Zifeng smiled slightly, even one of the three sons of the Son of Thousand Waters was waiting for this epic level!

Later, Zifeng and Qian Shuizi stood together and talked for a long time.

Before Qian Shuizi left, he whispered in front of Zifeng: "Be careful of Hu Long and the star son!"

After that, Qian Shuizi smiled and returned to his seat.

When Zifeng heard Qian Shuigong's last words, Qianshui's son said that he did not want to be heard by anyone.

Even Xue Qing did not hear Qian Shuigong's last words.

Zifeng took a sip and looked at the genius seat on the right.

At first glance, I saw Duke Hu Long!

Yulong's son sneered and glanced at Zifeng's gaze. He picked up the glass, raised his face to face the purple wind, and took a sip.

But Zifeng can still see that the meaning of this Hu Long Palace smile is more terrifying than the devil.

Like another star son, although he felt Zifeng's gaze, he didn't care, but there was still a trace of disdain on his face, his mouth groaned, and he took care of himself with the wine glass!

Zi Feng said quietly: "This Hu Long Palace hates me again. I understand it well. After all, Hu Hu died in my hands. This demon sword should belong to Hu Long. He is right. I am hostile, I can understand. ."

"But this star son, I don't seem to irritate him?"

Zifeng thought about this. This was the first time he saw a star son, and he did not get rid of each other.

"Since thousands of waters reminded me to be careful of Hu Long and the stars, obviously they are staring at me."

"Forget it, they dare to clean up together."

Zifeng didn't care about sitting down.

Now Zifeng doesn't want to figure out where he offended the star's son. In any case, if the celebrity son wants to make trouble, then Zifeng will not let the celebrity son eat any delicious fruits!

After all, who is the provocative character at the Tianjiao banquet?

Next, the emperor of the dynasty stood up to Zifeng's seat. Zifeng was very happy!

After a round, Zifeng basically got to know the audience!

Zifeng glanced back and saw some other familiar people.

For example, Gu Lingfei and Liang Chunrong took the second step.

The two men were very interested in Zifeng. Gu Lingfei was almost killed by Zifeng, but Liang Chunrong was weak in protection. The three emperors of Yuntian died in the hands of Zifeng. After he returned, he was severely crowned by Emperor Yuntian. After the penalty kick, he also hates Zifeng at the moment!

Tianjiao Banquet, originally did not come to study.

This banquet was originally intended to make the distance between the dynasty and these martial artists closer, so that these geniuses can be used in the dynasty in the future!

"Brother Dongfang, the emperor of the Soviet Union, Su Lingqi!" At this moment, Emperor Su Shi came over and said with a smile.

Zifeng smiled slightly, picked up the cup, and said with a smile: "Su's dynasty? Haha, I don't know if Prince Su Lingqi knows a person named Su Cang?"

Su Lingqi was full of surprises and said, "Eastern brothers know Su Cang? Not the other way around. Su Cang is a side of my dynasty, but because he has made great contributions to Lingdong, he is now my father. Franchising has become a royal family! "So, now Su Cang's name should be Su Lingcang!"

"The martial arts in Lingcang County are very talented. They are still shocked by Lingdong's second martial arts. They are highly valued. Now, his practice is thousands of miles away, and I will leave it all."

"If the Dongfang brothers and the Su Cang county brothers know each other, then I can go to my Su Shi dynasty as a guest, and the door of my Su Shi dynasty will always be open to the Dongfang brothers!"

Su Lingqi said excitedly that he originally wanted to win Demon Sword, but once he heard that he and Su Cang met, he immediately fell in love.

Zifeng smiled and said: "Yes, of course, he is free, he will definitely go to the Su Shi Dynasty!"

Zifeng and Su Lingqi had a drink.

Su Lingqi didn't realize that when Zifeng raised his head to drink, his eyes flashed with cold eyes!

Right now.

A maid walked into the hall with a black robe, and Zi Feng's gaze fell on the black robe.

The black-robed warrior sat on the seat, and the maid went to the six emperors Long Qing, and said: "His Royal Highness, the magic sword is handed down, and Zhang Jianxing is here."


When the six emperors heard this, they subconsciously looked at Zifeng!

This epic encounter between the Demon Sword and the Demon Sword is coming soon?

When the black robe entered the hall, Zifeng fell on him.

Zifeng felt that this man had a strong sword!

"Awesome sword repair."

Zifeng saw that Heipao had sat down, and then he returned his gaze.

At this time, the six emperors heard the return of the maid and immediately stood up and shouted: "You, believe that the soldiers in the Lingnan area know that there are five peerless swords in the Lingnan area, which are the gods of demons. Ghosts!"

"The sword is in the Heavenly Sword Cake, the sword is in my Azure Dragon Empire!"

"Unfortunately, my Azure Dragon Empire has acquired the Excalibur for many years, but none of them has a kendo wizard who can afford the Excalibur!"

"The sword of the Heavenly Sword has never found a suitable swordsman!"


"Even if we did not see the glory of the sword and the sword, we are fortunate to see today's magic sword passer and magic sword passer, this is also a great honor!"

"It is inferred that the last time the Demon Sword and Demon Sword met was 6000 years ago!"

"Today, the Demon Sword appeared, and the Demon Sword also came!"

"We are all lucky witnesses in this epic encounter!"

"I want to introduce to you in a powerful way, the magic sword is handed down, Zhang Jianxing!"

After the impassioned words of the Six Emperors, they said excitedly that they came to the side of the black robe.

When the Six Emperors came out, the audience's eyes fell on Zhang Jianxing again!

Even Zifeng and Xue Qing couldn't help but look over!

This warrior named Zhang Jianxing, wearing a loose black robe, looks calm and calm, his eyes are gloomy, his black shawl, he is a bit handsome, he has a sharp edge that cannot be hidden! "Zhang Xiong, I will respect you." The six emperors continued to toast as usual.

This is called Zhang Jianxing's fighter. This is also a smile, he drank a drink, drank a drink.

At this moment, Ni Xiangen looked at Zhang Jianxing and turned to Zifeng!

Zifeng also found that Ni Xiangen was looking at him, and immediately smiled. ,, ..

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