"I am worried that this person has developed extremely powerful refining techniques, otherwise the defense power will not be so amazing."

There is a guess in Zifeng's heart!

Ye Jianjun smiled and said, "Since I have a few swords, I can pick me up!"

"Red Sun!"

Ye Jianjun walked out immediately, his body was in a state of chaos, and his strength soared!

From him, there is a terrible fire of power, and the whole person is like a raging fire!


Ye Jianjun looked sneer, a sword broke!

A fierce Yang sword, the sky is falling!

Rumble 1x1772

The power of the sun burns the earth and tears the sky!

Under this sword, Zifeng hurriedly went to work, the five elements of the gods' riots, terrible spiritual power came out, concentrated on the double swords, and moved forward!

Just heard "click"!


This sword dropped the Ziyun sword!

The Ziyun sword was cut off on the spot, turned into two pieces, and fell to the ground!

At the same time, this sword also hit Zifeng's chest and flew directly to Zifeng!

"Sword, broken?"

"The Ziyun sword in Zifeng's hand is just a nine-character sword! How does it compare with Ye Jianjun's extreme weapon?"

Many soldiers saw the Ziyun sword broken, and they all felt sorry for Zifeng.

The gap between the soldiers is a bit big!

"Ziyun." Zifeng ignored his injuries and looked at the Ziyun sword split into two pieces on the ground. His face also showed anger.

Although Ziyun Sword has not followed Zifeng for a long time, it is also Zifeng's long-standing **** weapon. Zifeng already regarded him as a good friend.

Now Ziyun Jian was severed by Ye Jianjun, and Zifeng was heartbroken!

"It seems you are near the end of the road."

"Let me end this battle."

After Ye Jianjun broke the Ziyun sword, his face smiled slightly, and he rushed directly to Zifeng!

The power of the terrible flame condensed on Ye Jianjun's sword, sharp and torn apart!

Rumble 1x1772

A terrible sword fell, and Ye Jianjun's sharp offensive immediately suppressed Zifeng!

When Jian Ruohan saw this scene, his face was suddenly shocked: "No, Zifeng was suppressed by Ye Jianjun."

The white pheasant is also a cold passage: "It turned out that Zifeng and Ye Jianjun had a battle, and they were at a disadvantage. Now they are still suppressed. I am worried that Ye Jianjun will not give Zifeng a chance to breathe!" Jian Ruo vaguely Said: "This is the gap between the gods!"

"If Zifeng holds very martial arts in his hands, he won't be crushed so hard!"

Jian Ruoruo and Bai Yu both said so.

Kang Yiyang and Kang Shiyun had no choice but to shake their heads.

Kangxi repaired the emperor's sword and retreated for half a year without releasing it. The Emperor's sword is not completely repaired!

Seeing that Ye Jianjun completely suppressed Zifeng, Zhao Longtu showed a happy smile on his face: "It seems that victory has been set, Ye Wuhuan teaches, Yuyue teaches, what can you say?"

Ye Wuhuan also withdrew his gaze and nodded gently.

These three are the masters of Feitian, and the martial arts are extremely profound, they can naturally see the victory on the battlefield at a glance!

Now, Ye Jianjun will suppress Zifeng, no accident, Zifeng is undoubtedly defeated.

"Hey, is it worse?" Du Guyun shook his head and said.


On the spot, shine!

Ye Jianjun madly suppressed Zifeng. The swordsman went to Zifeng. He smiled and said, "Hahaha, Zifeng, still do not admit defeat? If you do not admit defeat, your other sword must be cut off. I."

Ye Jianjun's complexion gradually became crazy!

Zifeng's face was ugly, running desperately to fight mentally!

And at this time!

A messy man quickly ran out of the battlefield and saw the sword in the middle of the field, facing Zifeng!

"Good insurance, finally caught up!"

"Zifeng, take up the sword!"

This messy man, his eyes were flowing, he caught a glimpse of a sword from his storage bag, and a bright sword appeared in his hand, which was ejected directly by him and flew into the purple wind!

The sword was attacked, and the terrifying power of the great martial arts echoed in heaven and earth!

"Who really interrupted the game?"

Many soldiers are terrified!

"Father!" Kang Yiyang and Kang Shiyun saw this more embarrassing man, and his faces were full of surprises.

"Lord Kang Yufeng is here, so he gave Zifeng's sword, that's it." Jian Ruohan immediately looked very happy when he saw Kangxi coming.

The white scorpion was still looking at the sword of Feijian Zifeng!

"Okay?" Ye Jianjun looked surprised, and suddenly looked back!

"The Emperor's Sword!"

"Repair the emperor's sword!"

"I didn't expect Kang Hao to really fix him?"

Ye Jianjun's expression was a bit surprised!

EmperorHeartSword, like the weapon of the gods, not to mention that it is on these five peaks, even if it is repaired in Lingnan.

Kang Hao actually did it!

The emperor's heart is flying!

Zifeng jumped up and picked up the hilt of the Emperor's sword.

The terrorist force of extreme martial arts was immediately introduced into the palm of Zifeng. Zifeng's face was ecstatic: "Kang Yufeng, thank you for your hard work to restore extreme martial arts. Kang's kindness, I will definitely walk out the door. Thank you!"

Holding the emperor's sword, Zifeng's backhand is a crit!

"Ye Jianjun, you ruined my Ziyun sword!"

"Today I also ruined your Red Emperor Sword!"

"Secret of Wu Soul! Stop Ge!"

Zifeng whispered in his heart, a black mango condensed in the forest, gathered on the emperor's sword! The black man was broken and hit the Red Emperor Sword!

Ye Jianjun was shocked and felt that the upload of the Red Emperor Sword was a tremor.

"Red Emperor Sword, in this black mang's taboo." Ye Jianjun clearly felt that the Red Emperor Sword was taboo, and it almost avoided this black man's attack!

"The red emperor sword, in this black mango's taboo."

A terrible color appeared on Ye Jianjun's face, and the Red Emperor Sword in his hand trembled violently, weakly leaving Ye Jianjun's palm to escape!

Ye Jianjun felt the jealousy of the Red Emperor Sword, and immediately turned around and retreated 100 meters!

Avoid the Purple Wind Sword!

"What the **** is this black mage? In fact, the red emperor sword feels a bit dangerous. This is a martial arts magic weapon specially used for **** weapons!"

There was a trace of terror on Ye Jianjun's face!

"Extreme sword! Jianxin!"

When Lin Jia retreated, the emperor's sword was shining brightly.

Jian Xin thought, attack Ye Jianjun! ,, ..

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