terrifying killing!" Jian Ruoruo exclaimed.

"What does Zifeng want to do? Don't be angry!" Ye Jianqiu exclaimed.

"This is killing!"

"Zifeng wants to kill Xu Jiangsheng?"

Many warriors saw that Zifeng was going to Xu Jiangsheng.

Kang Yu was shocked at the moment, sipping hurriedly: "Zifeng, stop, don't kill!"

While talking, Kang Yu also jumped from the chair and fell on the ring, trying to stop Zifeng!

But the moment Kangxi got up, Zifeng had already appeared in front of Xu Jiangsheng.

Xu Jiangsheng looked at Ye Wuhuan with a crazy look, and said with a smile: "Ye Wuhuan's predecessor, Zifeng, he has a demon."


Just as Xu Jiangsheng said, the voice suddenly ended.

His head went straight!

The blood rushes into the air like a pillar, which is like a shower of blood to the audience!

Zifeng looked coldly, looking ahead, Xu Jiangsheng's five corpses slowly fell to the ground, and the flying head also squatted five meters away, falling into a piece of **** mud!

"Very close!"

"The nature of the fire has been blown away by you, then you can't be born again!"

Zifeng's gaze was low, and there was still a trace of embarrassment in her heart. If it is not as good as Zifeng's timely shooting, I am afraid Xu Jiangsheng really said that Zifeng has a magical soul.


At this time, Kang Yu's voice came. At the same time, Kang Yu also appeared on the ring, standing next to Xu Jiangsheng.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Xu Jiangsheng has become a different person.


Kang Yu looked unbelievable on the ground, while Xu Jiangsheng, who was in the opposite position, had a trace of anger on his face.

Zifeng's face is dull!

Xu Jiang was alive and dead, and the secret of devouring the soul of the sword was saved.

"Zifeng really killed Xu Jiangsheng?"

"You can't kill on the stage!"

Many soldiers shouted in horror.

If the sword is cold, Ye Jianqiu's face is also surprising.

Kang Yiyang and Kang Shiyun were shocked by Zifeng's behavior.

Zi Feng said coldly.

"Oh, isn't it?" Ye Jianjun disdain!

Zifeng's eyes flashed over the unchecked Leng Bing. Suddenly, Zi Fengjiu turned to the sword and started to work. He turned into an extremely cold mango and rushed towards Ye Jianjun.

"get it!"

If the white scorpion and the sword are cold, the eyes will suddenly shrink, looking at Zifeng!

Ye Wuhuan, Zhao Longtu, and Du Guiyun are all looking in their eyes, looking anxiously!

This is the beginning of the battle, will it finally begin?

"Extreme sword! God!"

Zi Fenghua made a remnant image, passing by, when Ye Jianjun approached, the blade was lit up by the extremely cold, and a sword broke through a sharp and sharp endless crit!

A sword crossed the sky and fell down!

Rumble 1x1772

Under the terrible sword, the earth burst, and the smoke and dust were four rolls!

Many warriors saw this sword, they were shocked and secretly exclaimed: The power of this sword completely surpassed the cultivation of the heavenly environment, and the power is infinitely close to the flying heaven!

The leaves above are pictures of Wu Huan and Zhao Long, and Gu Yun is the master of Feitian. They could naturally see the power of the Purple Wind Sword approaching flying, and their faces were also surprised!

"The power of the supreme sword is very good, but in front of me, it is still not enough!" Ye Jianjun smiled coldly, the red emperor sword was pulled out in his hand, and a beautiful sword light passed through the sky!

With a sword, it actually contains Tianwei, directly smashing Zifeng a sword!

There was a fierce and incomparable sound in the air!

Zifeng turned around, the sword failed to hit Ye Jianjun, and he was not discouraged. He immediately slammed the sword, and the two swords smashed out of light and hit Ye Jianjun's body!

"Flying sword! The sword is ten million!"

When the swordsman was here, neither heaven nor earth was born!

Feijian, Lusong Sword, Ziyun Sword, three swords come out, kill Ye Jianjun!

When Zifeng flew into the air, the flying sword flew out of the dantian and swayed, turning into thousands of swords and shadows that killed Ye Jianjun, while the swordsmen on the Ziyun sword and the green sword followed closely!

Rumble 1x1772

An earth-shattering explosion is coming!

Three terrible killings fell on Ye Jianjun!

The smoke was like a wild monster, Ye Jianjun was swallowed!

"Zifeng's triple killing is all on Ye Jianjun!"

"Under the triple killing, I am worried that no one in the Heavenly Pill will be able to get it."

Many fighters are aware of the power of Zifeng's triple killing technique. This is terrible!

Zifeng landed, looking at the smoke with cold eyes!

"Ha ha!"

"The strength is not bad!"

"Your strength today is much better than six months ago."

Ye Jianjun's voice came from smoke.

At once, a number appeared in the smoke!

This person is amazing!

Ye Jianjun walked out of the smoke, patted the dust on his body, with a smile on his face.

Seeing Ye Jianjun look like this, Zifeng looks very cold!


"Zifeng's powerful triple killing technique did not harm Ye Jianjun's stupidity?" "How much power does this saint cultivate?"

"Yes, Ye Jianjun's strength today, he said he is a flying world, I am afraid no one will oppose it."

Many soldiers were exclaiming.

The strength Ye Jianjun has demonstrated so far has perfectly opposed the flying world!

And Ye Jianjun's true cultivation is still a perfect ending!

Zifeng looked at Ye Jianjun, and looked at him coldly: "After half a year, my three kills can't hurt Ye Jianjun. At that time, I was low and I was not surprised. Now I am the pinnacle of Jiulongjing Jiufeng's strength. When I got up, I didn't actually hurt him!",...

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