The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 213: Contest

"What is great, but it is just a demon sword. Even if he is strong, it is just a naked eye. If it is really handed over, none of us can fall in the wind!"

"I'm very angry, why?"

"In terms of strength, we are all perfect in the sky!"

"As far as genius is concerned, we are the peerless genius at the first step of the ladder!"

"What is his oriental white? Except for the demon sword in his hand, can you compare it with us?" "Why do you show him his eyes after he appears?"

Xingxing and his son looked colder and colder.

In his childhood, this star son has always been a genius, and he has long been accustomed to where he looks up.

At this moment, after Zifeng appeared, the star son found that the audience's gaze was no longer a star, which made the star son angry.

Especially just now, the six emperors toasted with him, but after the six emperors heard that the Eastern whites were coming, they immediately went to Dongfangbai, leaving the celebrity son’s wine glass to be put down helplessly!

When Qianshui's son heard it, the star son actually smiled immediately because of this unhappiness.

Hu Long smiled and said: "Oh! Stars, if you are upset, you can grab the monster sword. When the time is white, you really are nothing!"

"The question is, can you take the magic sword from Dongfang White?"

Hu Longgong smiled.

The celebrity son heard this angrily: "Hu Long, are you looking at me?"

Duke Hu Long picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and smiled. "I'm telling the truth."

The star son screamed coldly: "Apart from the demon sword in his hand, where is Dongfang Bai, can you fight with me? Since you don't believe it, then, well, wait for the apprentice, I It will definitely make the East fail." In the mood of my star, hold the magic sword to play with it! "

The star son said coldly.

When Qian Shuizi heard this, he suddenly said in his heart: This star son really has no brains. He thinks this is your home. This is taken care of by Hu Long.

A meaningful smile appeared on Duke Hu's face, he took a sip from the cup!

Hu Longgong, the eldest son of Jiancheng of the Feiyun Dynasty, is the eldest brother of Hu Xiaer's eldest brother Hu Hu!

Zifeng chatted with the six emperors, Ni Xiangen, for a long time, and then the two returned to their seats.

Zifeng also sat down and had a drink with Xue Qing.

Xue Qing said excitedly: "The big brother of the East, this place is a lot of geniuses in Lingnan!"

Zifeng smiled indifferently: "Yes, Tianjiao banquet, the invitation must come from the leaders of the young generation of Lingnan!"

Zifeng sat down to drink, and found some bad eyes around!

At this moment, a young man in a black robe, with a sinister smile on his lips, took a wine glass to Zifeng, smiled and said: "The magic sword is passed over, I want to know if I can drink a glass with you? "

Zifeng raised his head, not knowing this person.

Looking at this person's direction, it should belong to the emperor's place!

Xue Qing looked at Lin Huaier seriously and said, "He is the prince of the Feiyun Dynasty!"

"Prince Feiyun?" Zifeng frowned!

Zifeng stood up, drank a glass of wine, and smiled at Prince Feiyun!

Prince Feiyun smiled slightly, and after having a drink with Zifeng, he took a sip.

After that, Prince Feiyun took a step forward, a little closer to Zifeng. He whispered: "The Devil Sword is a descendant, and the white of the east is really a big name. I don't know if the Dongfang brothers can remember a man named Han Di. People?" Zifeng smiled slightly: "I killed it. "

Prince Feiyun smiled and said: "Haha, I wonder if Brother Dongfang knows the relationship between Handi and me"

Zifeng said: "I've heard of it, it seems to be your teacher."

Prince Feiyun shook his head and smiled: "No, he is not my teacher"

Zifeng was taken aback.

How is this going?

When I saw Han Di in the Deserted Dragon City, Zifeng indeed knew that Han Di was the enlightenment teacher of Prince Feiyun.

Prince Feiyun smiled and said, "! He is my father, although he is not his biological father, but he is like a real father."

"Brother Dongfang should understand that there is affection for the Emperor's House, but Teacher Handi gave me the feeling of affection!"

Prince Feiyun said this, his eyes gradually narrowed, and a murderous aura was involuntarily exuded from him!

Zifeng smiled and said, "What then?"

Prince Feiyun smirked: "I will also participate in the contest three days later"

Zifeng smiled and said, "So what?"

Seeing that Zifeng was still so indifferent, Prince Feiyun immediately turned his complexion and did not hide his murderous aura at all. He gritted his teeth and said, "So, in these three days, you'd better find a good grave, because three In the future, you will definitely die in my hands!"


After speaking, Prince Feiyun walked away straight away!

Zifeng looked at Prince Feiyun's back and smiled speechlessly: "You are here to demonstrate, for those who are willing to kneel and lick you, this set may be a little deterrent, but for me, you are simply looking for death! "

"If you want revenge, just come, just for fear that you won't get revenge, and you will kill you in vain!"

Zifeng smiled slightly and sat down.

Xue Qing was the closest to Zifeng and Prince Feiyun. At this moment, he saw Prince Feiyun returning with murderous intent. He immediately asked in horror: "Big Brother Dongfang, do you have enemies with Prince Feiyun?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "There are many people who have enemies with me."

Xue Qing smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Prince Qianshui came over with a wine glass, looked at Prince Feiyun's departure, and said with a smile: "Brother Dongfang, this Prince Feiyun seems to be very hostile to you, do you need help?"

Zifeng looked at the person in front of him, but didn't know him.

Young Master Qianshui smiled and said, "I'm down."


Still waiting for Qian Shuizi to report to his house, Xue Qing excitedly said to Zifeng: "The eldest brother of the East, he is one of the three sons, Qian Shuizi!"

Zifeng suddenly realized that he stood up and drank a glass of wine, and smiled: "It turns out that he is the son of Qianshui, he has been known for a long time! It is said that the dripping water of Qianshui's son has been raised in the middle, and he is a leader in art practice among his peers. ."

Thousands of Shui sons smiled and said: "In the next achievements, how to compare with the Demon Sword! I am coming tonight, but I want a Demon Sword and a Demon Sword to meet!", ....

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