The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 206: There are relationships

"Therefore, we put down this trap and waited for Zifeng to come into the net."

Ye Jianjun said, "Did Senior Su Lihai arrange someone?"

Su Lihai said: "Don't worry, I have asked Tian Bing and Wei Qing to arrange the martial artist. As long as they find Zifeng, he will have nowhere to escape."

"After catching Zifeng, we are here to discuss how to get what we all want from him."

Ye Wuhuan sneered: "We?"

Ye Jianjun's eyes were cold and cold. After hearing Su Lihai's words, he looked back at the church hall. In the other chairs, a few people sat, their faces darkened again!

In the palm of the hall, at this moment, except for Ye Jianjun and Su Lihai, the other chairs are sitting on someone else!

And these few people don't seem to have such good roles!

"Okay, the wedding is over."

"You, Su will not accompany you. After all, this is my wedding held by Su Shi. As a prince Su Shi, Su should naturally appear!"

"Of course, if you don't disappoint a group of ants, you can also come out and drink a glass of water."

Su Lihai said to Ye Jianjun and the others in the hall.

Ye Jianjun smiled contemptuously, sitting on the chair, never expected to go out.

Several other people like Ye Jianjun laughed at Ling Dong! Su Lihai saw the behavior of these people, ignored them, and walked straight out of the hall!

In the square!

The Su Emperor came out of the temple and was under great pressure.

Su Shihai is like this invisible magic. When he came out, all the soldiers in this place couldn't help but stare at him.

At this moment, he is like the only protagonist in the world, condensed by thousands of people!

"See the Supreme Master!"

"See the Supreme Master!"

Thousands of martial arts magical ridges, all bending towards Su Hai!

Even Wen Yu, Kangxi and others did the same!


"Brother Wang."

The groom's robe Su Cang faces Su and the Soviet Union.

Su Lihai smiled and said, "Well, Su Cang, let's start."

Su Cang nodded slightly.

"Bring the bride."

Su Cang said vaguely.

After the simple conversation between Su Shihai and Su Cang, the whole first peak uploaded cheerful music!

Accompanied by music, a beautiful woman wearing a phoenix crown walked into everyone's eyes step by step.

The red dress adds color and makes her beautiful.

After she appeared, the audience looked away from Su.

When I saw her, the eyes of all the men in the audience could not leave!

"Ye Suxin. It's so beautiful."

"It's really the world."

"Are there such beautiful colors in the world?"

Many men exclaimed, they looked at Ye Suxin's heart straight. Some men's mouths are free from the hazel tree.

Su Cang smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth and walked over.

Ye Suxin looked at Su Cang and walked to his face. His face was cold, and he said, "My father Su Cang?"

"Your father?"

Su Cang smiled softly: "Don't you say I was forgotten, there is another Ye Wuhuan!"

The whole scene is very quiet, eyes condensed on Su Cang and Ye Suxin!

These two people, Nan Jun's female beauties, are like a pair of heavenly creations!

Su Cang laughed at this moment, looked around the audience, and said vaguely: "Today, Su is a big day. There are some things that Su wants to tell everyone!"

Hearing Su Cang's words, the entire soldier was embarrassed.

say what?

Is there anything more important than marriage now?

Ye Suxin looked at Su Cang, unable to understand what he was doing.

Su Cang sneered: "Ye Wuhuan, how long do you want to hide? Can't you come out yet?"

Su Cang sang loudly, loudly, all over the place.

"Ye Wuhuan teaches?"

"Didn't he be driven into the dungeon by Sea King?"

"Did Ye Wuhuan teach to escape?"

Many warriors heard Su Cang say this, and immediately revealed a hint of surprise!

Su Lihai stood together with the Soviet war, gave a sneer, and watched Su Cang's performance. Today is Su Cang's protagonist. So Su Suhai will naturally regard Su Cang as the limelight. Otherwise, will the place facing the Su Shi dynasty be placed?

Hearing Su Cang's voice, he walked out of the crowd of a middle-aged man with a broken arm. When he came out, he looked gloomy and looked at Su Cang with his eyes.

"Ye Wuhuan teaches, how do you escape?"

"Really Ye Wuhuan teaches!"

Many soldiers saw this broken arm in their middle age, and they were all exclaimed.

"Father, you are fine." Ye Suxin shouted in surprise.

Ye Wuhuan shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

Su Cang sneered: "Of course he is fine!"

"Ye Suxin and the soldiers of Miracle Ridge, I'm afraid you still don't know."

"This Ye Wuhuan is related to my Su Shi dynasty. My uncle Su Suhai and I colluded and made a bitter plan in the temple!"

"Use the battlefield of the Chixian Dynasty to trade, and let the Su Dynasty help the Holy Night Dynasty stay in Lingnan Station. Therefore, in order to help the Su Shi Dynasty quickly take over the battlefield of the Chixianzong, there is a bitterness!"

"This is just the Su Shi dynasty's disdain and these benefits are very small, so on the day of my wedding today, I will swear Ye Wuhuan's despicable behavior, let the warriors of Miracle Ridge see that this Ye Wuhuan is facing it!"

Su Cang's anger and angry face screamed at Ye Wuhuan!


Su Cang in this episode is like thunder on the head of a magical Lingwu!

Ye Suxin paled when she heard this!

But Ye Wuhuan's face was cold and gloomy like water. As Su Cang said these words, Ye Wuhuan was named after the magical ridge!

At this moment, the warriors on the first peak of Miracle Ridge were all angry when they heard Su Cang's words.

Including Kangxi and Wenyue, they all looked at Ye Wuhuan suspiciously.

"is this real?"

"Ye Wuhuan teaches, how can you do this!"

"Although you are the supreme master, the magical ridge is not the territory of your holy dynasty. This magical ridge is a miracle for all of us!"

"Yes, the magic ridge is the life of our Wufeng martial artist and nine martial arts fighters. How dare you take it out to trade with others?"

Many soldiers pointed at Ye Wuhuan!

Ye Suxin looked at Ye Wuhuan and asked in surprise, "Father, does Su Cang say this is true?"

"In order to keep in touch with the Soviet dynasty, do you trade with the battlefield of Chixianzong?"

"In order for the Su Shi dynasty to take over the battlefield of Chixianzong more quickly, what kind of pain did it exert in that hall?"

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