"Fire concept! Jin Wujian!"

Ye Jianjun sighed in the sky, the flames of heaven and earth gathered together, turning it into a flame purgatory above martial arts, with nine golden suns standing upright.

Jin Wu in Jinyang rushed out at this moment.

"It's a pity! If you have perfect perfection in heaven and on earth, then I will lose it today!"

"But Zifeng, you don't have that chance."

At this moment, Ye Jianjun stood up from the ground and rushed into the terrifying flame!

"Fire. Mood!"

Ye Jianjun shouted in his mouth.

"Golden Sword! Akasaka!"

Ye Jianjun walked out immediately, the sky and the earth were dark, the earth was scorched, and the sky and the earth were enveloped by wolf smoke.

A sword gleams like a chestnut in fire, dazzling!

"You ask!"

Zifeng flashed his eyes immediately and slammed Ye Jianjun's sword!

Rumble 1x1772

The two swords collided fiercely in mid-air, and a terrifying force directly suppressed Zifeng!

With a loud noise, Zifeng's body flew out!

"how so!"

"His swordsmanship has increased nearly ten times!"

Zi Fengzhen was on the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth. He was pale and pale, and said deeply.

what happened?

Just ask for a sword, and even fight with Ye Jianjun, and now a sword of Ye Jianjun can easily fly to Zifeng, and his flames are so terrible that Zifeng was almost killed!

"this is……"

"Is this the mood?"

Ye Wuhuan and Zhao Longtu, as well as Du Guiyun's face, showed a trace of horror.

Du Guyun looked at Ye Jianjun coldly, and said weakly: "I really didn't expect that Ye Jianjun was really aware of the spirit of fire, and this time Zifeng was in trouble."

"Practicing the martial arts of artistic conception, the power of swordsmanship is far from comparable to that of swordsmen."

Yunyunyun looked at each other and said secretly.

Above the Ninth-Order Sword, this is the mood!

In the huge square, there are many fighters from the Five Peaks of Miracle Ridge.

At this time, the entire first peak, from the top to the foot of the mountain, was in a state of overcrowding!

Countless warriors come to congratulate Su Cang!

After all, the Su Shi dynasty is now the new master of Miracle Ridge, and Su Cang has also been canonized as a saint. These fighters naturally want to knot!

"This ancient girl, the dean of Qingqing, are you not ready to leave Miracle Ridge?" At this time, Wenyue and Kangxi saw two familiar figures in the crowd and immediately said with a smile.

Lu Qingyan's old face was very dignified, and he took a deep breath. He said: "I may leave, but I may not leave. Everything will be today."

Kang Yu and Wen Yue were very confused when they heard Lu Qinglan's words. They couldn't understand what Lu Qing said.

Gu Yuqing's eyes were far and wide, and he saw a distant place on the stage. Su Cang, Tian Bing and Wei Qing greeted the strong, looking like smiles.

Kang Yu had a cold contempt on her face.

Wen Yue said coldly: "Tian Bing and Wei Qing, I didn't see it on weekdays. They are actually the trend of such a generation!"

"Ye Wuhuan has just been beaten into this dungeon, and the two of them ran in front of Su Cang."

Lu Qingxi said indifferently: "What is the solution? The three masters of the Supreme Master are recognized strong figures on Miracle Ridge. Now they have been taught, and Zhao Longtu has been abolished."

"The last one left is Ye Wuhuan. This pillar has collapsed! Who else dares to challenge Su's dynasty?"

"Even if I wait, I don't accept it, but it's hard to attack!"

"Finally, Ye Wuhuan's teachings fell, and Miracle Ridge lost its leader and there was no resistance!"

Lu Qing smiled contemptuously.

Kang Hao sighed: "Yes, if Ye Wuhuan is still in charge, let him scream. Although I am not an opponent of the Su Shi dynasty, the Su Shi dynasty wants to take over in just one month. Miracle Mountain, I am worried that it will be difficult. Do it."

"From now on, Miracle Ridge seems to change hands."

"Miraculous Ridge fell into Lingnan's hands, and has been in the position of Tobu in Wuwuling since then."

"After all, these martial artists from Lingnan look down on Lingdong's martial arts from their hearts."

Kang Yu said lightly: "The Miracle Ridge is over."

When Lu Qing heard Kang Yu's long sigh, he smiled. "Maybe it is not finished yet, but everything depends on how many waves can be sent today!"

Wen Yue and Kangxi heard Lu Qingqi's words and looked at Lu Qingyu's weirdness.

The two of them found that Lu Qingyi was particularly unusual today!

If you say so, it seems to have some implication, but it is unpredictable!

Lu Qingqi felt the strange look of Wenyue and Kangxi, the mysterious smile, and said vaguely, "I am afraid this wedding today will not be so easy to continue!"

"We, let's wait and see."

Miracle Ridge, the first peak, is overcrowded! Countless warriors stood with their friends, waiting for the wedding ceremony to begin.

The master hall is relatively clean, after all, at this moment, even the peak master of the five peaks is not qualified to step into this hall.

At the moment, a middle-aged man and a young man stand side by side in the master hall.

This middle-aged man is the emperor of the Su dynasty, Li Hai Wang, Su Li Hai!

And this young man, with a gloomy face, his eyes with sharp rays of light, like a pair of pupils is a pair of sharp swords, it makes people feel shuddering at first sight!

This person is a strong sword repairer!

He is Ye Jianjun!

The Young Sword Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

That year, Ye Jianjun rose from the miraculous ridge and obtained the "Blood Shadow Demon Body" martial soul at the second martial arts altar. With the power of the martial soul, he condensed a clone and stayed on the miraculous ridge, waiting for the **** of good fortune. The opening of the palace!

The clone staying on the miraculous ridge has the sole purpose of making the temple good.

But the deity of Ye Jianjun went to Lingnan. In just three years, Ye Jianjun gained a reputation in the Tongtian Sword Sect in Lingnan and was named one of the Young Sword Masters!

The Young Sword Sovereign of the Tongtian Sword Sect has an extremely lofty status and status, which is equivalent to which level of the prince of the Azure Dragon Empire.

Back then, the Young Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect was also the future master of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Ye Jianjun looked at the square in front of the Headmaster Hall and countless warriors, and said coldly: "Senior Su Lihai, I hope your speculation is correct, Zifeng is still alive the best!"

Su Lihai said: "Su Cang concluded that Zifeng is still alive. He said that with Zifeng's cultivation base, no one in Lingdong can kill him!"

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